Super Roman Military Archive

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Super Roman Military Archive:

The Super Roman army operates on three principles: loyalty to the emperor, loyalty to allies and always having a bigger gun. The Super Roman ethos however is not stereotypical of the "bigger is better attitude." Super Roman Military expenditure is unprecedented in the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. The majority of the militaries budget falls to research and development and maintaining the Super Roman Space Core (80%). A marine will never leave a friend, captured enemy or ally behind, as this would be dishonourable. The marines will always follow the astute leadership of their superiors. The elite Spartans increase the morale of all nearby troops and often lead the way to victory. The Super Roman army is not spectacularly large. It instead focuses on quality of equipment and efficiency in battle. This has given rise to the military term “Utilis”.


In "Utilis" each individual marine is equipped with the weapon type most suited to them. At birth all Super Romans have their genetic profile stored in a government database. If at a later date the individual decides to enlist in the Army, this profile will be used to determine the weapon class best suited to the individual. This inevitably leads to a smaller military, but it is believed that efficiency in battle and proficiency in leadership and weapon control is preferred in warfare.

Seeing as the sheer size of many military powers such as Roudland, Friendly Aliens, Kegmenistan etc provide the sheer manpower needed on the battlefield, the Super Roman Council believes that a more specialised military was needed. It was thus that huge levels of funding poured into space research. The SRSC was established in 1965 with the first vessel in the Alliance, the “Odyssey” to be launched into space in 1979, effectively ending the Cold War with Kegmenistan. The SRSC prides itself on its space fleet. The SRSC is keen to develop high tech weaponry and equip all marines, even cadets with some of the more powerful weapon types. However the higher rank the marine the greater flexibility in weaponry available.

The SRSC on the ground will always fight in squads of no more than 20, with at least one commander or Spartan. This is to make sure that as many marines as possible will return from battle. The contingent will always be supported with some form of heavy vehicle. The only exceptions to this rule are the Spartans and Helljumpers. These operate as both a covert strike force and rapid assault teams. Often Spartans will even operate alone. Key to the smaller groups of marines operating efficiently is communication. Communication technology is critical if the Super Roman army is to function. This has led to all vehicles, marines, Spartans, Helljumpers, vanguard, being linked up to the RomNet network.


All marines are equipped with a neural chip that will allow them to access all information not classified to the individual on a computer database. It also allows commanders to link to the tactical feed of the battlefield as seen from orbit. This network is essential for any operation to success. RomNet is accessed by marines via tactical hubs based on all vehicles and tactical equipment. RomNet stream originates from the SRSC fleet in orbit and is transmitted to designated hubs on the ground.

Each individual marine is linked to the nearest RomNet hub on the ground via the display HUD embedded in Super Roman helmets. Each hub is designated a specific frequency that only members of that specific squad can access. Thus each marine will only be linked to RomNet information tailored to that individual. Only the Squad Commander or Spartan can manipulate the RomNet stream to indicate targets and waypoints to the rest of the marines and liaise with the SRSC fleet to confirm course of action. In this way a squad can be directly controlled from orbit and situations assessed more effectively. The only exceptions to this rule are the Spartans. Spartans are permanently linked to RomNet through higher frequency channels and can access RomNet anywhere on the battlefield. Spartans are in permanent contact with officials in the SRSC orbital fleet.


RomSoft is the latest innovation of the SRRC. RomSoft is integrated software, which will allow all marines linked to a RomNet network to analyse the battlefield individually through the HUD in the tactical helmet issued to each marine. RomSoft provides each marine with a powerful motion tracker, similar to that of the Spartans. This motion tracker can detect all movement in an area of twenty metres and can distinguish allies via the RomNet frequencies emitted. This will allow marines to detect enemies before they even come into view. RomSoft also incorporates an advanced network of heat and night vision options. Heat sensors can be accessed at any time by a marine, whether it is used to mark out Sniper positions or verify power sources. RomSoft is designed to operate alongside RomNet and the two pieces of software can integrate effectively to coordinate attacks and mark out potential targets.

In summary the Super Roman army is highly skilled, versatile and highly beneficial to have as an ally. Its meticulous training and weapon delivery programmes mean that the marines are often the best equipped in the alliance. Each marine is treated as an individual, with roles being appointed to each individual marine based on his performance and attributes. The troops are loyal to the Imperator and will not desert or leave an ally behind and those without honour will never see the battlefield. The Super Roman weaponry is generally large, but created as to not overburden the marine with its power or weight. Many of the weapons systems include polymer-based designs. RomNet allows all marines on the battlefield to communicate effectively and this therefore allows highly developed tactical warfare to ensue. The Super Roman army however does lack in sheer bulk size. It therefore is not suited to large-scale open warfare, although if provoked it will put up substantial resistance.

The SRSC Fleet:

SRSC Insuperable

The fleet currently consists of 20 Titan class dreadnoughts. Each has a designated captain and crew compliment. The captain in hand picked by the Imperator for particular strengths exhibited on the battlefield. Each captain is appointed a ship based on his personality and popularity with the people.

Each vessel can hold a maximum of 1550 marines. Each can house up to 20 Scorpion Battle tanks and 44 Warthog variants. 30 Longsword Defensive craft, 16 Pelican dropships and 4 Albatross Transporters in the 4 launch bays. Each ship is equipped with medical facilities, dining facilities, tactical centres, armouries and crew living quarters. Each vessel is linked to RomNet emitters, allowing instantaneous information transfer. Vessels containing specialist equipment such as Dragon Fortresses or “RAY” units are detailed below.

Specialisation of each individual vessel, to tailor it to the captains preferred method of battle has resulted in a more diverse range of vessels; no Super Roman ship is the same as the last. However each vessel has a minimum standard: a minimum of 2-metre thick tritanium armour and all but one is equipped with a MAC device on the underside of the ship. Due to recent refits the MAC round is operational every 50 seconds. However the reload time does depend on orbital conditions and the individual ship in question. The MAC gun itself is incorporated into the underside of the ship as a module. When the MAC gun is not in operation the ship closes the MAC blast doors to prevent any craft from bombing the inside of the device. Each vessel contains Gauss point defence fore and aft and carries a complement of 160 Templar missiles. These are mainly affective verses large slow moving targets. They are capable of homing but can be outmanoeuvred. The missiles are launched from bays on the stern. Titans are completely dwarfed by the overlord class but will remain formidable opponents. Fusion reactor cores located deep within the ship power each vessel.


SRSC Avatar

Commander: Captain Mappleton

Crew Complement: 700

Years Operational: 3

Size: 800m x 150m x 200m

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” Mechanised Assault Vehicles

The Avatar has seen numerous refits and is often the centre of training advancement. Captain Mappleton has been engaged in numerous battles and has never lost a crewman. It is upon this reputation that his marines are often believed to be the safest in the fleet. The Avatar is distinguished by linear white stripes on the underside of the vessel.

SRSC Vindicator

Commander: Captain Appleby

Crew Complement: 672

Years operational: 2

Size: 650m x 120m x 150m

The Vindicator is the smallest vessel in the fleet, though captain Appleby maintains that it is not the size that counts. This vessel is often used in a supplementary role, supporting many major engagements. Spartan commanders, who prefer its manoeuvrability and ability to remain relatively undetected by enemy forces, often frequent it. It is distinguished by the Red markings around the fusion reactor engines.

SRSC Pacifier

Commander: Captain Johnson

Crew Complement: 812

Years Operational: 1

Size: 850 x 150 x 200

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” mechanised Assault Vehicles

A newer addition to the fleet. It is often used in the echelon wall formation. Its 5 m thick forward armour makes it a formidable opponent if attacked head on. Captain Johnson, father of the famed Lt Johnson has seen countless battles and is one of the most experienced captains in the fleet. Johnson is often the first to suggest the most daring of tactics. His prowess at operating vehicles, led him to write the operations training programmes for all cadets.

SRSC Defiant

Commander: Captain Jackson

Crew Complement: 1012

Years Operational: 2

Size: 850 x 160 x 200

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” Mechanised Assault Vehicles

One of the largest vessels of its class. Captain Jackson’s placid nature has led to the cool execution of many difficult diplomatic situations. He has since received the nickname of "the diplomat". The vessel is primarily used on long voyage missions and is often used as a refuelling post by outbound and returning troops. It carries a smaller complement of scorpion tanks but transports 22 Pelican Dropships and 12 albatross transporters in its converted launch bays.

SRSC Decimator

Commander: Captain Wright

Crew Complement: 872

Years Operational: 2

Size: 700m x 150x 170m

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” Mechanised Assault Vehicles

Wright is feared among all marines in the core. At 6.5ft he towers above all except the Spartans. He is often seen in the company of the Master Chief himself. He is tipped to be the replacement for captain Favor of the intimidator. He runs all training programmes from his ship and can often be seen tearing apart lesser cadets. Its vertical white bands around the middle distinguish the ship.


Commander: Captain Hughes

Crew Complement: 964

Years Operational: 1

Size: 800m x 150m x 170m

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” mechanised assault vehicles

Captain Hughes commands the new vessel with honour and grace. The ship is used in the formation of the echelon wall and has 5-metre thick forward armour. Hughes commands one of the fastest vessels in the fleet. Two Fusion reactors are used to power the ship, which allows for increased thrust and manoeuvrability. Captain Hughes was awarded the Roman Aquila after he saved Captain Favor at the battle of Handra five years ago whilst operating one of the first dreadnoughts: The Prowler. He has often been cited as the “Hero of Handra”.

SRSC Reckoning

Commander: Captain Davis

Crew Complement: 512

Years Operational: 2

Size: 550m x 120m x 150m

Initially used as a scout ship. It has since been developed as a rapid assault vessel. Its smaller design and lighter armour make this a vastly manoeuvrable ship. It often carriers a complement of Spartans for use in a boarding party. Its fusion reactors are reinforced with tritanium stabilisers to ensure their continuing operation. Captain Davis has demonstrated on numerous occasions an unparalleled level of determination, loyalty to the Imperator and dedication to the task in hand; it is no wonder Spartans elect to take residence upon his ship.

SRSC Insuperable

Commander: Colonel Ford

Crew Complement: 1115

Years Operational: 2

Size: 850m x 150 x 170m

Launch Bays: 4 “RAY” mechanised assault vehicles

The Insuperable is one of the most heavily armed vessels in the fleet. Its all-encompassing 5m thick armour lives makes it a formidable vessel in its own right. It houses 300 templar missiles and can transport increased numbers of pelican dropships, albatross transports and scorpion vehicles. It often attracts vast amounts of firepower due to its size and bright yellow markings along the side. It is one of the slowest vessels in the fleet but will more than make up for this with its firepower. It is often used at the forefront of the echelon wall. It is also used as the main command ship in the echelon formation group. Colonel Ford has been with the core since it began and has overseen the development of countless new technologies. He is the father of RomSoft and has since become one of the most decorated officers in the fleet, especially after leading the Tikrit campaign. Colonel Ford is also fathering the “RAY” construction project.

SRSC Progenitor

Commander Ridgeback

Crew Complement: 712

Years Operational: 1

Size: 700m x 150m x 170m

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” mechanised assault vehicles

Often used by the Spartans as a tactical support vessel. Its superior communications technology and RomNet central hub allow all Spartans to communicate and assess tactics for the entire fleet. It is also responsible for the upgrades of the HAL computer systems on Super Rome. It carries high grade EMP and EMPS launchers and can often spread chaos throughout the entire enemy fleet. Captain Ridgeback believes that size does matter and often argues with captain Appleby over the matter. Appleby however is quick to remind Ridgeback that he actually commands a very small vessel. It is for this reason that Ridgeback was most disappointed when he was denied command of Mercy.

SRSC Decere

Commander: Colonel Cowdrey

Crew Complement: 1312

Years Operational: 1

Size: 1300m x 200m x 180

Launch Bays: 1 Dragon Fortress

The largest of the Super Roman dreadnought vessels. It is used primarily as a battleship alongside the overlord vessels. It however is often used in the echelon wall. The famed Colonel Cowdrey commands this magnificent vessel. He was the man responsible for the development and implementation of all MAC gun devices and continues to provide the SRRC (Super Roman Research Centre) with his research and findings. He used the first MAC devices at the battle of Handra and allowed for glorious victory. He is one of the five Leo generals. He is often the first to enter a battle and one of the last to stop firing. His desire for complete victory makes him a ruthless and formidable opponent. He also commands the Helljumper regiment from the Decere and provides support to all whom ask. The vessel itself can be distinguished by the amber titanium clad MAC gun on the underside of the vessel.

SRSC Watchman

Commander: Captain May

Crew Complement: 412

Years Operational 0

Size: 500m x 130m x 160m

This vessel has only been operational for three months. It is a newly developed special operations ship that boasts all the anti detection technology currently available. Its design originated from the Master Chief himself. Its fusion reactors are smaller, more efficient and therefore quieter in Space. It is painted jet black to avoid detection and all lights within the ship are red. Its incredibly small design mean only a small crew of a maximum 400 people can be accommodated. It lacks any form of MAC gun or Templar missile bays. These have instead been turned into launch bays for Pelican dropships and jump pack launches. The main purpose of the vessel is to confuse and capture. Captain May is a naturally gifted pilot and can manoeuvre the vessel with astonishing ease using the personalised interface created for him. Helljumpers, Spartans and vanguard boarding parties complete the crew list. Captain May has no fear in approaching enemy vessels and latching onto them with the "adjudicator" boarding devices. This vessel is one to look out for.

SRSC Antilles

Commander: Brakeman

Crew Complement: 613

Years Operational: 5

Size: 650m x 150m x 170m

Launch Bays: 1 “RAY” mechanised assault vehicle

This is one of the founding vessels of the Super Roman fleet. Once commanded by the famed captain Hughes it has served Super Rome well. It is nearing retirement, but a recent refit has seen its lifespan extended. Captain Brakeman earns the respect of all of his troops as it was he whom developed the pelican and albatross transport dropships.

SRSC Inquisitor

Commander: Whitte

Crew Complement: 1158

Years Operational: 1

Size: 900m x 200m x 170m

Launch Bays: 1 Dragon Fortress

This is one of the largest vessels the Super Roman fleet has to offer. It is also one of the most advanced. The “Dropzone” technology has been primarily developed here. Its entire docking bay has been outfitted to carry one Dragon Battle Fortress. This is at the expense of both launch bays for albatross and pelican dropships and a majority of the Scorpion storage facilities. Captain Whitte believes impossible is nothing and he is the chief researcher and inventor of the Dropzone technology. “People said it was impossible to drop Scorpions and Hogs to the alliance. I proved them wrong, now I will prove you all wrong again”. This was the attitude adopted at the time when it was not believed a Dragon Fortress could be dropped into the battle area. Through advances in atmospheric thrust technology and the creation of a new resilient lightweight polymer, Dragon Fortresses are now available to drop on command. This is explained at greater length further in the article. The Inquisitor can be distinguished by the diagonal lilac stripe from the stern to aft.

SRSC Intimidator

Commander: Colonel Favor

Crew Complement: 856

Years Operational: 2

Size: 800m x 160m x 180m

Launch Bays: 2 “RAY” mechanised assault vehicles

Colonel Favor is a living legend. He is the second of the five Leo generals. Rescued during the battle of Handra five years ago he was tipped for retirement. He instead gained command of the Intimidator. He has become one of the most experienced commanders in the entire fleet. The vessel is often involved in the echelon wall formation. He has been rumoured to be heavily involved in the Spartan programme since it's beginning. It is often rumoured that the Spartans call him the “father”. He also helped design and implement the ships AI and tactical databases. It is this sound knowledge of Super Roman intricacies that he is often asked for advice by all members of the core and Spartans. He is tipped for retirement next year. But rumours have been wrong before.

SRSC Rapprochement

Commander Gravesham

Crew Complement: 933

Years Operational: 4

Size: 700m x 160m x 170m

This is most often used as a diplomatic vessel. Its large storage facilities often lend it to allied transport operations. It can supplement the fleet with its powerful MAC gun, but its age makes reloading an arduous task. Captain Gravesham is noted for his compassion and sympathy for his allies. He feels the need to help everyone in distress. It is these qualities that make him perfect for commanding such a vessel. The large red band around the middle of the vessel can distinguish it.

SRSC Triumph

Commander: Hamden

Crew Complement: 1000

Years Operational: 1

Size: 1100m x 170m x 190m

The Triumph is one of the largest dreadnoughts in the fleet. It underwent construction after the completion of the Tikrit campaigns and was intended to support the Overlord vessels. The Triumph is outfitted with a single MAC gun and two Fusion Reactor Cores. The Triumph is essentially an aircraft carrier. It holds over 60 Longsword fighters in expense to Scorpion hangar bays. The vessel is equipped with multiple Gauss point defence turrets to aid in the protection of the Overlord vessels and other Titans. Hamden himself is a distinguished pilot and often joins the other pilots in the defence of the fleet.

SRSC Venom

Commander: Iulus

Crew Complement: 954

Years Operational: 0

Size: 1150m x 170m x 150m

A new vessel in the SRSC fleet. It is the second of two carriers to be constructed by the SRSC. Though slightly smaller than the Triumph, it still manages to accommodate 45 Longsword fighters and spacious docking bays for allied craft. Once again point defence lines the vessel. Commander Iulus has command over most of the ground weaponry divisions and ensures that the SRSC equipment is always advancing.

SRSC Victory

Commander: Regulus

Crew Complement: 595

Years Operational: 0

Size: 650m x 140m x 120m

It came to the attention of the SRSC that a multi purpose repair vessel was needed, with the ability to repair and re-supply other vessels within the fleet engaged in battle. It was thus that Victory was created. Through powerful magnetic clamps, the victory, due to its lack of MAC weapon and abnormal flat underside, can latch onto allied vessels and begin rapid repair through large construction arms and on board repair crews. The vessels military capability is minimal and no launch bays are present. The Victory even carries fusion rector in its hold in case of an emergency refit.

SRSC Kraken

Commander: Young

Crew Complement: 950

Years operational: 0

Size: 800m x 130m x 140m

The Kraken was conceived with the sole purpose of defending the fleet from close range barrage assault. The Kraken and its counterpart the Cerberus have been designed to withstand extreme levels of firepower. To this end 5m thick Tritanium armour has been incorporated into the reinforced structure of the vessel. The vessels do not carry MAC devices but instead bristle with LMAC and SMAC weaponry. Both ships are intended to line the flanks of the echelon wall and to prevent any battleships circumventing the main defensive line. These are the first two barrage vessels of the Super Roman fleet, however they will always be used in a defensive role, as broadside operations are deemed to costly. The ship will always be horizontal to the main battle line, to ensure that the largest number of weapons is directed at the enemy.

SRSC Cerberus

Commander: Fischer

Crew Complement: 950

Years operational: 0

Size: 800m x 130m x 140m

The Cerberus is the second of the two barrage vessels created by Super Rome. It is to be used in a primarily defensive role alongside the echelon wall formation. It too is lines with over 40 LMAC and 50 MMAC devices. Commander Fischer is also heavily involved in the Unity Programme.

The Overlord Class

SRSC Mercy

These are the three flagships of the Super Roman fleet. Each is the size of a large city and can be deployed in a multitude of roles. It became apparent to the SRSC that many other smaller or less economically powerful nations were developing space technology and it worried the Council. In 2004 all existing Titan dreadnoughts, which had all seen service for several years were now in serious need of refit and repair. Super Rome began an extensive “revitalisation” programme. All Titans were recalled and specifications of allied ships were analysed. Commander Rykov, Keyes and the Master Chief himself campaigned for the creation of a larger Capital Class flagship to counter any future enemy space fleets. Thus construction of the overlord class began in space dock 69. This secret underground base was the source of much speculation for many years, with many close by residents complaining and commenting on very loud noises and persistent “earthquakes” over their homes.

Commander Rykov and leading members of the SRRC worked for three years developing and designing the vessel. The main question to be answered was how to power such a ship. The HAL labs and specifically its chief researcher Dr Merchant stumbled upon the answer. His increased capacity MAGFusion reactors generated seven times the power of a typical fusion reactor. Two of these reactors were commissioned and tests became a daily occurrence. This generated the “earthquakes” felt by the local citizens. Once the new reactors were deemed safe, construction began on the vessel itself. “Mercy” took two years to build and thousands of man-hours to complete. Its design incorporated the two first prototype MAC Mark II weapons systems and the increased capacity launch bays. It is capable of transporting 1 Dragon Fortress and multiple Scorpion tanks. It can also transport and drop 6 RAY mechanised vehicles. Its primary role is as a heavy siege armament.

Under the wings of the overlord the two MAC II guns are held. The immense MAGfusion reactors carried at the centre of the ship power these monstrous weapons. They are yet to be fired in combat but the predicted results are expected to be devastating. Each vessel carries multiple heavy Gauss point defence platforms, including LMAC weaponry on the underside, to allow for ground cover, if required. Each overlord has a crew complement of at least 2000 marines. Most are operated, on average by 2500 men. Each has a large Spartan contingent aboard to counter any attempt at boarding and to allow for rapid Spartan deployment anywhere within the fleet. The 7m thick tritanium armour is in place to counter all medium-heavy-extreme arms fire. The underside is also armed with EMP and EMPC devices, again to aid in all ground assaults. Each has a complement of Templar missiles, but these are rarely used as they often make up the rearguard of the fleet. The increased medical facilities and technological prowess of the vessels make them the muscle of the fleet. They can be distinguished by their size and purple sheen.

SRSC Mercy

Commander: Admiral Keyes

Crew Complement: 2455

Years Operational: 0

Size: 1800m x 500m x 300

Admiral Keyes is the third of the tiger generals. Mercy was the first of the overlords to be built. It houses a contingent of 250 Spartans. The Mercy is equipped with the greatest medical facilities of the entire overlord fleet. It is often used therefore as the primary medical vessel. Admiral Keyes was one of the five founding captains of the overlord fleet. His previous vessel the Pillar of Autumn saw many years of successful service. He was the first captain to command an SRSC vessel. He was involved in both the battles of Tikrit and Handra. His daring manoeuvre to ram one of the enemy vessels once his MAC went offline caused confusion and panic within the enemy fleet and caused them to rout at Handra. He is often referred to as “the bull”. He is one of the three council members, the other members being the Master Chief and Cortana

SRSC Regret

Commander: Admiral Gravemind

Crew Complement: 2366

Years Operational: 0

Size: 1850m x 500m x 300

Admiral Gravemind is the greatest tactician in the Super Roman fleet. To this end he is often placed in charge of all operations. This vessel has reinforced 8m thick tritanium armour at the fore, as it often the spearhead of the overlord contingent. It specialises in advanced technology and is often the first to benefit from new weaponry. Gravemind is the forth of the five Leo generals. His exploits include taking command of the Super Roman fleet at Handra and leading it to glorious victory. This propelled his respect among the troops to astonishing levels. He has often been referred to as the “overseer”. It holds a contingent of 350 Spartans. The Master Chief often uses this vessel as his base of operations in all major engagements. His customised Pelican is stored safely in the rear of the ship. The vessel can be distinguished from the other overlords by the horizontal red stripe lining the side panelling.

SRSC Truth

Commander: Admiral Cortana

Crew Complement: 2200

Years Operational: 0

Size: 1800m x 500m x 300

Admiral Cortana, the final Leo general is one of the most feared commanders in the fleet. She is also the only female in command of a vessel. She is feared after single headedly hunting down all fleeing rebels at both Tikrit and Handra. Cortanas determination made her the perfect choice for promotion and her relentless attitude made her perfect for the heavily armoured version of the overlord. This particular variant is armed with a complement of 500 Templar missiles and has increased point defence on the fore and aft of the vessel. It carries a contingent of 450 Spartans and is often used as a Spartan training facility.

SRSC "Unity"

The Master Chief had imagined this project for a long time and has pondered many times at whether it was a project worth undertaking. His vision was to create a permanent command vessel within the SRSC. The Overlords provided a great step towards this aim, however the Master Chief was still not satisfied. It was only after experimentation with MACFusion technology, did it occur to the Chief that his vision could indeed become a reality. Military Spending had recently reached unprecedented levels and a surplus on the military budget had been made obvious. The Master Chief, impressed by the advances of less orbit prone nations such as Jihad Allah and Friendly Aliens believed that with assistance his most ambitious plans could be realised. It was thus that "Unity" was undertaken. Though it must be stressed that the actual name of the vessel remains classified.

"Unity" will be created as the first and likely only Super Capital Class Battlecruiser. Its scale will be unprecedented. Specifications have been mainly classified but intelligence has indicated the ship will be powered by 8 MACFusion cores and will be equipped with three MAC II and two MAC devices. Its manoeuvrability will be severely limited however it is intended as a base of operations, not a combat vessel. It will become the first orbital fortress for Super Rome. Unity is expected to house over 12000 marines and 25000 personnel. Unity will be able to dock a Titan vessel in its bays and Overlord Vessels will be able to dock on the exterior for fuel and repairs. A wide range of technology is expected to be incorporated including a central RomNet and RomSoft hub. It is also expected to be placed under the combined leadership of both the Imperator Personally and the Master Chief.

As has been previously mentioned an unprecedented level of funding has been required, estimated at over 7 Trillion of the annual budget. However with the construction and provision of supplies from Roudland, Jihad Allah and Friendly Aliens the monstrous burden of constructing the Mothership has been lessened. It is expected for completion in early 2006.

Super Roman Military Strengths and Weaknesses

The Super Roman military prides itself on having one of the largest and most funded military forces. Its total defence budget cannot be calculated. It is ranked first in the region for largest defence force and highest military spending. Super Rome, although it hasn’t been at war for several hundred years operates under the prediction that war and conflict of some form is inevitable. So far this philosophy has not been proven wrong.

SRSC and SRRC members believe that spending is believing, to that end, research has advanced the Super Roman fleet to unprecedented levels.

Super Roman weaponry is generally very large. This is firstly to act, as a deterrent to any would be attacker. Its space vessels operate the largest and probably some of the most devastating weapons in the alliance, the MAC gun. Extensive orbital funding has led to Super Romes' dominance over orbital affairs. However this has come at a price. The SRSC has to operate alongside other space fleets as barrage and broadside capable vessels recently constructed are only designed to operate in a defensive capacity. The SRSC is the provider of heavy artillery support and Safety for the allied fleets. Its echelon wall formation provides an effective screen against enemy forces, allowing allied vessels to retire to an overlord-landing bay.

The Super Roman military lacks in air and sea armaments. This is a conscious choice as Super Rome feels sea based attack craft are inferior to space vessels. The sea is overpopulated with allied vessels as it is; there is no need to crowd the waterways with more vessels. However the Super Roman military recognises the sea still has some use. Under colonel Ford, a new type of mechanised walker known as “RAY” has been developed, capable of travelling underwater for several days. However this is not a sea combat vessel. It cannot fire under water. It must first surface to fire.

The super Roman air force is heavy transport centred. Pelican dropships and albatross transporters make up nearly 80% of the air core. Longsword aircraft are limited to defensive role and cannot spearhead an air attack on their own.

Super Rome realises that land battles are inevitable. Funds have recently begun flowing into the SRLC (Super Roman Land Core) and significant progress has been made. This has led to the development of the “Dropzone” technology. This technology was first demonstrated in the liberation of Hanigan Island. The technology has since been adapted to allow for the drop of incredibly large armaments such as the Dragon Fortress.

Super Roman Light Vehicles


SRSC Warthog

Crew: 1+1 and one in the rear

Weight: 3.25 tons

Armament: 12.7mm three barrelled machine gun

This is the light reconnaissance vehicle of the Super Roman arsenal. It is the standard and most reliable SRLC vehicle. It is an all-terrain vehicle and can be used to secure and procure enemy positions. It is used mainly as an anti air and anti infantry weapon. It is armed with a 3-barrelled link-less electric anti air weapon. It fires at 600RPM and has armour-penetrating capability. Horn is included.

Gauss Hog

Crew: 1+1 and one in the rear

Weight: 3.25 tons

Armament: 30mm Gauss cannon

This is identical to the LRV warthog, except a Gauss cannon replaces the 12.7 mm machine gun. It is more effective at destroying armoured vehicles than single infantry targets. An Asynchronous linear induction motor produces bipolar magnetic fields to fire a 30mm projectile at hyper-sonic velocity.

MAC hog

Crew: 1 + 1 and one Spartan in the rear.

Weight: 3.5 tons

Armament: SMAC gun

This variant of the warthog has been developed primarily for demolitions and heavy armour destruction. These vehicles are used to gain access to normally impassable terrain and set up perimeter defence networks. A Spartan can only operate them as only they have the tactical experience to fire the weapon accurately.


Crew: 1

Weight 0.75 tons

Armament: None

The shadow is a heavy transport device. It is a tracked vehicle, however it is highly manoeuvrable. All heavy equipment and supplies are transported upon it. It is unarmed and an easy target. It often is supported by a contingent of marines.

Super Roman Heavy land Vehicles

Scorpion Tanks

SRSC Scorpion Mk III

Admiral Keyes and a conglomerate of the first space captains developed Scorpion tanks. Scorpions were developed to provide heavy support and firepower on the battlefield. A basic Scorpion has a top speed of about 40mph. This, when compared to equivalent battle units, such as the Roudland challengers, is exceptionally slow. The Scorpion however is designed almost specifically for urban warfare. Super Rome believes that modern warfare has changed from the glorious open battles of old to gritty street battles. It is this philosophy, which has led to the creation of the slower vehicle. Weary marines or snipers can use the four “Jumpseat platforms” in the tracks, as a platform of operations. Each pod also contains weaponry, ammo and RomNet uplink devices. The Scorpion is heavily armoured and can take multiple heavy weapons blasts. Its four-track design gives it unprecedented terrain handling abilities. Its main weakness is its speed and a well-placed grenade over the ammo pods will cause much devastation.

Scorpion Mark I

Crew 1 Human (neural interface required) or 1 Spartan.

Weight: 66 tons

Main gun: 90mm LRHV

Secondary gun: 8.62mm AP-T

This was the first anti vehicle platforms developed. It was often cumbersome and unreliable. It was quickly replaced with the mark II. Its ceramic titanium armour makes it almost invulnerable to small arms fire. It can carry four ground troops on its Jumpseat platforms. The platforms themselves hold basic supplies and armaments. Generally not pleasant when SPNKR pod comes under fire.

Scorpion Mark II

Crew: 1 Human (neural interface required) or 1 Spartan

Weight: 64 tons

Main Gun: 100 mm LRHV

Secondary Gun: 8.62mm AP-T

This upgrade was a huge leap forward in anti vehicle technology. Its SMART track systems allowed the tracks to cope with all terrain conditions. Sensors in sensor spikes within the tracks detect the terrain on which the vehicle is travelling. It then applies the appropriate amount of traction through metallic crampon spikes in the tracks. Its main gun allowed more powerful penetration of enemy armour than previously thought. However the vehicle was still too slow for many marines and its sheer size made it difficult to operate in urban conditions.

Scorpion Mark III

Crew: 1 Human (neural interface required) or 1 Spartan

Weight: 50 tons

Main Gun: 120 mm LRHD

Secondary Gun 8.62mm AP-T

This is the standard anti vehicle weapons platform now in service within the Super Roman arsenal. It fires a 120mm High Velocity High Density shell. The shell will detonate on impact and cause a vacuum so strong it will shred material from the enemy vehicle into the vacuum. As air enters the vacuum an explosion will be induced. This will send multiple pieces of shrapnel everywhere.

Scorpion Mark IV

Crew: 1 Spartan

Weight: 50 tons

Main Gun: 120 mm LRHD

Secondary Gun 120mm LRHV

This monster is unlikely to replace the mark III as a Spartan can only operate it. It is solely used as a heavy demolitions and heavy artillery piece. It cannot rotate its secondary gun and cannot reach the speeds of a mark III.

Super Roman Air Core

As already explained the SRAF is one of the least developed aspects of the Super Roman military war machine. It consists of mainly lightly armed transport vessels and fighter craft.

Pelican Dropship

SRSC Pelican

Crew: 1 pilot

Capacity: 16 marines

Main Gun: 14 mm pivoting AMG

Secondary Weapon: either rear “crossfire” turrets or rear Templar missile pods

Size: 20m x 7m x 5m

The Pelican Dropship, developed by captain Brakeman revolutionised transport. He developed the first dropship able to operate within the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere. It has since been used in a variety of roles, from simply transporting troops around the battlefield, to breaching and boarding battle cruisers in orbit. The missile variant can only contain four templar missiles due to the vast amount of energy required to fire them, Each Pelican is comfortably able to lift warthogs and light armour. Its titanium armour makes it relatively invulnerable to small arms fire. Many Spartans, including the Master Chief have customised their own pelicans with some "interesting" upgrades

Albatross Transport Ship

Crew: 1 pilot + 1 operator

Capacity: 52 marines

Main Gun: Two forward mounted pivoting 14mm AMG

Size: 30m x 9m x 7m

The Albatross, again developed by Captain Brakeman was also developed in conjunction with Roudlands dropship programme. The Albatross can carry a large contingent of marines and is capable of lifting nearly all heavy weapons equipment. It can hold scorpions on its underside and can also be used as a refuel and medicinal post once landed. These slow moving craft are vulnerable to land to air weaponry and are never deployed on the front line. Four Albatross transports are capable of linking together to carry a Dragon Fortress at low altitudes using a system of tritanium enforced support systems. A fifth Albatross craft is often required to lift a fully lined fortress. Two warthog variants can be held in storage pads at the side of the aircraft. This will limit the marine capacity to 24 however.

Longsword Defence Craft

Crew: 1 pilot

Capacity: NA

Main gun: 14mm pivoting AMG

Secondary Gun: 2 x 120mm homing ASPNKR rockets.

A Longsword Fighter

The Longsword craft are usually deployed to escort transports and dropships. They are highly manoeuvrable craft and have the ability to hover thanks to rotating exhaust jets. The ASPNKR (Air SPNKR) rockets are effective against ground targets and air targets alike. They are lightly armoured but extremely quick. Two may dock onto an Albatross fuselage for refuelling and transport. The Longsword fighters are also capable of orbital flight and are carried largely aboard the Venom and Triumph.

Super Roman Ray Project

Initiated by Colonel Ford, this programme was set up to provide greater flexibility to the Super Roman military. With the innovation of Dropzone technology and its development to drop even the heaviest equipment into battle the Space and Land core began to combine resources to produce a more manoeuvrable, lighter but more powerful land vehicle. Colonel Ford also believed that Super Rome could make use of the Ocean and it was decided to develop RAY on two fronts: space and sea. This has led to the production of two RAY machine types. One of which is marine based, the other is atmosphere based. The main difference between the two is that the marine RAY has marine propulsion drives whereas the space core version has atmospheric stabilisers.

RAY itself stands at 40 metres tall, it has two powerful legs, allowing it to travel on all terrain types. It is extremely mobile and used in Urban Warfare. It is operated by one Spartan pilot embedded in the nose. Its armaments include a powerful tail (used for propulsion under water) which can be used as a wrecking ball. Armaments include 20 missile pods attached to the rear legs and a MMAC device in the nose. Along the nodules containing either marine or atmospheric drives two Gauss cannons are operated by a targeting computer. This machine is used as a shock device, much like most of the hardware used by the Super Roman Core. It complements the Marine contingents on the ground and is used often to spearhead attacks.

Super Roman Ray

Super Roman RAY

Crew Complement: 1 pilot

Weight: 50 tonnes

Primary Weapon: MMAC

Secondary Weapons: 2 Gauss cannons, 20 Templar missiles, powerful tail.

Height: 40m

Super Roman Dragon Fortress

The Dragon Fortress is the newest addition to the SRLC. It is designed to operate as a super heavy, mobile weapons platform and command post. Five are planned for construction, with four already in operation. The Imperator, upon hearing the request from his three council members for a mobile command post commissioned the SRRC to begin development of such a device.

Super Rome decided it needed a land-based hub of operations when engaging the enemy. Many other nations specialising in air, sea and land warfare all had some form of command base. Without communications from the space fleet the Super Roman army could not function as efficiently as it could. Before, the Spartans could only access the RomNet by setting up portable signal posts and interfacing with them in difficult conditions. This was time consuming and provided too much information too late. Thus the fortress was constructed to act as a permanent unbreakable uplink to RomNet. From here information from the space fleet can be relayed directly to all vehicle operators, marines and Spartans alike. The introduction of a fortress onto the battlefield will allow open chatter along the network and will provide continuous tactical readouts to all marines.

The Dragon fortress can "imbed" itself in the ground to form a semi-permanent base of operations. The supporting legs can fold in on themselves, lowering the body of the vehicle to the floor. This allows deployment en masse from the rear of the vehicle. This will provide an open hangar for repairs, medical assistance and tactical readouts. The rear door can be closed in an emergency and lock all vehicles inside.

It is powered by a stripped-down version of a fusion reactor. This is a tiny reactor compared with those used in the space fleet, but enough to power the propulsion drive. The six supporting legs allow this beast to manoeuvre, although slowly around the battlefield. The legs are most certainly its weakest point, especially if under attack from bombers. The fusion reactor powers the legs to lift in synchronisation, keeping the vehicle suspended in the air. The legs are situated on the side of the vehicle to allow the fortress to enter "trench" mode. The reactor is often near full capacity when engaged, so has to stand stationary when firing the MAC gun as this requires a vast amount of energy.

SRSC/SRLC Dragon Fortress

Crew: 3 Spartan Pilots, 12 marine operators.

Capacity: 6 Scorpion vehicles, 12 warthog variants, 200 marines

Complement: Can accommodate 500 marines when embedded.

Weight: 500 tons

Main Weapon: MMAC rotating turret.

Secondary Weapons: 6 forward mounted LRHV/LRHD cannons, 3 rear-mounted Gauss cannons, 4 side mounted anti air 12.7mm 3 barrelled MG.

Piloted by only the most experienced Spartans and experienced marines. Its permanent uplink to RomNet allows it to provide tactical readouts to all infantry on the battlefield. Its primary role is heavy anti vehicle and building. It is slow moving and heavily armoured. Usually escorted by a contingent of scorpions and warthogs to provide cover from air assault. Its ceramic tritanium armour, similar to that used on the space fleet is a metre thick, rendering it almost immune to small arms fire. Has the ability to embed itself in the terrain to provide a semi-permanent base of operations for allied troops and vehicles. The MMAC turret takes 1.5 minutes to reload and the vehicle has to be stationary to fire.

Super Roman Infantry

Essentially there are four castes of infantry: marines, vanguard, Helljumpers and Spartans.


These are the standard SRSC infantry. They carry standard SRSC weaponry and can operate all vehicles except Dragon Fortresses, Scorpion mark IV tanks and RAY mechanical assault vehicles. They are highly trained and versatile in all forms of combat, from land assault to space assault. Many are trained in the "Ford" training programmes. Each is issued with high-density Kevlar armour and the best boots the SRSC can offer. A good soldier always looks after his feet. A marine may be promoted to a higher caste if exemplary service is demonstrated.


These veteran marines have distinguished themselves beyond the call of duty. They are well respected and rewarded. Often seen in command of a contingent of marines, they form the first form of command structure within the military. Each is equipped with high-grade Kevlar armour interlaced with MJOLNIR threads. It is incredibly versatile. Each has been trained in a variety of command scenarios aboard the Insuperable and has experience is special operations training aboard the Intimidator. These marines are often seen carrying heavier weaponry than ordinary marines. The famed Lt Johnson was one of the founding Vanguard members and despite several requests by the high command he has refused to join the Helljumper division. He insists that his place is with the marines and ground combat. His wish to "put pain to the enemy" is well respected and is often seen conversing with the master chief himself. Lt Johnson has since become the role model for all marines; his presence on the battlefield rapidly increases troop morale.


These are the elite. They are the most battle hardened, well-trained, experienced marines that the Super Roman military has to offer. Recently trained in "Dropzone" technology aboard the Inquisitor. The Spartan warriors only surpass this caste of marines. Few in number the Helljumpers are often used as elite Special Forces support for the Spartans. They are especially trained in boarding and overcoming enemy vessels. They are often pilots of aircraft and commanders aboard heavier vehicles. Their HD Kevlar armour is similar to that which the vanguard carry, although many have interlaced theirs with tritanium fibres. They are trained in using all forms of weaponry and can often be seen supporting with SPNKR launchers and Sniper rifle variants.


Full details can be found at an alternative directory

SRSC Armoury

M7D Pistol

Standard SRSC sidearm. Recoil operated zinc fed handgun. Fires seven 14.7mm semi armour piercing rounds. May include scope.

BR80 Rifle

Fires 9.5mm rounds from 52 round magazine. Includes mounted 2 x optical scope. Fires in 3 round bursts.

AR80 Assault Rifle

Assault rifle fires 9mm rounds from 82 round magazine. Fully automatic fire. Includes HUD device.


Caseless "bullet hose". Fires sustained 6mm rounds from a 60 round magazine.

SP5 AM Sniper Rifle

Spartan operated sniper rifle. Gas operated magazine fed weapon, utilises a smart liked scope with 10-x magnification. Fires 18mm armour piercing, fin stabilised, discarding sabot rounds. Sheer size and limited capacity means the weapon is to be used sparingly. Cannot be fired from shoulder.

MS5 AM Sniper Rifle

Marine operated Sniper Rifle. Primarily used by the Helljumper and Vanguard divisions. This stripped down variant fires 13.5 mm rounds instead of 18mm rounds. May be fired from soldier


Common anti-vehicle weapon. Shoulder fired, 2-x magnification. Fires 120mm shaped charge, highly explosive tracking rockets. Also effective against infantry positions.

M90 Shotgun

Powerful pump action shotgun. Magazine fed 8-gauge magnum 4.5 mm rounds with strong recoil. Favoured by the Spartans and Helljumper marines. Highly devastating from close range.


Mounted Machine Gun. This weapon requires deployment. It is used primarily to set up defensive perimeters and bombarding enemy positions. Will fire 500 RPM and is a 3-barrelled variant of the M60 LMG warthog machine gun.

M9 Fragmentation Grenade

Fuse activates half a second after striking the surface. Produces large explosion.

Vehicle Weapon Summary

SMAC - short range, low power MAC on warthogs. Capable of punching holes clear through enemy armour.

MMAC - Medium Range, Medium strength MAC used on Dragon Fortresses. Capable of punching even larger holes at medium range in enemy armour

LMAC - Long range MAC used on Hellfire version of Dragon Fortress. A high-powered version of the Land MAC devices. Capable of being fired from extreme range, usually to destroy entrenched positions or buildings.

MAC - MAC placed upon nearly all Titan dreadnoughts. This weapon is highly devastating at all ranges. It is capable of punching large holes in enemy vessels, often crippling them. Takes time to reload.

MAC II - MAC specifically operated by the Overlord Class. These are the most powerful weapons the super roman fleet has to offer. These devices will punch massive holes in enemy ships. The slug is fired with such velocity that the energy does not dissipate once it hits the enemy vessel. Within the ship a shrapnel effect will be felt as supercharged energy ricochets off materials within the enemy vessels. This weapon decimates rather than devastates.

LRHD - Long Range High Density shell

Used on Scorpion mark III and IV vehicles. Detonate on impact; creating a strong Vacuum, so powerful it shreds material from enemy armour. Once air enters the vacuum an explosion occurs, firing all material within the vacuum at high velocity everywhere. Also used in combination with LRHV on a Dragon Fortress

LRHV Long Range High Velocity shell

These are used on all Scorpion Mark I, Mark II and Mark IV vehicles. Can also be used in conjunction with LRHD launchers on a Dragon Fortress. Will detonate on impact to cause a large explosion.

M60 LLAMG (vehicle Mounted)

Used on Dragon Fortress as an anti-air weapon. Also used as the rear mounted machine gun on all standard Warthogs. A 3 barrelled, link less, electric, anti air weapon. Fires 600 RPM.

M70 Gauss Cannon (vehicle mounted)

Used as rear guns on the Dragon Fortress and on the rear of a Gauss Hog: Asynchronous linear induction motor produces bipolar magnetic field to fire 25mm projectile at hyper-sonic velocity.

Super Roman Military Strength

SRSC marines: 45,000 SRSC personnel: 60,000 SRSC Special Forces: 5000

SRSC Total on active duty: 110,000 SRSC Total on active, construction and reserve duties: 250,000

SRRC scientists: 10,000

SRLC Marines on active duty: 30,000 SRLC Marines in reserve: 30,000 SRLC personnel: 60,000

SRAF pilots on active duty: 5000 SRAF pilots on standby: 1000 SRAF personnel: 10,000

Super Roman Marines on active duty: 145,000 Super Roman Personnel on duty: approximately 350,000 Super Roman operational capacity: approximately 500,000

However these numbers are approximate for members already in the Super Roman military. If in an invasion situation RomNet estimates that 2.5 million individuals would be eligible to protect Super Rome successfully.