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The Planet Trid
Syatem Pleione
Aphelion 152,087,001 km
Perihelion 146,078,031 km
Semi-major axis 148,767,953.5 km
Semi-minor axis 148,576,999.826 km
Orbital circumference 926,075,709 km
Orbital eccentricity 0.016 910 119
Sidereal orbit period 365.126 740 days
Satellites 2 Ællos and Ðoeþos
Aspect Ratio 0.996 647 139
Ellipticity 0.003 352 861
Radius 6,372.795 km
Diameter 12,745.591 km
Circumference 40,041.455 km
Surface Area 510,065,284.702 km²
Land 20.4 %
Water 79.6 %
Volume 1.0832×1012 km³
Mass 5.9736×1024 kg
Density 5,515 kg/m³
Escape velocity 11.186 km/s
Sidereal rotation period 0.997 258 days
Axial tilt 23.439 281°
Declination 90°
Mean Surface Temperature 287 K (14 °C)
Adjective Tridyan
Atmospheric constituents
  - nitrogen
  - oxygen
  - argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor

77 %
21 %

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