Vassfforcian Legion

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The Vassfforcian army is divided into Legions since it was created in 1661. An attempt was made during the 17th and 18th century to divide it into Tercios but it was fruitless thus only service support divisions are called tercios today.

The Legion

A Legion is composed of about 10’000 legionaries (from 9’960 to 10’009) and is divided into ten cohorts, which may be of Infantry, Cavalry (Heavy and Light) or Combat Engineers or Artillery. Every legion is divided into ten cohorts; that have between 996 and 1’000 legionaries depending on their type. Cohorts are further subdivided into ten Centuries and each Century is then divided into ten Contubernia; however these last two subdivisions may vary in number depending on the cohort type. The Contubernia is the minimum fighting unit (usually composed of 10 legionaries) and is designed to be self-sufficient, they must carry at all times (when in campaign) supplies for at least three days. Moreover, every contubernium has a field medic and every legionary is a capable paramedic.

Infantry Cohort

Each cohort has:

1’000 legionaries

  • 100 ASCOD Pizarros
  • 200 12mm Machine Guns
  • 200 RPGs
  • 1’000 AK-103s
  • 1’000 .45 Magnums

Each cohort is divided into 10 centuries (every century has 100 legionaries). Every century is divided into 10 Contubernia (every Contubernium has 10 legionaries, two ASCOD Pizarros, two machine guns and two RPGs). The Contubernium is the minimum size of a fighting unit.

Regular Infantry Legions have six infantry cohorts; which are cohorts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

Heavy Cavalry Cohort

Each cohort has:

1’000 legionaries

  • 1'000 AKB-103s
  • 250 heavy armored tanks

It is divided into 5 centuries (every century has 200 legionaries and 50 tanks). Every century is divided into 10 Contubernia (every contubernium with 20 legionaries and 5 tanks). The Contubernium is the minimum size of a fighting unit.

Regular Infantry Legions have one or two heavy cavalry cohorts; which are cohorts VII and VIII.

Light Cavalry Cohort

Each cohort has:

1’000 legionaries

  • 1'000 AKB-103s
  • 250 light armored tanks (2 legionaries assigned to each tank)
  • 250 heavy armored helicopters (2 legionaries assigned to each helicopter)

It is divided into 10 centuries, from which 5 have 50 helicopters each and the other five have 50 tanks each (every century has 100 legionaries). Every century is divided into 10 Contubernia (with 5 tanks or helicopters and 10 legionaries each). The Contubernia is the minimum size of fighting unit; in case of special operations (rescue, exploration…etc) a Contubernium may be composed of tanks and helicopters (most commonly combined on a 3/2 base).

Regular Infantry Legions have one or two light cavalry cohorts; which are cohorts VIII and IX.

Engineer’s Cohort

Each cohort has:

1’000 legionaries

  • 1'000 AKB-103s
  • 100 transport helicopters (2 legionaries assigned to each, capacity: 40 legionaries, total carrying capacity: 100 metric tons)
  • 5 heavy armored trucks equipped with SAM batteries (Startreaker-class missiles) (2 *10 legionaries assigned each)
  • 20 heavy armored tanks equipped with HIMARS (ATACMS-class missiles) (3 legionaries assigned to each)
  • 65 PzH 2000 (5 legionaries assigned to each)
  • 1 heavy armored truck equipped with a TELAR for Babur-class missiles (2+10 legionaries assigned)
  • 250 various trucks (one or two legionaries assigned to each)

It’s divided into centuries according to equiplegionariest:

  • 1 helicopter century
  • 1 SAM century (includes the TELs)
  • 1 artillery century (PzHs)
  • 3 various trucks centuries.

The trucks and helicopter centuries are divided into 10 Contubernia, the SAM and artillery centuries don’t have further divisions.

Regular Infantry Legions have one engineer’s cohorts; which is cohort X.

Artillery Cohort

Artillery cohorts do not exist in Infantry Legions. Each cohort is formed by:

996 legionaries

  • 996 AKB-103s
  • 6 heavy armored trucks equipped with SAM batteries (Startreaker-class missiles) (2 +10 legionaries assigned each)
  • 50 heavy armored tanks equipped with HIMARS (ATACMS-class missiles) (3 legionaries assigned to each)
  • 150 PzH 2000 (5 legionaries assigned to each)
  • 2 heavy armored trucks equipped with a TELAR for Babur-class missiles (2+10 legionaries assigned)

It’s divided into centuries according to equiplegionariest:

  • 1 SAM century (includes the TELs)
  • 1 artillery century (PzHs)
  • 1 HIMARS century.

There are no further divisions.


The number of every unit is given in Roman numbers (I, II, III…) except for the specific code, used for vehicles and soldier tags, which is given as following: LChCeCt, Therefore the Contubernium (Ct) II of the Legion (L) IX, Cohort (Ch) III, Century (Ce) V is 9352. Numbers bigger than 10 are changed for letters (10 is A, 11 is B, 12 is C…) from the Vassfforcian Alphabet, which includes Ñ and Ç.

Identity Codes

Legionaries’ identity codes (those on their tags) have their unit number plus a number from 1-10 (1 is given to the Decurion) and the initials of his first name (F) and surname (S). For example a soldier of the legionariestioned unit would be 9352-3FS (or 1FS or 6FS or AFS…).

The identification codes of non-fighting officers have their legion’s number, then ‘000-’ and a number from 1-9 (depending on rank) and their initials.

Military Police within the Legion

The Century I of the Cohort I is the Century assigned to the Primera Lanza and is also the military police within each legion. From that century, the Contubernium I is under the direct orders of the PL and is the only unit allowed to enforce Vassfforcian military punishlegionariests (which contemplate death penalty for desertion and treason).