Talk:The Battle of Perpendiculum

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Revision as of 10:31, 6 March 2007 by DaveRoud (Talk | contribs)

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Right this is Baz, I might as well start this discussion of the page.

Firstly good idea James, I think we should use this method from now for all multi-national conflicts and that will mean each nation is fairly represented.

Right what I'll do is I'll bring stuff that I think could be changed to your attention with this page first then I'll leave it for you to include the changes. That means you won't to do the mistake again, as opposed to me (or anybody else) changing something without your knowledge and then when you continue the report not relising the changes we have done and for what reason you might do the same mistake twice.

Ok on first glance I can see you have called what appears to be my fighters, corsairs, if that is the case they are actually supposed to be one of my fighters could you call them fighters please.

Also you have said one of the pilots has a claw mutation, I don't mind you mentioning mutations but I don't think that a fighter pilot will have a claw. Also mutations are not very common so don't start saying every Friendly Alien has a mutation of some sort but most are very tall except Trigons.

Finally the commandos will be a combination of Eldars and Super Mutants. Both very distinct forces please can you make sure you don't confuse the two. Super Mutants will not have a leader they go in squads and will all recieve orders via the communicator and complete them together (a tribute to vast experience and group cohesion) and the Eldar squads will be lead by a Doyen.

Apart for that good job so far. Please telegram me or ask me on msn if you have any queries. Also have a through look through my wiki it should have all the info you need.

Baz 19:00, 5 March 2007 (GMT)

I have identified a couple of issues that I'm not moaning about, I just will identify them and get back to you when I have time to rewrite them.

There are nine Conciliators, not eleven.

Why would the Aliens land in the hanger bay just to tell the ship commander that 'war is coming'? Why didn't they just radio it in? Also it's pretty insulting to think that ships could get that close without being detected.

Where is this actually taking place, around the moon? Cos in which case I calculated it would take 20hrs for a ship to reach it in the days before Pulse Drives.

'Walschland vessels were known to strafe the area in the hope of detonating heat and optical reactive weaponry, as had been witnessed after the destruction of the Roman weapons frigate Helicon' --- I'm not going to pretend I even know what this means, could someone explain it to me. That said, strafing is the act of moving sideways, when holding a weapon. Walschland's ships wouldn't be strafing an area, they'd probably be (thinks of word) I don't know, skirting? skimming through? And I was under the impression that they were on the ground in Walschland itself, since a forward Keggy 80-K shoots one down when they are lifting off.

Roudland vessels don't have a bridge, they have a CIC, and that has a commander, not a captain.

I'll update all the stuff pertaining to my forces soon.

Dave, 1937 GMT


Ok Im glad you like the idea of a group effort here. I would like to say this very clearly.

The idea of this joint project is to allow a fair representation. However it is also here so that we can add bits in ourselves. To be blunt, I do not have time to have a look at all the intricate details of subspecies or particulars regarding technology and honestly these are the bits that excite most of us, which I appreciate. I know what SR has because it is my nation, however off the top of my head I cannot remember the difference between half of baz's complicated species sections, I would have to search through the whole wiki where it would take Baz 5 seconds. Thats not being harsh its just it is too much of a trouble to get the details exactly as you want them. So to aid me this is what I would like. If for example Baz you really disagreed with the claw (thinking about it now is kinda stupid - how does he fly-duh!) then you should change it to what you would feel appropriate. If I say anything that is an obvious mistake then change it yourselves. My role here is simply to map out the story the first time round. So YES change details like numbers for example or bad wording as long a it does not affect the storyline. Obviously details that do affect the storyline should be referred to me. But DONT tell me that I have specific details incorrect. For example Dave I have nothing really to go on about the specifications of your old Conciliators. If you dont have a bridge on your ship then just change it to CIC or whatever. As Baz has said if there is a recurring mistake that I make then point it out to me.

ok so to adress the first issues:

Baz: Its cool just to change the description of the mutant to whatever you wish. If you do not want a mutation simply cut it out. Just a heads up as well when I do the Gothrian vessel raid I will have to include a lot of FA mutants and Eldar. I will look at the wiki but my detailing might be a little flawed. Change to what you want.

Dave: Hopefully from the above and as you have said. Change the minor details (9 not 11, commander not captain etc) thats fine.

Ok now: I have envisaged strafing in space as the horizontal movement of a vessel without the use of the main engines. Essentially a ships weapon is always armed. If you think there would be a better term for this then by all means suggest it. (p.s I do know what strafing is Dave)

Kegmenistan shot down GOTHRIAN vessels built by Super Rome in the Battle report I seem to remember at the start of the conflict. As Perpendiculum rebels stole the vessels Keg shot one down before it could leave the atmosphere, another was destroyed by orbital MAC fire. Walschland has not launched its capital ships yet. The Walschland vessels in space are fighters essentially. The Battle has not started yet. Out forces are above the Alliance "The ships of Kegmenistan remained alone in high orbit over the Western continent" whereas the stolen Gothrian ships are in orbit behind the moon along with the Perpendculum fleet. The FA commander comes to the Keg vessel to resupply before the battle and to form the main bulk of the fleet as has been stated in the introduction. The commander greets his Keg counterpart and happily announces that war is coming not to tell them but just as a statement. With regard to their silent approach, this i think is the only real sticking point so far. I will edit this so that essentially the Keg commander knew they were coming but didnt realise the ship was going to do a fly-by past his window! Heat and Optical weaponry - ill take this out as well, at the time I was thinking remote mines sensitive to heat and light emitted by capital ships.

Ok then so far so good. Ill write more as soon as I can I thought id just point out a few things.


Ok cool well I just hope you understand why I thought I would bring the points to your attention as opposed to just changing them with out you knowing about it.

Besides from that Ill do as you ask and change them straight. Dude remember to include my frigates in the report :D. Also the Onyx is my flagship and Admiral Praxia (a chick) is the commander.

Baz 13:31, 6 March 2007 (GMT)

Heya, no probs about specs etc etc, I'll deal with that.

and Keg shot down a Walschlandic ship when they were taking off. How would it shoot down a Gothrian ship, which is docked in Super Rome?

The evidence is here; from the forum posts


During the invasion of Walschland to the south, in the midst of shell explosions sweeping across the landscape, it could be seen that a sizeable space fleet of Walschland's took it's leave of Earth. We managed to bring down one of the ships before it left orbit with an 80-K the rest got away relatively unscathed. Clearly the begininig of an attack. Be ready up there guys.'

And I didn't mean to insult anyone, I just don't think strafing is the right word and I was pointing out its meaning in order to highlight that.

There you have it :D

Dave, 1431 GMT, March 6th