Lazarus mandate

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Sloppy version, because I'm tired... feel free to touch up coding and grammar. But not grammar in mandate. that needs to go through the proper channels.

Lazarus has been ruled under 3 versions of its consitution, or Mandate. The first, dating from early 2004, would last until the summer of 2004, when New Omnivaro userpered the delegacy. It was picked up again in the fall, but deemed too bureaucratic. It was replaced by Mandate 2.0, which would never be completed. By June 0f 2005, a third version of the Lazarus Mandate was created, and passed with 100% support in a vote of regional members, form June 5th to 12th. This version follows.

Mandate of Lazarus

-Nex est Tantum a Pupillus Obstaculum-

I. Preamble
Recognizing the unique and inherant responsibility of authority in Lazarus, we lay forth the following government, to be known as the Lazarus Mandate, along with such policies that will ensure efficient management and orientation of those nations that find themselves amongst the reborn of Lazarus.

II. Acronyms
The following acronyms are used in this document, or are understood among the citizens or Lazarus.

  • FAC - Foreign Affairs Commission(er)
  • HC - High Commission(er)
  • IC - Interior Commission(er)
  • NS - NationStates
  • PIC - Public Interest Commission(er)
  • PM - Private Message
  • RV - Registered Voter(s)
  • SC - Security Commission(er)
  • UDH - Undead Hordes
  • UN - United Nations
  • YC - Yaman Council

III. Commissions and Commissioners
The following Commissions shall be serviced by one Commissioner each, to be appointed by the UN Delegate, from the Members of the Yaman Council.

-The High Commissioner,is the UN Delegate's direct deputy, appointed to continual service during his or her delegacy. The High Commissioner is responsible for serving as a liaison between the Commissions, the Delegacy, and the people of Lazarus. The High Commissioner also exercises oversight of the other Commissions and Commissioners, ensuring that they maintain their offices properly and actively.

-The Interior Commission, to be led by the Interior Commissioner appointed by the UN Delegate, is responsible for ensuring that all election guidelines for public offices are followed, and the mechanisms for declaring candidacies are properly maintained. The Interior Commissioner is also charged with receiving and reviewing registered voter applications, and periodically presenting them to the YC.

-The Security Commission, to be led by the Security Commissioner, is responsible for maintaining the defenses of Lazarus as well as the Undead Hordes. In addition, it shall gather such intelligence necessary to the defense of Lazarus, and the proper maintainance of all legitimate delegacies. The Security Commissioner must be a member of the Undead Hordes. He shall be elected via majority of Hordesmen and Registered Voters, before the rest of the YC has been appointed.

-The Foreign Affairs Commission, to be led by the Foreign Affairs Commissioner appointed by the UN Delegate, is responsible for negotiating treaties and alliances at the pleasure of the UN Delegate and the oversight of the Council. In addition, it shall found and maintain embassies in all available or diplomatically related regions.

-The Public Interest Commission, to be led by the Public Interest Commissioner appointed by the UN Delegate, is responsible for maintaining the content of the Regional Headquarters according to independent Commission guidelines, subject to Delegacy and Council oversight.

IV. The United Nations Delegacy
The United Nations Delegacy from Lazarus shall be led by the UN Delegate, as elected to represent the region by the registered voters, and approved by surpassing the endorsements of the previous UN Delegate. The UN Delegate is charged with informing the region of UN votes, and voting according the their will. The UN Delegate shall also be responsible for appointing Commissioners from the Yaman council, appointing new members to the Yaman council, and generally keeping charge of things within the region. The UN Delegate is considered the regional Head of State.

V. The Yaman Council The Yaman Council(YC) shall consist of seven nations, each appointed to the Council by the UN Delegate. Any nation may be appointed to the YC, assuming there is a vacancy, that said nation has been registered on the regional forums for one full month, that they are not serving as UN Delegate, that they are Registered Voters, and that they are not deemed to be of conflicting interests. A term on the Yaman Council shall end only by resignation, by an extended period of absence (with 100% approval from all other members of the YC), or by vote of the regional members, whose end result shall be a minimum of 65% of regional voters approving the impeachment.
All members of the YC will be given one vote in YC affairs, and the freedom to speak their minds within the Private Government Discussions. Five of the YC member nations will be appointed by the UN Delegate to one of Lazarus' Commissions. The exception is the Security Commissioner, who is to be elected from the eligible remaining YC members by the Registered Voters and the Undead Hordes.

VI. Voter Registration In order to take part in regional votes, to serve as a member of the Yaman Council, or to campaign for, or become UN Delegate, one must become a Registered Voter.
Before registering to vote, member states must have, for a minimum of one week, been registered on the regional forums, making a minimum of three posts as a resident of Lazarus. They must also have a nation in the region at the time of application, and as long as they retain RV status. Interested persons are then welcome to fill out a voter application form, and submit it to the Commission of the Interior, either privately (via PM) or publicly (by posting in the appropriate thread). The Interior Commissioner will review all applications, ask any questions that need to be asked, and then either approve or reject the application.
The IC will present his findings, including all accepted and rejected applications, and any other information he finds, to the members of the YC. If a member of the YC is concerned about an RV, he may repeal an application. The YC will then vote on the appeal, and, in cases where they have not reached a majority decision, the UN Delegate shall have the final vote.

VII. Elections The UN Delegate shall be elected by the Registered Voters (RV) of the region. Each registered voter may place one vote in Delegate elections. All RVs with a UN nation in Lazarus may campaign for the position of UN Delegate, except those serving on the YC. YC members must resign their position in the council before announcing their intention to run.
The elections period shall last three weeks, with nominations open throughout all three weeks. The second and third weeks shall be a period of campaigning, and the third and final week shall be for voting. After the 7 days of voting have ended, the nation with the majority of the RV's votes will be declared UN Delegate.
Should there be no majority winner, the top two nations will be put into a 5 day re-vote. After 5 days, if there is still no majority, the remaining members of the YC, and the outgoing UN Delegate (if he or she is not running for re-election, and has not already appointed his/herself to the YC), shall vote, in an attempt to determine a winner.
If, however, voting is still tied, then said two nations will be welcome to "usurper" the Delegacy by gaining endorsements from Lazarus' UN Nations, via any means legal to NS game rules (except foreign assistance). Should the winner be determined via forum vote, the outgoing UN Delegate is required to change the WFE, urging all UN nations to endorse the newly-elected Delegate. It is then the responsibilty of this newly-elected Delegate to garner enough support from the region's UN nations to gain his/her position.

VIII. The Undead Hordes The Undead Hordes shall be overseen by the Security Commissioner, and consist of volunteer consrcipts from amongst the native forum members. UDH members shall be referred to as Hordesmen, and are members of the government of Lazarus. They should conduct themselves accordingly.
If the SC so chooses, he may appoint a maximum of three generals, who shall jointly be responsible for the UDH in his absence, and will assist in missions, the creation of and changes to regulations, and recruiting for the UDH. Generals must be Registered Voters, and may only be demoted via resignation, or approved request to the YC by the SC.
Hordesmen are obligated to endorse the elected Lazarus UN Delegate whenever their UN nation is in the region. They are free to endorse any other nation they so choose, unless there is a Security Warning against said nation. Failure to follow these rules may result in expulsion from the UDH, subject to a Military Tribunal.
Being a Hordesman gives the right to vote in SC elections, but must be accepted RV to vote in any other RV affairs. Those Hordesmen who are also Registered Voters may only vote one time in the SC election.

IX. Mandate Amendments The Lazarus Mandate encompasses the spirit of the law, and is open for interpretation.
If, however, conflict develops, or a serious loophole is found, any nation may suggest an amendment to the Lazarene Mandate, by contacting the UN Delegate, or any member of the YC. The YC and Delegate will then review the suggested amendment, make any changes necesary, and present the matter before the YC for vote. If a majority approves the proposal, it will be placed before the RV, who must vote 65% in favor of the proposal for it to become legislation. If a minority of the YC & UN Delegate, or less than 65% of the RV vote to approve the legislation, it will be declared dead. Dead legislation cannot be revived for a minimum of three weeks.