Fordola Balcu

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Ms. Fordola Alice Balcu is the First Presedental Representative of the Republic of Horsetheif Butte. Her term began on August 3, 2016.

Born to Constantien Balcu and Jannet Van Howzen on May 17, 1981, Balcu grew up near the community of Kildeer Saskatchewan. From a young age she showed an intrest in polatics campagning for the Conservative Party of Canada. Elected Member of Parliament for Cypress Hills/Grasslands Fordola Balcu drew attention to the need for lower taxes and less governemnt involvment in the west.

"Agriculture in Saskatchewan is being strangled by a sestem which takes takes to fund burrcratic over ruled programs, as such Saskatchewan farmers who run the ecconomy of Saskatchewan and feed the mouths of Canada are being told they are being supported whilst desperatly needed income is simply taken then regerjtated after feeding the beurucrats of Ottawa and Hull."

After independance Ms. Balcu became a founding member of the Liberal Parrty, she was elected by as the Liberal Canidate running against Democrat Republic canidate Leary O'Murry.