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batman082404.jpg Voranii are the elite spies and assassins of the Colonial and Kroenen Follower armies. They are armed with a much more effective cloaking device than the Rauben and are armed with the 'Needler', a weapon which fires small bullets which poison the enemy and can spread infection among an enemy camp or city. They are also armed with small gas globes containing Anthrax Gamma Spores,capable of killing all those who breath in the spores in about 2 hours. They arealso equipped with several explosive charges and swords for silent kills.


Average Height:1.8 metres

Average Weight: 15 stone

Life Expectancy: 76 years

Average Strength: Can lift 62 Kg

Average Speed: 30km/h


Weapons: Anthracis Bacillus Gamma Globes, Swords, Needler

Equipment: Cloaking Device