The Allied Nations

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The Allied Nations (AN) was a regional organisation similar to the UN and EU that was created in the Union of Spanish nations after the Mono-Spanish war, it was then moved to the region of Euskalherria during the Olmec invasions and it's present membership includes Aboriginal Ozmah Adiemu,Hesperique, Grischun, United Manchuria, Monogolia, Monogolia in Exile, Northern Caesarea, Pandorapolis, Prismos Southern Caesarea United Manchuria. Former members included JunoMitsu (expelled), Mwah-Mwah (resigned) and Amandelastan (ceased to exist).

History and Objective

Former Caesarean President Verdulero and President Greenwood proposed the idea of the Allied nations at the peace conference in Metro City after the Mono-Spanish war. It's main objective was to secure a peaceful and progressive region. Many nations then joined the AN immediately agreeing with it's principals.

Organisational Body

The AN is composed of member states including the five nations with the biggest populations which belong to the security council. The council has limited power as it cannot veto, it's main aim is to fund more into the organisation as well as to deploy peacekeeping troops upon request. Any nation in the AN can compose a resolution on any issue.

The secretary general is Werner Curschellas from Grischun who can decide upon tie votes in a resolution.

AN Resolutions

1. Diplomatic Sanctions against the Olmex Empire. [by Hesperique]Passed

2. Strikes against the Olmex Empire [Hesperique]Passed

3 Recognition of VODAIS [Prismos]Passed

4. Application of Mwah-Mwah [Shao Manchuria]Passed

5. JunoMitsu and Grischun Application [Prismos]Passed

6. Secretarial Powers [Shao Manchuria]Passed

7. Creation of Euskopol [Monogolia]Passed

8. Creation of Eusko Health Organisation [Monogolia]Passed

9. Creation of Eusko Human rights committee [Monogolia]Passed

10. Pandorapolis application [Monogolia]Passed

11. Sanctions Against Pandorapolis [Mwah-Mwah and Adiemu]Denied

12. Peace Process [Grischun]Passed

13. Prohibition of JunoMitsu's satellite [Grischun] Passed

14. Expellation of JunoMitsu from the Allied Nations [Monogolia] Passed

15. Ejection of JunoMitsu from Euskalherria [Monogolia] Passed

16. Application of Amandelestan [Adiemu] Passed

17. Condemnation of Pandorapolis Airstrikes [Mwah-Mwah]Denied

18. The denounciation of terrorism in Euskalherria [Amandelastan]Passed

19. Strikes against Mwah-Mwah [Grischun] Passed

20. Display peacekeeping troops between Pandorapolis and Trojan Culture [Grischun] Passed

21. Expellation of Shao Manchuria from the Allied Nations [Northern Caesarea] Passed

22. Kuomin Manchuria application [Grischun] Passed

23. Trojan Authority application [Grischun] Denied

24. Aboriginal Ozmah application [Grischun] Passed

25. Southern Caesarea application [Hesperique] Passed

26. Sanctions against Pandorapolis [Southern Caesarea] Passed

27. Creation of International Court [Northern Caesarea] ?

AN Agencies

- Euskopol: Allied Nations Agency for Security and Police cooperation. Created after the outbreak of terrorism in Euskalherria. President: Mr. Xabier Otegi (from Monogolia).

- ANHA: Allied Nations Health Agency. Created after the discover of bird flu cases in Shao Manchuria. Chairman: Mr. Jorge Moneo (from Northern Caesarea)

- ANHR: Allied Nations Human Rights observatory. Chairwoman: Ms Hana Karina (from Adiemu)


Kawadaki Environmental Protocol: Aboriginal Ozmah, Adiemu, Grischun, N. Caesarea, United Manchuria.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Adiemu, Aboriginal Ozmah, Grsichun, Prismos.