House of Del Lunaria

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The House of Del Lunaria is the Royal House of Hataria and The Ruleing Family of The Royal House


The House of Del Lunaria started in the North with The Asakura tribe, The Del Lunarians wer The heads of The Tribe in 1870 when a French Born Japanese Nobleman married into the Tribe. Soon the Del Lunaria Family ruled The Asakura Tribe with a iron Fist for many Years, but soon, one would take over The Nation of Hataria and Rule a Nation in trobble


Constatine was The chief of the Asakura Tribe when Hataria was in it's Dark ages, The First Republic was crushed by Evil Nations who wanted to enslave Hataria and The Republic was a puppet to them.

Constatine soon Decided to end it By Attacking the Republic and its Masters and declared the first united Hatarian Empire, he ruled with a Iron Fist and was making Hataria Strong again.

But Soon ITD and a few other Nations attacked and Destroyed The first Empire and enslaved Hataria. Constatine died in The Battle. But the enemy were soon thrown out By a rebelion and the Second (Short) Republic was declared, it's job was to in fact, Find the Son of The First Emperor, and with finding Prince Barbarossa, the Second Empire (the Imperial Republic Era) Started


One of the most Militaric Rulers, Emperor Barbarossa was loved, even though most wars that he started were lost. A Warrior Emperor, He Dreamed of a Empire that would Rule The World. but his wars were failues, his Attack on Parthia failed, same with his Attack against Nikolaos the Great. These wars made Hataria hated by Most Nations, save for two nations, Nueve Italia and Axis Nova, Axis Nova started tradeing with Hataria and Nueve Italia thanked Hataria for it's Help in that Nation's Civil War.

in that War, Hataria made enemies with The Nation of Roman Republic It losted because it helpped The Rebels while Hataria help The Governmet, In The Arce Union War, Roman Republic helpp That Nation against the Ottoman Alliance and Hataria, It lost again.

This hate for Hataria by The Romans soon ended with one Assasian Killing Barbarossa with a RPG at the car Barbarossa was in while he was waveing to The People. This lead to The Rise of The First Empress of Hataria

Serena the Great

Serena was loved by all for her Goodness and Wise leadership. As Empress, she Built a Empire that incuded China, Brazil, Cuba and Spain. Serena made peace with old enemy, all but Roman Republic, and Started tradeing with more Nations.

Her rulership was The Start of The Modern Golden Age of Hataria.

One Nation on The other hand became Hataria's Dread Arch-enemy, Questers.

Questers wanted China and Hong Kong as part of it's Empire and fought Hataria to a Stand still many times

While this was Happening, Serena gave birth to two babies, even Though it was thought she and The Shogun and best friend, Nadia Le Havare were haveing a lesbian affir.

Questers soon tried Force Hataria to get rid of it's Militar and give all it's Colonies to Questers, Serena said no and Questers showed it's True Colors by Launching a Nuclear Missile and Destroyed Hataropoils, the Capital, and killed Serena

Nehernia The Conquerer

The murder soon showed Questers it had made a BAD mistake as Serena's own Annt, Dutchess Nehernia, took the Throne, before Civil war could Start. In her Rule, She made ITD give back Western Hataria and when Questers tried to Destroy Hataria again, Forced It to make peace with help of ITD, now Hataria's Ally.

She has a Duaghter and Son, The Crown Princess Galaxia and Prince Skulltor.

in The Ryu no Shogun War and The Corparate Wars, Hataria expanded The Empire with the Take over of Japan from Demon 666 while fighting to save The world from The Griffincrest Empire.