Kolatch Gouda

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Kolatch Gouda is an important cheese in Ceorana. It was originally produced by the Kolatch Tribe of Ceorana.


Kolatch Gouda (known as Kolatch Ost when exported to Groot Gouda) is generally known as the oldest cheese in Ceorana, originally manufactured by the Kolatch Tribe. To survive the winters near what is now Tzatzing, the Kolatch tribe made this cheese and put it in storehouses made of cold rock to last the winter, along with some smoked salmon. These stores could last for a couple of years. Most Kolatchites were fond of sharper cheese, as are most Ceoranans today, so an effort was made to eat the newest cheese in the storehouse first, to allow delicacies to develop in the back of the storehouse, as aging makes cheese sharper.

Current Status

Today, Kolatch Gouda is manufactured both by the Kolatch tribe and mass-producers (the biggest mass-producer is Variety Cheeses, LLC., owned by Cameron Groeon), although the Kolatch tribe is almost universally accepted to make the better variety. Although it can be eaten while young, this is generally seen to be only for lower classes, and middle and upper class Ceoranans almost always eat Kolatch Gouda that has been aged for at least 18 months, preferably over 2 years.

Myths and Traditions

There are several myths and superstitions surrounding Kolatch Gouda. Here are just a few:

  • If a person eats Kolatch Gouda with a fork, instead of using bare hands, they must run for the Senate in the next election. Although this is widely cited, it has only been followed in the case of Bob Johnson, a current senator.
  • Those who spell Kolatch without a "t" must not eat the cheese in the next week to avoid rousing tribal spirits.
  • A woman who kisses her husband must not eat any other type of cheese in the next day, lest she get divorced in the next week.