Seth Mahone

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Seth Mahone
Name and Honorific Title
His Imperial Grace, Sir Seth Michael Mahone, Sovereign of the Tocrowkian Reich
Current Age

His Imperial Grace, Steward Seth Mahone (Born March 23rd, 1986) is the current Steward of the Tocrowkian Reich, replacing Isabella Reinhard. Previously a little known figure in Tocrowkian politics, he skillfully maneuvered his way into the office of Steward during the recent Tocrowkian regime, which saw the defeat and exile of the previous Neo-Bolshevist Government and it's officials in a bloodless Coup d'état which saw the restoration of the old, Capitalist-Imperialist regime.

Early Life

Seth Mahone was born to his father, Alastor Mahone and his wife Kirsta Mahone in Kharazuma, Tocrowkia as their middle child. The Mahones, along with the Reinhard's are one of Tocrowkia's most prominent and respected house of nobility. He, along with his sisters Rachel (23) and Valeria (18) were raised in Zackum. Despite strong opposition from his parents, he attended public High School, the only one in his generation to do so. His professors remarked that he was exceptionally bright and talented, but quiet, pensive and possessing a penchant for daydreaming. Despite this, he graduated with honors in 2004.

Imperial Navy Academy

He went on to attend the Imperial Naval Academy in Badrial shortly after his graduation, as is the tradition of Tocrowkian noble youth. He completed two semesters, but was ejected from the Academy halfway during the third for reasons that remain unknown, though according to several students whom were known to be a members of his social clique, the charges involved narcotics. He still received his rank of Lieutenant Commander six months later, however. Before the revolution, Seth would have likely been assigned to the TRS Imperator, the largest and most powerful in the Tocrowkian Navy due to his families influence.

Preceded by:
Stewardess Isabella Reinhard
Steward of Tocrowkia
March of 2007
Followed by: