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Revision as of 08:54, 19 November 2004 by Crimmer (Talk | contribs)

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One of my NS nations

Random personal things

  • Nationality: Finnish
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Sure. (Male, that is.)
  • Occupation: Currently unemployed, but I'll be leaving for the military service in January 2005. Hopefully, in January 2006, I'll be discharged as a Corporal (or even more hopefully, as a Second Lieutenant). If it all goes to hell, I'll be back already in July. ;)


I first started using the username crimmer when connecting to IRCnet and thinking of a suitable nickname. Naturally, I couldn't come up with anything clever and witty, so I took the name of the IRC-client (mIRC, eww) and inverted it. The nickname crim was already in use, so I just added mer to the end.