ICCD History

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==Timeline== (BTE ~ before third empire TE ~ THIRD EMPIRE)

35,000 BTE - first Dians wander as bands of hunter gathers living in peace with the


30,000 BTE 'Gene Splicers from other systems play with ancestors of Dians' (including a special message in the atomic makeup of the genetic materials)

20,000 BTE , the first Dian town later to be the Royal Captial, loose presidence during

the Confederacy to Hillspire, finally during the republic It becomes one of the three

State Capitals. It has remained an important city even to present day, and is a tourist

destination. 15,000 BTE The first 'kingdom' this is the early mythical period of Dian society

7,000 BTE The Second Kingdom This is the 'beging of post city state unity'

5,000 BTE 'the first Empire' Intracircumcordei United later changes to back to a


3,000 BTE The Dians traveled across the Inner Sea to found the second province of

Farland. Farland Colony Established.

2700 BTE The Third Province was in the Great Sea where there was the first major war..

The Dians estabished a colony that is latter attacked. Dians survive the seige. The war lasted for many years. With

the Dians accepting a cease fire eventually.

2300, BTE The Kingdom of Intracircumcordei formed into the second Empire

1900 BTE the great melding, Tenshur joined the Northern Confederacy,

1378 BTE the northen confederacy becomes the first republic

1023 BTE the civil war creates the second repubic

358 BTE a civil war creates the third republic 20 BTE begining of 'the psychic war' 14 BTE a the psychic war creates fourth Republic with Shaimeng becoming first interim

leader 13 BTE Shaimeng becomes first offical President of the Fourth Repubic 8 BTE Shaimeng is reelected 3 BTE Shaimeng is reelected Shaimeng resigns and says he will not run for office. TE Shaimeng is unofficially the winner of the election he refused to run for and the

official new president makes Shaimeng the Emperor of Intracircumcordei. Shaimeng

quickly seperates the Republic from the Imperium, denouncing rule and saying people

must stand up for their convictions, and be the law.

4 TE the Urban Rural Wars gain media prominance

5 TE the Empire Intervenes by givin the public access to heavy weapons, escalating the

way but giving urban dwellers a great advantage

7 TE Urban Rural Wars mostly end

10 TE borders are tightened and contact/combat sports incrase

14 TE Violence on the rise

15 TE the great purge begings

17 TE the protective abductions begin

18 TE most of the purges subside

20 TE Justice system changed

22 Joins a number of Alliances such as the International Leauge of Socialist States

24 the Principal Observation

26 the Lone Alliance aid mission codename Escape 28 Irathia Provincia granted in Irathia

29 TE ICCD pledges to the Defence of Democracy front, only to see other new pledge

ripped appart by various forces, with ICCD uncertain of knowledge for working

intervention short of total and perhaps hopeless war against overwhelming numbers.

Recent history

During the Anti Psychic War the Almighty rose to the lead of the resistance. After a decade of struggle Shaimeng and proponents won the war. Shaimeng was installed as interim leader. Shaimeng was democratically reelected on a number of occasions with the population hailing him as a hero and g-dlike person. After some time he was elevated to Voice of the Almighty and given cult head like status. On advice of his brother he claimed total consolidated power and disbanded the electoral process to reduce waste and confusion. He then called for all to follow their hearts and make their own law. Civil wars raged until the fued system and a new democratic movement was installed. Since then ESSI the state security and intelligence service has gained more and more reach and in effect is a very loyal arm of Totus Fides Shaimengs personal army. There is constant war going on in ICCD but most are careful not to damage state property in the process as to do so would incur the rath of the state justisars an elite force of special forces officers trained specifically for fuedal combat.|

View of world affairs

Intracircumcordei is for interaction and trade and improving the global economy, improving human rights and civil capacities. It is non judgemental and veiws economy and human freedom as a priority. It is economically expansionistic and beleives in divine intervention for just causes. The borders themselves appear very isolationist as all trade and tourism is tightly monitored.

to add, historic figures... Back to Intracircumcordei