Royal Shipyards of Isselmere-Nieland

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The Royal Shipyards of Isselmere-Nieland (RSIN) is largest public or Crown corporation within the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland and one of the pre-eminent shipbuilding corporations. Headquartered in Grimsby Downs, Anguist, the RSIN operates shipyards throughout the UKIN, including the Andvari Shipyards for super-dreadnought construction, as well as many satellite yards abroad.

Since the firm functions under a royal charter, its practices fall under the purview of the the King's Privy Council of Isselmere-Nieland, which protects the firm's independence against conditions, such as ministerial interference, that might otherwise adversely affect its business. The RSIN is, however, subject to policy decisions made by the Parliamentary Foreign Arms Sales Commission.


Director-General: Neville Colwan Director: Henry Blackthrush, Covert Projects Management Division Director: Norman J. Hogan, Legal Services Division Director: John Malveny, Products Management Division

  • Olivia Brockhurst, Press Relations Office, Products Management Division
  • Charity Drummond, Financial Services, Products Management Division

Director: Gillian Ramsay-Oberoi, Research and Development Division

Previous Directors

Directors-General: Sir Thomas Bullfinch (1986-2004)


Royal Shipyards of Isselmere-Nieland