The Unification Treaty

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The Treaty of Unification

Gathered in Marandrosi on 9 Ekleial 1477, Primary Speaker Elexendrios Eklekteias, in unison with delegates of Mernidok, Eskinanthus, and Sicinia, has drawn up and officiated the following, in order that stability and prosperity might be brought to the Sovereign People, as willed by the Divine, in the name of Justice and Truth, for the purpose of reuniting Eskinanthus and Akaeia. May the ill wishing be thwarted, and the righteous defended, and the Lord's will done.

Article One:

To the Nation of Sicinia Salis Akaeia conceeds 200 million Taeans, exclusive trading privileges to Marandrosi and Kozoronden not counting Akaeian merchantry for two years, and a reduction of the tariff for all Sicinian merchants to 0% for the next four months, followed by and increase to 5% lasting another four months, and likewise to 10% capping at 15% sixteen months from this date. The tariff cannot be raised above 15% until after the two years of exclusive trading privileges have come to conclusion.

Article Two:

To the Nation of Mernidok Akaeia conceeds 30 million Taeans, exclusive trading rights not counting Akaeian merchantry to the city of Tyrins for two years, and a reduction of the tariff for all Mernidok merchants to 0% for the next four months, followed by and increase to 5% lasting another four months, and likewise to 10% capping at 15% sixteen months from this date. The tariff cannot be raised above 15% until after the two years of exclusive trading privileges have come to conclusion.

Article Three:

Mernidok shall be paid 5 million Taeans for the movement of 20,000 soldiers from Hypereion through Mernidok to Tyrins

Article Four:

Mernidok and Sicinia renounce all claims to Eskinanthus and withdraw any and all troops or other persons in Eskinanthus for the purpose of inhibiting Union and prying into Akaeian affairs.

Article Five:

Akaeia conceeds to the Eskinantine people for the sake of Union that the traditional 20 year wait before electing a provincial assembly shall be ignored, Eskinantine and Akaeian military forces shall be intergrated, for a year tax money and tariffs collected in Marandrosi or Kozoronden will not be collected by the national government in Eskinanthus, the aforementioned money going to the development of the province, and the costs of administration born by the national treasury, and all persons on Eskinantine soil who can prove that they were born or have gone through the process of naturalization will be granted unrestricted citizenship and the accompanying rights and freedoms. In order that the people of Eskinanthus might be involved in the further development of Union, they are hereby granted the appropriate number of representatives to attend the Convention in Dauvanatris, meeting for the purpose of remaking the Union, and no document shall be agreeed upon until such time as the representatives have been able to go over all materials under consideration thus far.

Article Six:

All Eskinantines are offered amnesty for any and all actions against Akaeia during the Civil War. All property in Eskinanthus must be registered within the next two months or it will become public land and will be distributed to those without land. Those wishing to sell their land to the state will be compensated. Foreigners must also register property.

Article Seven:

Akaeia, Eskinanthus, Mernidok, and Sicinia Salis formally ratify the above on May 1, 1728.