Park Soon-Won

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Park Soon-Won (b. 17 July, 1959) is the current Prime Minister of Halandra. A native of Aeronafon Ward, Valerius, she attended the Victoria Park High School. She holds a law degree from the University of Valerius and a Masters in Development Economics from the Las Aldeas School of Economics and Management. She is married and has one child.

She is by far the most influential and controversial politician in Halandrian politics, engaging in policies that some have lauded as "tough but necessary" and others have derided as occasionally draconian. Her reputation has earned her the epithet "The Iron Lady of Valerius," which may be considered both as a compliment and insult depending on the individual who says it.

Early Life

Park was born to Park Song-Ho and Fujita Michiko at 92 Cardiff Road in Aeronafon Ward, a tree-lined inner suburb of Valerius, the third-generation daughter of Korean and Japanese immigrants. In addition to her Korean name, she occasionally goes by her Christian name Marijke.

She was educated at the Lauren Barnes Academy primary school, where teachers recognised her unique aptitude. She graduated from Victoria Park High School at the age of 17 ranked first in her class, and read law at the University of Valerius, eventually earning a LLB in that subject as well as an undergraduate degree in economics. She continued her studies following her graduation from that institution, earning a Masters in Development Economics from the Las Aldeas School of Economics in Management three years later.

Early Political Career

Park's first entrance into politics came when she was elected Ward President of Aeronafon in 1981. She quickly gained a reputation for her no-nonsense leadership style and innovative policies in her own ward, which were eventually mimicked by Ward Presidents in other districts of Valerius.

in 1986, after the retirement of Valerius Governor Henrik Duval, Park ran as a write-in candidate in a special election. On 4 April 1986, after a fierce run-off competition against Docklands Ward President Margaret Fleming, Park pulled ahead to win the election with a 61% to Fleming's 34%.



During her governorship of Valerius Prefecture, Park's first major initiative was to improve the quality of life in the metropolis by instituting harsher penalties for littering, public urnination, and aggressive panhandling. Though initially controversial, these initiatives were eventually passed by a sufficient majority of voters and put into effect throughout Valerius.

The most controversial plan of all was the institution of an antiterrorism system in the central sections of the city, namely those wards most critical to the economy and government, Federation Park, Dockyards, Gwalchgwyn, and the Estuary Point CBD. The plan consisted of a steep increase in visible police patrols and the installation of police surveillance cameras in public areas. Critics vociferously claimed that this would turn the city centre into a police state and would reduce the desirability of the city centre as a destination for shoppers and tourists. The plan ended up proving a boon to businesses, with a sharp decrease in pickpocket thefts and muggings.

Public Parks and Greenspace

During the years of Park's governorship, the acreage of greenery in Valerius vastly increased under a concerted government policy to turn blighted, abandoned areas into park space.