Taijani Cities

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Kentvasser is the national capital and largest city of Taijan. It is also the economic and cultural center for the islands.

Because part of the intent of the settlers was to create a petit Belgium, Kentvasser is largely based on Brussels in geography and architecture.


Kentvasser was originally founded by brave Belgian explorers on their way to find the frog in The Plague of a Frog. It didn't grow until the seventeenth century when women were finally brought in.

Facts and figures

  • Population: 6,000,000
  • Rank: 1
  • Third Port behind Sidmouth and Thomasport



Windgrove, the second-largest city in Taijan and largest in Eastern Taijan, is a large Liberal cultural center. It is known for being high-tech and clean, much like the city of New Steenia in Steenia, Futaba Aoi.


Windgrove began as a small dwelling place for nearby farmers, with a smith and stables in addition to the houses. The 1930s saw rapid development as a new factory was built on the main street.

Facts and Figures

  • Population: 3,500,000
  • Rank 2



Wednesdon is the third city of Taijan and a major conservative stronghold in a very liberal nation.


Wednesdon was founded in the eighteenth century as a planned "market town" for nearby farmers.

Facts and Figures

  • Rank 2
  • Pop 2,100,000



Sidmouth is Taijan's fourth city and first port. Because of its early history, it draws alot of architecture and culture from England, namely the larger cities. It is also the industrial capital of Taijan and a secondary conservative stronghold.


Sidmouth was founded by England following rumours of riches on the island. It was discovered by a Belgian ship blow off course and annexed immediately

Facts and Figures

  • Pop 1,200,000
  • More industry per capita than any other city