President of the United States of Mars

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The President of the United States of Mars is the Chief Executive of the country, being Head of State and of Government. The President is also the Commander-In-Chief of the Military and Space Fleet. There have been 9 President's in the United States of Mars since it's independence in 2045.

Because of the USM's large diplomatic presence in Mars, the President is a major figure in politics in the region.

Unlike most countries with a President, the system used to elect a President is quite different. The USM uses a Westminster style election system unlike the United States of America and does not have a Prime Minster or Chancellor, unlike several European Countries.

The 10th and current President is Jenna Murray. After the death of President Daniels in 2085, she took over the Presidency and won an election later that month. It is not yet known if she will serve a second term but an election must be called by 2090 but will proberbly be called in 2089.

Requirements to hold office

The United States of Mars Constitution states that, to become eligible for the the Presidency, one must be a Citizen of the United States of Mars and eighteen years of age. It also states that a candidate cannot have been convicted of a Class-A crime.

The President is usually the leader of their Political Party and cannot be a Constituancy Representative. The leader of a political party may enter the Chamber of Representatives, however, if their party won 1% of the votes in a General Election or Bi-Election.

The President may serve as many 5 year terms as they wish however most serve 4 year elections. The President to serve in office for the shortest time was Henry Game who served for five months after the resignation of President Howard. The President with the longest period in office was Christine Leverton who held office for three terms spanning 12 years. Aside from President Leverton, Presidents Jackson and Daniels are the only presidents to have served two terms (Daniels won a third term but was killed before completing it).


The President is elected in a separate presidential election which are usually held on the same day as the general legislative election, the date of which is picked by the incumbent president. The elections are separate so the legislative body (the Chamber of Representatives) and the executive could be controlled by different political parties however this has never happened.


Although there is no official time set for inaugration or enterance into office, by tradition, a newly elected President should deliver a letter to the outgoing President the day after an election which states their intentions to take office and requests that the outgoing President vacate Kantar House (although the president now resides in Mayor Mansion, Kantar House is legally the residence of the president) and the Presidential Office on a specified date. Usually, the President is given 5 days to conclude their affairs before leaving Kantar House.

Since Tom Jackson was elected to office, the new President walks up North Avenue, to Kantar House where they meet the outgoing President before walking together to the Chamber of Representatives. In the Chamber, the new President holds the United States of Mars Constitution and says the following:As elected by the people of this nation. I will, on my honour, defend them and protect them from enemies external and internal. I will stay true to the values of the United States of Mars and stay true to it's constitution.The President then signs the Constituion before asking the Leader of the Chmaber of Representatives to swear in the elected Constituancy Representatives.

A President who has been re-elected will do the same, however will go directly to the Chamber of Representatives.


The United States of Mars Presidential Line of Succession is designed so that there will never be a time which there is not a President. The line of succession is made up of Cabinet members who take on the role of President if all other members above them on the list are unable to exercise their duties as President.

If a President has died, the next person on the list is immediatly made president pro tempore while the cabinet vote for the current president to be relieved (much in the same way they would vote if the president had a serious physical or mental problem). The president pro tempore must then be sworn in like any other president and must call an election within 14 days.

Below is the Line of Succession.

# Position Name
1. President Jenna Murray
2. Vice President James Woolley
3. First Secretary Damon Hessin
4. Secretary of State for Finance Emma Salmon
5. Secretary of State for the Home Affairs Alex Johnstone
6. Secretary of State for Defence and Military Steven Wells
7. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Laura Jeffery
8. Secretary of State for Justice Rebecca Doleman
9. Secretary of State for Health Emma Roberts
10. Secretary of State for Transport Tim Foreman
11. Secretary of State for Education and Children Jemma East
12. Secretary of State for Business and Trade Josh Gardner
13. Secretary of State for Work, Pensions and Unions Micahel Little
14. Secretary of State for Space Greg Strachy
15. Secretary of State for Culture, National Identity and Sport Louise Douglas
16. Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food Sophie Kelk
17. Secretary of State for Development Natalie Walsh
18. Secretary of State for the Countryside and the Environment Laura Wade
19. Secretary of State Mars and the Mars Treaty Organisation Will Keatley
20. Secretary of State for Energy and Utilities Harry Shelton
21. Secretary of State for Bottes Tanya Bailey
22. Secretary of State for Fosse Joseph Cole
23. Secretary of State for Cropwell Maddie Jones

If everyone on the list is unable to exercise their duties then the highest ranking military leader is made Head of State in the role of "Executive General" until an election is held. To date, there has not been an Executive General in the United States of Mars.

Presidential Benefits


The President is traditionally the highest paid government employee but because of the 2049 Power Act., the President cannot be paid more than double the salary of the second highest paid government official. This was designed to make sure that, when the country was founded, people did not run for the Presidency for money.

The average Presdential salary is around 400,000 Credits (US$200,000) but the President can also recieve up to 100,000 Credits (US$50,000) more for expenses.

Often, the President earns more from book deals etc. after they leave office.


The President gets the benefit of living in Kantar House, Kantar, the official home of the President. The house is unique because, unlike the official homes of other leaders, no government offices are in the house. All the government offices are located in Parliament City which is several hundred metres away from the house.

The President also gets the use of the River House mansion in the north of the country as another residence and Presidents often uses this house as a weekend or holiday retreat.


The President has the use of several vehicles designed to be secure and practical. The most well known are the two "Space-Jets", Discovery and Trecker. The two jets are identical and are capable of space travel as well as travelling across Mars. The jets are several hundred metres long and have three levels. The jets also each have their own contingent of figters designed to protect them from atatck.

The Presidnt also has a number of other vehicles including the Presidential helicopter and a fleet of limos.


IS6 (Intelligence Service 6) is the service designed to protect the President and other government officials. It is similar to the US Secret Service. After the President leaves office, IS6 is charged with protecting them and, after they die, their partner.