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The Most Holy Theocratic Empire of TheHolyLandsOfGanos=

Capital City: Cellesta

History of The holy Lands

The First chapter

Before the great Kingdoms of Avalonia rose, a lonely monk came from an island far far away. His name was Ganos and he came in search of his destiny. For years and years he followed his before faith and yet their God could not answer his prayers. He knew there was more out there and so he set sail and came to the shores of Avalonia. After wondering it's great expanse for weeks his journey finally ended. Azathoth, one of many Gods, came to Ganos in disguise. He appeared to Ganos as a common old women and asked if she could share in the camp fire which Ganos had made. He of course allowed the old woman to share in the warmth of his fire and with that act he passed Azathoth's test. Showing Ganos his true form, Azathoth told Ganos that he had summoned him from far away to become his prophet and spread the word of the true faith. Ganos honored by this accepted his destiny, knowing that this was truly what he had be searching for. For one whole year Ganos studied under Azathoth, as day by day he told him of the greatness which was everything. He told Ganos of the being of all life, and how Ganos himself could Ascend to become a greater being that just a mortal. Ganos wishing to never forget the great knowledge which Azathoth bestowed upon him, wrote every word down in several scrolls which would be later known as the Sacred Scrolls of Ganos. After the year was up, Azathoth took his leave of Ganos an instructed him to go out and teach the young children of Avalonia the true religion. So Ganos set out and began to teach his word to the nomadic people of Avalonia. Many began to follow him in his travels until finally he had too many followers to continue to journey around, and settle in a small region of Avalonia of which he declared to be the Holy Lands. From then until his Ascension, Ganos taught the word of the Gods. Then on the day of his Ascension, the day when he should have died, Ganos proclaimed that though he physically would leave his people, spiritually he would return to them in the form of another. The other would be his Avatar, and through him would he continue to lead his people until the end of time. With that Ganos Ascended and his people glorified him by having his Avatar be their ruler. Now every hundred years a new Avatar is born and Ganos uses them to continue to spread his word.

The hierarchy of the Ganosian Empire

The Avatar:

The Avatar is the vessel of which Ganos, the ascend prophet returns and speaks to his people. The Avatar is the supreme ruler of all the Holy Lands of Ganos.

Elder Servants to the Scrolls:

These are servants of whom have the greatest knowledge of the Scrolls of Ganos. They are appointed by the Avatar to administer several Ganosian Temples in a certain area. They make sure that the Temples and the people are continuing their faithful obedience to the faith.

High Servants to the Scrolls:

They are the servants of whom preach the word of The Scrolls of Ganos in the Ganosian Temples. Much like Christian priests, they hold several sermons a day within the Temples and make sure that every member of that certain village or town attends the service.

Servants of the Scrolls:

Are those willing to open their minds to the word of the Scrolls and practice the faith. It is not uncommon to see that an entire city is made up of servants of the scrolls.