Honoré Ngbanda (the Terminator)

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Honoré Ngbanda
Full name: Honoré Ngbanda Nzambo-ku-Atumba
Nickname(s): The Terminator, the Bulldozer
Political position(s): Head of SNIP, National Security Advisor, presidential spokesman
Age: Unknown (late 50s-early 60s)
Tribe: Ngbandi
Languages spoken: Ngbandi, Lingala, French, English

One of the most powerful - but mysterious - members of the government, it is said that his influence over President Mobutu is second to none. A fellow member of the Mobutu's Ngbandi tribe, Ngbanda was talent spotted by the President himself. He is a brilliant and cunning man possessed of a cold and calculating mind that is truly in a class of its own. Under his ingenious but sinister leadership, SNIP has acquired a formidable reputation, renowned for its ruthlessness and efficiency, garnering respect, awe, and fear in equal measures. SNIP's brutality and the impunity it enjoys in committing its atrocities, has earned Ngbanda the nickname "the Terminator." Another nickname, not as widely used, is "the Bulldozer."

He has had a long and distinguished career, having served as a member of Mobutu's entourage in one form or another for many years. He held a variety of posts prior to the early 1990s, including Minister of Interior, ambassador to Israel, and head of SNIP (a position he holds now, as well). In addition, on numerous occasions he has served as the President's spokesman. In 1988, he was implicated in a diplomatic scandal that resulted in open hostility between Zaire and Uganda.

A fervidly religious Christian, Ngbanda can be seen directing a Bible studies group on Zairian television on Sunday mornings. He is said to have once seriously considered pursuing a career as a priest.

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