Vigorithian Political Acts

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Vigorithian Acts explained in more detail:

Acts of Law and Order


- Every offender stealing an item/s from a shop must return the product and/or pay double the price of the item/s stolen.

- Persistant stealers will be banned from certain shops, and possible legal action may take place.


- Every house built must be fitted with a security alarm.

- When confronting a burgalar, the owners of the house may use any force they see fit to capture or fight off the burgalar. If this includes knocking the burgalar unconsious then that may be acceptable. Killing the burgalar will count as a murder unless the home owner gives a convincing reason for their actions.


- Grafitti on a public wall is a criminal offense.

- Offenders will be asked to clean any grafitti off of the wall and face a fine dependant on the amount of grafitti.

- Grafitti is permitted on a wall if owned by the grafitti artist. Anything may be grafittied onto the wall providing it is not offensive.


- Any form of assult is considered a criminal offense.

- Any person may stick up for him or herself with reasonable force.

- If caught violently assulting someone, the offender is fined a certain amount of money which will be paid to the assulted.


- Vandalism is a criminal offense.

- If someone is caught vandalizing then the person vandalizing will be forced to pay for damages and undergo a certain amount of time to community service.

- Consistent vandalizers will be locked up for a certain amount of time.

- If someone vandalizes something of their own then it is not a criminal offense.

- Causing a fire will result in community service, a hefty fine and possible arrest.

Verbal Abuse

- If someone is caught swearing, racially taunting, mocking, religiously taunting or sexually taunting then it is indeed a criminal offense.

- If someone is caught doing such, then the person will be forced to pay a fine to the person offended.

- Persistent offenders will be forced to do community service and maybe even locked up for a certain period of time.

- Free Speech has a limit, you may question someone's views or beliefs but you may not insult them or the person. That is the purpose of the laws implemented here.


- All litter outside must be placed in public bins.

- Dumping Litter is a crime.

- If caught dropping litter, you will be asked to pick it up and put it in the bin.

- Burning Litter dropped will result in a hefty fine and possible community service.

- If there is not enough litter bins, any member of the public may request more.


- There is always a minimum and a maximum speed limit, this is dependant on the road which you are travelling on.

- If caught going too fast or too slow, then you will recieve a warning.

- If you get 10 warnings, your license to own a car is temporarily cancelled.

- Joyriding in a car is a criminal offense. If caught, then you face a cancellation of your car license if you own one. If you don't own one then this will be put on your record for the future if you wish to obtain one later on. A fine will also be given to the offender.