Iarwen ben-Adar

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Iarwen i Caliquendo Figolion carte ben-Adaro Haryon Tantomanya
Date of Birth
33 Tuilë 68 Corana in Atan (13 May 1980)
Place of Birth
Tirion, Upper Tomania
Political Affilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Deputy Executor

Iarwen ben-Adar, son of the Baron Fingol and the Lady Nebelira. At the age of seven the young ben-Adar joined the League of Young Marduuk, by the age of 15 ben-Adar became the head of the Young Marduuks of Tirion, his home city. After graduating from schooling, he became a full member of the Marduuk Party and was quickly moved to Imladris were he met the Supreme Cordon. Showing remarkable intellegt and loyalty at the age of 20 ben-Adar received a doctoral diploma in Tomanian political study, international affairs, philosophy. After the mysterious death of Dep. Exec. Cerbin Lorfithiath, ben-Adar was appointed Deputy Executor of the Marduuk Party and of the Empire in 2001. Within the last four years of his Executorship he has proven a loyal and resilient man. The elder memebers of the party dislike that a mere 25 year old has the second most powerful government position.

Iarwen ben-Adar is unmarried and has no children.