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Nation Info.
Date FoundedFebruary 19, 2005
QuoteA free empire
Population361 Million

Theen's Current State:

Capalist Paradise

Ranking Information


Theen's Governmental Office:

Emperor: Michael
Co-Emperor: Sonny
Advisor: Lotsalovin
Senior Scientist: Stephen Hawking
Head Judge: Scott
Government Employment Officer: James
Senate: 1618 Senators elected from the people.


1.) All people have the right to be happy however they want unless it harms someone else, or their property.

2.) People are responsible for their own selves. Parents are responsible for their children until the age of 16 years old.

3.) Church and state are completely separate. That means no one can use any religious references in a court unless it is official evidence. No jury will be persuaded using quotes from a religious reference.

4.) There is no social welfare. Jobs are available to anyone. If no public or private companies can give you a job, the government will appoint you one at a reasonable wage. For disabled, mentally ill, or any other handicap people that can not get a job in a private or public business, the government will appoint a capable job for you. Unemployed people have the right to be unemployed, but they are not going to get any governmental funds.

5.) All reference books are available in all public libraries, schools and universities. The government will pay the writers a reasonable amount for the reference.

6.) The governmental taxes will be distributed accordingly:
40% Education
20% Defence
15% Commerce
10% Law and Order
10% Public Transport
5% Healthcare

7.) Juridical punishment can be no less than the crime committed.

8.) All complaints about the laws will go to the nation‘s leader. The leader will handle the complaint accordingly. If it comes down to a cabinet tie, the president will make a final decision.

9.) Media and entertainment is completely free from the government. Only the president of the media company determines if the media type should be censored. Any reports of subliminal messages will be analyzed by experts. If there is proof that there were subliminal messages, a court will punish accordingly.

10.) In times of crisis, these laws may be manipulated for the protection of the general population.


Comming Soon


There has been a huge debate for some time now on what is going to happen with the recently discovered human genome blueprint. Human cloning is getting closer and closer, but should we do it is the million dollar question.