Maeglin Eledhwen

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Maeglin i Úmanya Thingolion carte Eledhweno Herú Arthendien
Date of Birth
33 Tuilë 44 Corana in Atan (13 May 1956)
Place of Birth
Anúminas, Arthendien
Political Affilliation
Marduk Party
Position in Empire
Minister of War, Fieldmarshal

Fieldmarshal Eledhwen born to Thingol Orodrethion and Menlwen of Arthendien. He joined the military at a young age like all the sons of House Eledhwen have done before him, he was assigned to the 12th Dragoon Regiment, where he soon become a commander. He studied at the Eregion Military Institute and contiuned his education there until graduation. He then remained in the Dragoon Regiment for his carrier. In 1971, he was promoted to General of the Dragoon Legions. Though, traditionaly Dragoons were mounted cavalry, in the world today the Dragoons are a tank regiment and only ride hourses in ceremonial events.

During the Civil War, Eledhwen, a loyal son of Tomania, originally was following orders of the goverment in Imaldris, which at that time was the remnants of the Ardatomani. However, Maedhros Haldir convinced him that he and his men should join the Marduuk. Sceptical at first, Eledhwen soon joined the Marduuk and helped them in the Seige of Gondolin and the Seige of Eregion. Whitout, the Dragoon Tank Regiments under Eledhwen it is doubtful that the Marduuk would have taken key cities and regions during the war.

After the Civil War and the victory of the Marduuk, Maeglin Eledhwen was promoted to Fieldmarshal and in after the war against Acranania, Eledhwen was promoted to Minister of War. During his time as Minister of War, he re-organized the regiments, the army, the navy, and the air-force into a more efficent chain-of-command and decalred that no matter one's cast, he can still become a general, admiral, or sky marshall.

Maeglin is not married and has no children.

Fun Facts

  • Enjoys drawing
  • Plays the harp and is a tennor