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Revision as of 15:03, 27 April 2007 by Riordanopolis (Talk | contribs)

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Forum: Riordonia
Population: 45 nations
Delegate: Riordanopolis
Founder: Riordanopolis
Info: NSEconomy RC XML



(created by Aristocratic Tibet on April 26, 2007)


Regional Power: Moderate

Invasion Threat Level: Yellow (Moderate)

Riordonian National Anthem

(Oh)Riordonia, our home.... (Oh)Riordonia, our land.... (Oh)Riordonia we stand for you.... Forever we will be your hands....

Long Live our noble leaders and ideals of Democracy.... Long Live our glorious oceans and mighty mountain peaks....

(Oh) Riordonia we love you forever and ever and ever more!!!! (Hail Riordonia being sang in backround of second to last stanza)

Riordonia! Faithful and True!!!!! Riordonia we love you! Riordonia!(STOP MUSIC)

(Created by Tessler on April 21, 2007)

Outdated and revised versions of the Riordonian National Anthem

Oh Riordonia, Oh Riordonia, the mighty region of Riordonia. Standing Tall, Never Fall, always rough and tough we love thee....Rior...Don..iaa, Roir....don...iaa,rior....don..iaa we love and support thee no matter what the battle or cause! To crush any enemy in your way hail Riordonia! Hail Riordonia! Hail the noble and brave Riordonia!

(Created by Tessler on April 8, 2007)


February 2007: The Founding

On February 6, 2007, the brave new nation of Riordanopolis broke away from it's region of The East Pacific and formed a new, better and stronger region known now as Riordonia. Since that month, Riordonia has had an influx of nations. The first nation to join Riordanopolis was No More Clintons who arrived from The Pacific. Ian John Locke II followed soon afterwords from the region of Treaties. On February 8, 2007, Riordanopolis became the first elected delegate to the UN; however, he was ousted the next day. On February 9, 2007, Riordonia's honorable Delegate, Ian John Locke II to the United Nations was elected into office. He overthrew the previous delegate Riordanopolis. Since he has been in that position, he has done many things for Riordonia's benefit, including creating the forum board for Riordonia. On February 16, 2007, No More Clintons figured out that he just wanted to be left alone and departed Riordonia for his very own hermit region of Leave Me Alone. Also on this day the Locke-Riordanopolis alliance came into effect. On February 21, 2007, Riordanopolis once again became delegate after overthrowing Ian John Locke II's 12 day rule as delegate. After a heated election filled with mudslinging and anger, Riordanopolis, who fought a painful campaign against Ian John Locke II lost his power to Zazzazurik on February 26, 2007 after 5 honorable days as delegate. Ian John Locke II arranged Riordonia's first alliance with the region of Island of Lovers. After only one day as delegate, Zazzazurik lost his position as delegate to Ian John Locke II on February 27, 2007. After his defeat, Zazzazurik spammed the lodge board with innane comments such as "I'm watching Futurama" and "I need to brush my teeth," and left the region of Riordonia. On February 28, 2007, the month ended with speculation and preparation of an invasion led by Riordonia's generals against the region of LESSER ANTARCTICA.Riordanopolis learned and reported to his region that LESSER ANTARCTICA is only a satalite region of the slightly larger, GREATER ANTARCTICA. Another satalite region, Arctic, contains an insurrectionist and enemy of GREATER ANTARCTICA,Gillongrad, who Riordanopolis proposes that we support. The hoped outcome would be that as Riordonia would gain LESSER ANTARCTICA,Gillongrad would gain Arctic and force GREATER ANTARCTICA to surrender, Ian John Locke II feels that we should wait a week before attacking... only the comming month will tell of the outcome. Instead, 24 hours from 9:00 P.M. EST February 28, 2007, Riordonia plans to invade the region of Shindleria Praematurus, a region of 2 nations: the founder, The Zunder and former Riordonian delegate, Zazzazurik. The generals have been notified. Riordonia's population remained steady at 36 nations at the end of the month.

March 1-15 2007: On the World Stage

March 1, 2007- Riordonia's generals prepare to invade the region of Shindleria Praematurus, Zazzazurik is their region's delegate. Their region now contains Montagnino, a nation who supposadly supports our cause, however Riordanopolis and Ian John Locke II remain cautious toward him. At 8:30 PM EST The General Dispatched, Conor Sheeran, MattWalsh, and Joe Sim, randezvoid in the region of Lazarus. After that they succesfully infaltrated the region of Shindleria Praematurus.

March 2, 2007- Joe Sim is elected delegate of Shindleria Praematurus. His first order of business was the ejecting and banning of the founder of Shindleria Praematurus, The Zunder. His mission was a success. In order to finnish the job Joe Sim requested more UN nations to join him to support him, in order to finnish the mission, however Ian John Locke II disapproved. The generals arrived back leaving Zazzazurik in the region. Montagnino came to Riordonia.

March 4, 2007- Our regional treasurer, New Brianland left our region for California, he states that he is a true Californian. He will be missed, he was one of the first arrivals to Riordonia. In fact he was our 10th nation to join. This will be a sad day for Riordonia.

March 5, 2007- A great day for Riordonia, generals; The General Dispatched, Conor Sheeran, and MattWalsh were promoted to 2 star generals and Joe Sim was promoted to 3 stars for their outstanding work in their victory in Shindleria Praematurus. Montagnino was also made an honorary 2 star general.

March 8, 2007- Riordonia's regional power finnally reached moderate status.

March 10, 2007- in foreign affairs, the former Riordonian nation of No More Clintons has left his hermit region of Leave Me Alone, for Iowa.

March 11, 2007- Ian John Locke II created an alliance between Riordonia and Vulcanth, a waring region of pillagers and warriors.

March 14, 2007- Beanzland became the first nation in Riordonia that ceased to exist. He will be greatly missed. He was the 7th nation to join Riordonia. Also on this day Riordonia hit the milestone of holding 50 nations. In Foreign Affairs:The Zunder returned to his home nation of Shindleria Praematurus after delegate, Zazzazurik, removed him from the regional ban list that was set up by Riordonia's brave general, JoeSim. The Zunder also password protected their region and barred delegate access to regional controls. This appears to be an attempt to protect their region from another invasion by Riordonia's mighty generals.

March 15, 2007- New Brianland returned to Riordonia from California.

March 16-31: A Riordonia Divided

March 16, 2007-Riordanopolis once again, but surprisinly regained the status of delegate from Ian John Locke II. New Brianland returned to his position as Regional Financier and Treasurer. It was a sad day for Riordonia, Ian John Locke II left Riordonia after finally being fed up with Riordanopolis and his policies, he has left for his newly created region of The Generals of Riordonia. He was soon followed by Joe Sim, MattWalsh (who had left Riordonia earlier this mourning for the region of Castamere), The General Dispatched, Montagnino, Papa Grizzly Bear, The Angels of Michael, Crudgebug123, and Brittany Cohn.

March 17, 2007- Many nations were kicked out of the U.N. today. As part of a deal with Ian John Locke II to re-unite Riordonia, Riordanopolis used his powers to eject Keelawljuice whom Ian John Locke II refers to as a racist. This is part of Ian John Locke II's plan to rid Riordonia of all racists. The General Dispatched returned to Riordonia after the ejection of Keelawljuice.

March 18, 2007- Conor Sheeran departed Riordonia for The Generals of Riordonia. New Brianland left Riordonia for the region of Zarathustra to get away from the recent conflicts that have arisen between Riordonia and The Generals of Riordonia and due to the ejection of Keelawljuice which to some has been seen as an attack on free speach. Nations such as Sharrakor poop have voiced their support for Riordanopolis and the Riordonian cause.

March 21, 2007- Brittany Cohn departed The Generals of Riordonia for Riordonia after losing delegate status to David Tizio. Brittany Cohn then left Riordonia for Peace. Brittany Cohn again re-joined Riordonia after 2 hours in Peace.

March 22, 2007- Riordanopolis ejected Ian John Locke III after a letter sent to The Zunder was intercepted by Zazzazurik and sent to Riordanopolis's attention. In the letter Ian John Locke III asks The Zunder to invade and destroy Riordonia. Riordanopolis also ejected The General Dispatched for his treasones comments about Riordonia and Riordanopolis. Ian John Locke II promised Riordanopolis that he would return in 24 hours from 5:00 PM EST March 22, 2007 if there was no slandering or mudslinging in this 24 hour window. Ian John Locke III went to The Generals of Riordonia after briefly re-visitng Riordonia to spew his propoganda, and The General Dispatched returned to Riordonia.

March 23, 2007- Ian John Locke II broke his word and refused to re-join Riordonia.

March 24, 2007- the former 1 star general The Smarts ceased to exist. Imperials an Novices 2 also ceased to exist after being made general. It has been reported that Syrador's brief stay in Riordonia was a spying mission for a planned invasion by the region of The Holy Empire of the Ducky due to Riordonia's conflict with The Generals of Riordonia. Syrador stated in his lodge board back in The Holy Empire of the Ducky that he believes Riordonia is weak... he is hopelessly wrong! In foreign affairs: The once abandoned region of Leave me Alone has once again been inhabited by a new nation, The Dark Galactic.

March 26, 2007- Syrador states that he was not planning an attack on Riordonia, but was instead planning an attack on the region of Reinholtican Union.

March 28, 2007- Remnant forces, a small division of the oriental empire, arrive in Riordonia. The empire's nations inclued; nations include OrientalNazis, OrientalFacists, OrientalNerds, OrientalSpys, OrientalKoreans, and several more. He telegramed Riordanopolis stating:

Remnant forces(quote): I do not wish to disturb the peace here in Riordonia. I am here for a sole purpose, to remove Myrith from your ranks. My original plan was to take control of the delegacy and eject and ban the nation of Myrith, then leave for his origin, terre. But now my scheme has been announced, i must seek a negotiation with you. If you eject and ban the nation of Myrith from this region i will leave. if you do not, i can be relatively difficult. i do not want to hold anything hostage here or be hostile with you, so i would much appreciate if you could EJECT&BAN him from your region. i do now that his original plan was to compromise your region. his brother and i have been seeking the destruction of his power for some time now.

Riordanopolis has replied that he will not take part in such action against Myrith or the region of Terre.

March 29, 2007- Negotiations between Riordonia and The Generals of Riordonia are scheduled to be held tonight. Armutso1 of the region if gods of war, has contacted Riordanopolis for an alliance and for military support in their attempts to conquer the region of Willoughby. Imperials novices Re of Osgiliath Ruins is in Willoughby also assisting the assult. They fear that the defenders of Willoughby are gaining the upper hand and want Riordonia's support. Riordanopolis offers his condolences but states that Riordonia cannot help until the civil conflict with The Generals of Riordonia has been resolved. Riordanopolis wrote back stating that he hopes to help in the fight against Willoughby tomorow, after negotiations with The Generals of Riordonia. Negotiations that night failed.

March 31, 2007- Ryan Kearney, one of Riordonia's oldest members, ceased to exist. Riordonia's population was at 40 nations at the end of the month.

April 2007: A Depended Rift: How Riordonia and The Generals depened their rift and how Riordonia began to rebuild.

April 1, 2007- Remnant forces was ejected from the UN. Riordonia's new nation of Tessler has begun wrighting up Riordonia's constitution. He also wants to be involved in the peace process between Riordonia and The Generals of Riordonia, which appears grimmer with each passing day. Riordanopolis ejected and banned The General Dispatched after becoming sick of his lies, propoganda, and personal attacks against Tessler.

April 2, 2007- Tessler came up with the idea that all nations in Riordonia and The Generals of Riordonia should move to a new region, New Riordonia, to re-establish themselves. Riordanopolis objected stating that the problem was not that of the establishment of Riordonia but was of The Generals of Riordonia. The Angels of Michael arrived to Riordonia to spew propoganda for The Generals of Riordonia. He also falsly accused Riordanopolis and Tessler of being the same nation. This caused Tessler to abandon hopes of New Riordonia and a Riordonian constitution and he left for his new region of The Fondorian Mainland.

April 3, 2007- Ian John Locke II created the region of The Generals, to get rid of the name Riordonia. The Generals of Riordonia began to flock to their new region. The Angels of Michael departed Riordonia after spamming their lodgeboard with propoganda. An exodus of nations from the dying region of Sparta continue to flock into Riordonia. The exodus began in late March of 2007. Tessler and Batesy returned to Riordonia from The Fondorian Mainland, they began working on a new constitution.

April 4, 2007- The former regional scout, Fury Chickens ceased to exist. Mermaids and dragons ousted Riordanopolis from his position as delegate which he held for 19 days. According to Tessler this is an important way to make Riordonia a more democratic region. After being ejected from The Generals, now controlled by delegate Ian John Locke III, puppet to their founder Ian John Locke II, David Tizio arrived to Riordonia with the hopes of becoming delegate. Riordanopolis has learned that the former Riordonian allies of Island of Lovers and Vulcanth remain loyal to The Generals, but hope for a peaceful end to the crisis.

April 7, 2007- Riordanopolis ousted delegate Mermaids and dragons's 3 day delegatship. The Angels of Michael briefly returned to Riordonia to spew more propoganda and state that Tessler's claiming that Ian John Locke II and Riordanopolis had both broken the Locke-Riordanopolis alliance, was false becuase that agreement had broken when The Generals left Riordonia. Tessler has stated that he is organizing a deal with The Generals that will hopefully lead to peace. Tessler also hopes to re-establish the Locke-Riordanopolis alliance. The region of The Generals of Riordonia was formaly dismantelled as the last nation, The sovets, left for the region of The Generals.

April 8, 2007- Riordonia has once again reached the milestone of holding 50 nations. Tessler created the Riordonian National Anthem. In the region of The Generals, their new nation of Edouard I was ejected by Ian John Locke II, after complaining of the founder maintaining a password protected region, and calling him a tyrant.

April 9, 2007- Edouard I joined the region of Riordonia. Tessler has repeatedly refered to himself as the delegate of Riordonia and being in control of what Riordanopolis does not do. He also threatened that Edouard I would be ejected for any name calling done against The Generals and that he must apologize.Riordanopolis corrected Tessler by stating that the Riordonian nations have not elected Tessler as delegate. Riordanopolis also stated that the use of ejection and banning would only be used by the founder and only for a logical cause. Tessler left and joined The Generals. He created The Fondorian Mainland TGE. Mermaids and Dragons went to The Generals with the hopes of becoming delegate. The Generals have begun creating an empire of satilite regions. They also have embassies amoung their ally nations. Peace had almost seemed like it was being achieved untilRiordanopolis learned that The Generals were planning an attack on Riordonia. Riordanopolis alerted the region and soon after The Generals sent The Generals Spammer0 and Ian John Locke II himself to spam to lodgeboard. Riordanopolis ejected and banned them from the region and password-protected the region.

April 10, 2007- Riordanopolis received word that a rogue general, The Great General has spewed anti-General propoganda in the regions of The General's allies. Riordanopolis got rid of all nations on the regional ban list. Riordanopolis also created the Invasion Threat Level, a system from green (clear), blue (good), yellow (moderate), orange (high), and red (severe), and downgraded it from orange to yellow. Riordanopolis also briefly lifted the password-protection, until Ian John Locke II briefly returned again and left after spewing propoganda. The password-protection was put back into affect. Riordanopolis again removed the password-protection.

April 11, 2007- Gillongrad arrives in Riordonia from Arctic to offer his assistance against The Generals. Myrith accepts the position as Advisor for Foreign Affairs.

April 13, 2007- Riordanopolis raised the invasion threat level to Orange, after reports of spies for The Generals in the region, and of word of a possible invasion of Riordonia, by The Generals.

April 15, 2007- David Tizio departed Riordonia for The Generals out of frustration of not becoming delegate of Riordonia. Myrith became delegate after ousting Riordanopolis from his 8 day delegatship. Riordanopolis formed an alliance between Riordonia and the region of Illuminati and its sub-states. Ian John Locke III arrived to Riordonia for diplomatic purposes, thus losing his delegate status in The Generals. He appears to be in the region to promote the Myrith delegatship and to prevent Riordanopolis from regaining the position. He states that he will remain in Riordonia for a week.

April 16, 2007- In The Generals, Mermaids and dragons became the new delegate of that region. On the month anniversary of the rift between Riordonia and The Generals, it appears that tensions are being alleviated and the peace process has re-begun. Riordanopolis lowered the Invasion Threat Level to Yellow. It is believed by many and now stated by Edouard I himself, that he is a puppet for Sidlegascar, the delegate of Greater Antarctica.

April 17, 2007- Aristocratic Tibet accepted the position of Regional Solicitors & Recruiter. Riordanopolis announces plans for a restructure of the government. He plans on creating a system of checks and balances and new cabinets to hold power. He also plans to hold elections between Riordonian nations and The General's nations to see which nations would hold certain positions. This is Riordanopolis's strategy to try to re-unite Riordonia and The Generals. Riordonia begins to gain better ties with The New Britania Empire, an ally of The Generals. They are against Sidlegascar the delegate of Greater Antarctica and trator to the Polar Union. Gillongrad is struggling to regain control as a loyalist to the Polar Union and Riordonia has prommised to help.

April 18, 2007- Old Garretburg one of Riordonia's oldest nations ceased to exist. In The Generals, David Tizio once again became the new delegate, ousting the non-commital former delegate, Mermaids and dragons.

April 19, 2007- Remnant forces declares that the region of Terre declares war on Riordonia for allowing Myrith to remain delegate, Remnant forces then leaves Riordonia. Riordanopolis becomes delegate, ending Myrith's 4 day delegatship. Remnant forces calls off the war against Riordonia.

April 20, 2007- The Great General arrives in Riordonia. Riordanopolis lowers the invasion threat level to code blue. Gillongrad is put in charge of the Department of Defense. Talks break down again with The Generals, after Ian John Locke II demanded that Riordanopolis eject ChinkB, Myrith, Gillongrad, and The Great General

April 21, 2007- Myrith becomes delegate once again, removing Riordanopolis from his 2 day delegatship. The nations of Riordonia debated on what type of government Riordonia should be. Riordanopolis and Gillongrad both wanted a democratic government similar to that of America, while Aristocratic Tibet and Tessler support a monarchy government similar to that of England. Tessler also updated the Riordonian National Anthem. Riordanopolis raised the Invasion Threat Level to Yellow.

April 22, 2007- Riordanopolis regained delegateship from Myrith's 1 day delegateship. Ian John Locke III left Riordonia for The Generals, as promised becuase his week long stay in Riordonia was up.

April 23, 2007- A sad day for Riordonia, the former head of The Department of Defense and freedom fighter for the Polar Union, Gillongrad, ceased to exist. The Generals Embassy6 arrived but soon left and was replaced by The Generals Embassy7. This is part of a plan to relieve tensions between Riordonia and The Generals.

April 26, 2007- Remnant forces rejoined Riordonia. Aristocratic Tibet, the forum bored moderator and Regional Solicitor & Recruiter was made Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and was also made Regional Cartographer. Aristocratic Tibet mapped out the region of Riordonia.

April 27, 2007- A sad day for Riordonia. Many nations ceased to exist today brining the regional nation count down to 45.

List of Nations [starting with who joined first]

  • The Republic of Riordanopolis un.gif
  • The Armed Republic of No More Clintons [see below]
  • The Republic of Ian John Locke II
  • The Dictatorship of Joe Sim
  • The Republic of MattWalsh
  • The Empire of Ryan Kearney
  • The Republic of Beanzland
  • The Oppressed Peoples of Papa Grizzly Bear
  • The Democratic Republic of Conor Sheeran
  • The Colony of New Brianland
  • The Most Serene Republic of Old Garretburg
  • The Democratic States of Brittany Cohn un.gif
  • The Holy Empire of Riczho
  • The Empire of NeuArcadia un.gif
  • The Queendom of ChinkB un.gif
  • The Principality of Mikeyizgr8
  • The Rogue Nation of Tairenna
  • The Empire of Sharrakor poop un.gif
  • The Kingdom of Barechu
  • The Borderlands of Camulodunon
  • The Colony of Giant Hogweed
  • The Fiefdom of The Fury Chickens
  • The Most Serene Republic of Happy Blue Bunnies un.gif
  • The Disputed Territories of Pissed Leper Gnomes un.gif
  • The Dominion of Crammy the second
  • The Republic of Krissyria
  • The Theocracy of The Angels of Michael
  • The Principality of Zazzazurik
  • The Oppressed Peoples of Keelawljuice
  • The Republic of Balkan Countries
  • The Republic of The Smarts
  • The People's Republic of Danno10 [see below]
  • The Kingdom of Ali Fehr
  • The Republic of NMN7
  • The Democratic States of 1123581321345589
  • The Queendom of The Secret Vineland
  • The Theocracy of Gazra
  • The Disputed Territories of Eastern Dakota
  • The Grand Duchy of Bencao
  • The Kingdom of New voyager
  • The Dominion of The General Dispatched
  • The United Socialist States of RichardJG un.gif
  • The Rogue Nation of Pyromaniaphiles
  • The Confederacy of TK College Textbooks
  • The Republic of Kaloopie Kapoopie
  • The Republic of Marshall Joseph Tito
  • The Armed Republic of BANDE un.gif
  • The Empire of Eirdan un.gif
  • The Republic of Montagnino
  • The Theocracy of Anti_The BaldlandsJece
  • The People's Republic of DurpSlurp
  • The Rogue Nation of Z Minot
  • The Retired Whale Hunters of Kalmukia
  • The Republic of Mermaids and dragons
  • The Republic of Crudgebug123
  • The Commonwealth of Frrrruuunkus
  • The Republic of Scarleterra
  • The Colony of Draconic Companies
  • The Colony of FlamingFireFiends
  • The Holy Empire of Apocraphinland
  • The Oppressed Peoples of KKKillallJews
  • The Empire of The Germanic Menace un.gif
  • The United Socialist States of Amoxicillia
  • The Armed Republic of Zacu
  • The Disputed Territories of Kakistain
  • The Commonwealth of Plaku
  • The Rogue Nation of Ian John Locke III
  • The red army of The sovets
  • The Republic of IanJohnLockeIIIisgay
  • The Republic of ZazzazurikSucks
  • The Republic of Kikesanddikes
  • The Republic of The German Jew
  • The Republic of Chris Mornik
  • The Borderlands of Odd Grinding Noises
  • The United Empire of Myrith un.gif
  • The Fiefdom of Syrador
  • The Republic of Imperials an Novices
  • The Dictatorship of Imperials an Novices 2
  • The Colony of Imperials novices Re
  • The Democratic States of Gavadna
  • The Queendom of The Pride of Chanur
  • The Protectorate of Ninja Theifs
  • The Most Serene Republic of Black Eyes of Death
  • The Unholy sacrilegious state of OrientalNazis
  • The Kingdom of El Akakda
  • The Armed Republic of Remnant forces
  • The Empire of Aecus un.gif
  • The Republic of Neeggars
  • The Dictatorship of The Dark Robes
  • The Kingdom of Qyrre
  • The Republic of Tessler un.gif
  • The Colony of Moonlight Town
  • The Democratic Republic of Batesy
  • The Democratic States of David Tizio
  • The Kingdom of Clayre
  • The Dictatorship of Twisted Twilight
  • The Oppressed Peoples of Ageton
  • The Principality of James Richard II
  • The Armed Republic of Spartz un.gif
  • The Rogue Nation of Rah-Sang
  • The Republic of Pink Box
  • The Colony of Eyeberia
  • The Winding Trail of The NationStates Bunny
  • The Sultanate of Aristocratic Tibet
  • The Kingdom of Edouard I
  • The Commonwealth of Normandy Isles un.gif
  • The Queendom of Rebbca
  • The Colony of Fondoriandelegate
  • The Rogue Nation of The Generals Spammer0
  • The Republic of Mad Mad Monkeys
  • The Republic of Chip loving retards
  • The Republic of What the crappy fish un.gif
  • The Republic of NightHawkes un.gif
  • The Confederacy of Gillongrad
  • The Dictatorship of General Teapot
  • The Community of Pryokrasnaja Zemlja
  • The Republic of Rev Revolution
  • The Illuminati Grand Chancellor of King Enoch
  • The Empire of Actlan
  • The Republic of Blumchen un.gif
  • The Rogue Nation of The Great General
  • The Rogue Nation of The Generals Embassy6
  • The Rogue Nation of The Generals Embassy7
  • The Illuminati Grand Chancellor of King Enoch
  • The Armed Republic of Wills Point un.gif
  • The Republic of Arctique Khmer Rouge

Former Nations of Roirdonia

The Armed Republic of No More Clintons Departed Riordonia on 16-Feb-07 after a lengthy stay of about 2 weeks he was the first nation to join Riordanopolis in the region of Riordonia but figured out he just wanted to be left alone.

The Principality of Mikeyizgr8 departed Riordonia after a 1 minute stay on 19-Feb-07.

The Kingdom of Barechu departed Riordonia after only a few minutes on 19-Feb-07

The Dominion of Crammy the second departed Riordonia after a few minutes to try to recruit our great nations to their pathetic region on 21-Feb-07

The People's Republic of Danno10 departed Riordonia after only a few minutes twice on 22-Feb-07 and again twice on 23-Feb-07

The Democratic States of 1123581321345589 departed Riordonia after only a minute on 23-Feb-07

The Principality of Zazzazurik departed Riordonia on 27-Feb-07 after lossing his delegate status to Ian John Locke II, a total deuche

The Retired Whale Hunters of Kalmukia departed Riordonia on 9-Mar-07 after only a few hours

The Republic of Scarleterra departed Riordonia on 13-Mar-07 after only a few minutes

The Republic of Beanzland ceased to exist on 14-Mar-07

The Holy Empire of Apocraphinland departed Riordonia on Mar-14-07 after a few hours

The Republic of NMN7 departed Riordonia on Mar-15-07 after being in the region for almost a month

The Republic of Ian John Locke II departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07 he returned on Apr-9-07 but was ejected by Riordanopolis after spamming the Riordonian lodge board

The Dictatorship of Joe Sim departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07

The Republic of MattWalsh departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07

The Republic of Montagnino departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07

The Oppressed Peoples of Papa Grizzly Bear departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07

The Republic of Crudgebug123 departed Riordonia on Mar-16-07

The Oppressed Peoples of KKKillallJews was to cool for the pool on Mar-16-07

The Oppressed Peoples of Keelawljuice was ejected out of Riordonia by Riordanopolis on Mar-17-07

The Democratic Republic of Conor Sheeran departed Riordonia on Mar-18-07

The Colony of New Brianland departed Riordonia on Mar-18-07

The Rogue Nation of Pyromaniaphiles departed Riordonia on Mar-19-07

The Colony of Draconic Companies departed Riordonia on Mar-19-07

The Colony of FLAMINGFIERYPYROFIENDS departed Riordonia on Mar-19-07

The Holy Empire of Riczho ceased to exist on Mar-19-07

The Rogue Nation of Tairenna ceased to exist on Mar-19-07

The Borderlands of Odd Grinding Noises departed Riordonia after only a minute on Mar-22-07

The Queendom of The Secret Vineland ceased to exist on Mar-23-07

The Republic of The Smarts ceased to exist on Mar-24-07

The Republic of Kikesanddikes ceased to exist on Mar-24-07

The Fiefdom of Syrador departed Riordonia after only a few seconds on Mar-24-07

The Republic of Imperials an Novices departed Riordonia after a few minutes on Mar-24-07

The Dictatorship of Imperials an Novices 2 ceased to exist on Mar-24-07

The Queendom of The Pride of Chanur departed Riordonia on Mar-25-07 after only a few minutes

The red army of The sovets departed Riordonia on Mar-25-07

The Protectorate of Ninja Theifs departed Riordonia on Mar-25-07 after only a few minutes

The Most Serene Republic of Black Eyes of Death departed Riordonia on Mar-26-07

The Kingdom of Ali Fehr departed Riordonia on Mar-26-07

The Colony of Giant Hogweed departed Riordonia on Mar-26-07

The Unholy sacrilegious state of OrientalNazis departed Riordonia on Mar-26-07

The Republic of Chris Mornik departed Riordonia on Mar-27-07

The Republic of Kaloopie Kapoopie ceased to exist on Mar-30-07

The Confederacy of TK College Textbooks departed Riordonia on Mar-30-07

The Empire of Ryan Kearney ceased to exist on Mar-31-07

The Disputed Territories of Eastern Dakota ceased to exist on Mar-31-07

The Republic of Balkan Countries ceased to exist on Mar-31-07

The Dominion of The General Dispatched was ejected and banned by Riordanopolis on Apr-1-07

The Theocracy of The Angels of Michael departed Riordonia on Apr-3-07 and again on Apr-7-07

The Fiefdom of The Fury Chickens ceased to exist on Apr-4-07

The Oppressed Peoples of Ageton departed Riordonia after only a few minutes on Apr-4-07

The Colony of Imperials novices Re departed Riordonia on Apr-6-07

The Principality of James Richard II departed Riordonia on Apr-6-07

The Winding Trail of The NationStates Bunny departed Riordonia on Apr-8-07 after only a few seconds

The Republic of The German Jew ceased to exist on Apr-9-07

The Republic of Mermaids and dragons departed Riordonia on Apr-9-07

The Rogue Nation of The Generals Spammer0 was ejected by Riordanopolis after spamming Riordonia's lodgeboard on Apr-9-07

The Kingdom of Qyrre departed Riordonia on Apr-10-07

The Republic of Mad Mad Monkeys departed Riordonia on Apr-10-07 after only a few minutes

The Democratic States of Gavadna departed Riordonia on Apr-10-07

The Republic of Chip loving retards departed Riordonia on Apr-11-07 after only a few minutes

The Colony of FlamingFireFiends ceased to exist on Apr-11-07

The Rogue Nation of Z Minot ceased to exist on Apr-14-07

The Democratic States of David Tizio departed Riordonia on Apr-15-07 and again on Apr-16-07 after mistakenly re-entering the region

The Kingdom of New voyager ceased to exist on Apr-15-07

The Illuminati Grand Chancellor of King Enoch departed Riordonia on Apr-15-07 after formally announcing the alliance between Illuminati and Riordonia

The Empire of Actlan departed Riordonia on Apr-16-07 after only a few minutes

The Most Serene Republic of Old Garretburg ceased to exist on Apr-18-07

The Republic of IanJohnLockeIIIisgayceased to exist on Apr-19-07

The Theocracy of Gazra ceased to exist on Apr-20-07

The Republic of Pink Box departed Riordonia on Apr-20-07

The People's Republic of DurpSlurp ceased to exist on Apr-21-07

The Rogue Nation of Ian John Locke III departed Riordonia on Apr-22-07

The Dictatorship of General Teapot departed Riordonia on Apr-22-07

The Confederacy of Gillongrad ceased to exist on Apr-23-07

The Rogue Nation of The Generals Embassy6 departed Riordonia on Apr-23-07

The Borderlands of Camulodunon ceased to exist on Apr-25-07

The Community of Pryokrasnaja Zemlja departed Riordonia on Apr-27-07

The Grand Duchy of Bencao ceased tp exist on Apr-27-07

The Republic of ZazzazurikSucksceased to exist on Apr-27-07

The Republic of Neeggars ceased to exist on Apr-27-07

The Kingdom of El Akakda ceased to exist on Apr-27-07

List of Regions Dismantled by Riordonia

In other words, Regions that have entirely joined Riordonia.
  • Treaties
  • Chrisholm
  • Pretezlvania [was created as an experiment by The Principality of Zazzazurik after briefly leaving Riordonia he soon returned to Riordonia]
  • Benzel
  • Andersonville
  • Permanent Revolution
  • Victorland
  • New Riordonia
  • The Fondorian Mainland
  • Spartazar
  • Monkey Land
  • The Lair of The Great General

Riordonian Allies

  • Illuminati

A History of UN Delegates

  • The Republic of Riordanopolis {Elected 8-Feb-07; ousted 9-Feb-07}{Lasted 1 day}
  • The Rogue Nation of Ian John Locke II {Elected:9-Feb-07; Ousted:21-Feb-07}{Lasted 12 days}
  • The Republic of Riordanopolis {Elected:21-Feb-07; Ousted:26-Feb-07}{Lasted 5 days}
  • The Principality of Zazzazurik {Elected: 26-Feb-07; Ousted 27-Feb-07}{Lasted 1 day}
  • The Rogue Nation of Ian John Locke II{Elected 27-Feb-07; Ousted 16-Mar-07}{Lasted 17 days}
  • The Republic of Riordanopolis {Elected 16-Mar-07; Ousted 4-Apr-07}{Lasted 19 days}
  • The Republic of Mermaids and dragons {Elected 4-Apr-07; Ousted 7-Apr-07}{Lasted 3 days}
  • The Republic of Riordanopolis {Elected 7-Apr-07; Ousted 15-Apr-07}{Lasted 8 days}
  • The United Empire of Myrith {Elected 15-Apr-07; Ousted 19-Apr-07}{Lasted 4 days}
  • The Republic of Riordanopolis{Elected 19-Apr-07; Ousted 21-Apr-07}{Lasted 2 days}
  • The United Empire of Myrith{Elected 21-Apr-07; Ousted 22-Apr-07}{Lasted 1 day}
  • The Republic of Riordanopolis{Elected 22-Apr-07}{Holding Office Currently}

Jobs and Appointments

Explanation: In Riordonia we have jobs for each nation that is part of it. This can be found here but to make everything clearer is also listed below:

  • Founder
    • Riordanopolis
  • UN Delegate
    • Riordanopolis
  • Regional Solicitors & Recruiters
    • Aristocratic Tibet
  • Riordonia Forum Board Moderator
    • Aristocratic Tibet
  • Regional Financier and Treasurer
    • None
  • Daily Regional Journalist
    • None
  • Region Scout
    • ChinkB
    • The Germanic Menace
    • Eyeberia
  • Regional Publicist and Spokesperson[Explanation: This person would hold control of this wikipedia page and would also publicize Riordonia to other regions to form allies]
    • None
  • Regional General [Explanation: This person will lead Riordonian coalition of troops into enemy regions in order to dominate]
    • none
  • Regional Cartographer [Explanation: This person makes and updates maps of Riordonia.]
    • Aristocratic Tibet
  • Regional Historian [Explanation: This person updates the history of Riordonia on the wikipidia.]
    • Riordanopolis
  • Surgeon General
    • None
  • Advisor for Foreign Affairs
    • Myrith
  • Diplomat
    • Tessler
  • Department of Defense
    • none
    • Chief Justice of The Supreme Court
  • Aristocratic Tibet
    • Supreme Court Justices
  • none

Empty Jobs

  • "The Forums" Scout [Explanation: This person/group of people would scower the NS Forums and report to the rest of Riordonia on what is happening.][Warning: This job will be taxing and a big job which is why it may need to be split up]
  • Secretaries:
    • Secretary of Region [Explanation: This person manages trivial information for Riordanopolis and myself]
    • Secretary to the Regional Solicitors & Recruiters [This requires three people, one for each of the recruiters]
    • Secretary to the Riordonia Forum Board Moderator
    • Secretary to the Regional Financier and Treasurer
    • Secretary of Allies [Explanation: This person/These persons would keep the alliances we have with other nationstates.][Note: This is different from Regional Publicist and Spokesperson. The RP&S makes allies; this office would help keep allies]
  • Assitant Secretaries
    • Assistant Secretary to the Delegate [Explanation: Would make the delegate aware of any new UNRPs submitted]
    • Assistant Secretary to the Navy
    • Assistant Secretary to the Generals [Would require one per general]
  • Director of Education [Explanation: Would oversee the educational principles of the member nations of Riordonia]
  • Lodgebook Archivist

References for NationStates on NSwiki

External links

Feel Free to Edit

Riordonians feel free to edit this page to include histories of your nations.

Free Forum

Also, all Riordonians, the forum listed above is quite important. Please join using your NationStates Username and not a different username!

Ian John Locke II 19:32, 19 February 2007 (GMT)