Imperialism (The Imperial Race)

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Imperialism is Nationalist Party of the Imperialist Republics. It dominates all corners of The Empire.

Main Points

1. Massive Industrial Projects that will make the Imperial Race the most Industrialized Nation on Earth.

2. Universal Conforminty to Ultra-Capitalism

3. Defence of the Motherland at all costs.

4. Follow the General Secretary of The Imperialist Party

5. Numerical superiortiy is neccesary.

6. Evental conforimty to Roman Catholicism

7. Death to the Socailists and all traitors.

Symobl of Imperialism

The Symbol of Imperialism is four arrows pointing in all four directions. this is Expansion. The Orange circle is The Imperialist World. The color of Imperialism is Black. This represents the Black times in witch the movement was born and the times it has removed. Thus a popular Propaganda poster States "You where born under the Black Banner Serve it"

Nations of Imperialism

There are several Nations that are followers of Imperialism. After the Collapse of The ex-nation of the Imperial Race The United StatesImperialist Republics was born. The rest of the states under the control of Imperialism will help them rebuild and become great again.