Novian language

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Novian is a constructed language made by Skatvalian professors during the last part of the 20th century. It is meant to be simple to learn, and doesn't have much grammar. Novian does not have any masculine/feminine (or neither) words, double wowels or consonants, special endings for verbs to show who's "doing it".


Here is the Novian alphabeth (with IPA-spelling):

  • A - /æ/
  • B - /b/
  • D - /d/
  • E - /iː/
  • F - /f/
  • G - /g/ The G is always pronounced as a "hard G" as in game
  • I - /ɪ/ It shall always be pronounced as i in bills
  • K - /k/ The K replaces the C
  • L - /l/
  • M - /m/
  • N - /n/
  • O - /u/ The U is pronounced like in the Spanish; Andalusia
  • P - /p/
  • R - /r/ The R is pronounced with a so-called alveolar trill like in many RL languages. Though, it's not a huge mistake if you pronounce it as the English R.
  • S - /s/
  • T - /t/
  • V - /v/
  • Å - /å/ The Å represent the English O-sound like in support. The Novian translation of support is supårt


Many RL languages have complexe grammar systems, and here is a list of grammar that does not appear in Novian:

  • Diphtongs
  • Double wowels or consonants
  • Accents (like Á and Ï). One single exeption in Novian: ën (one)
  • The nouns have "genders" with own systems to "bow" them
  • The verbs have endings to show "who's doing it" (like in Spanish; vivir - vivo)


Note that Novian also have a nicer form (like the RL Spanish form usted)

English Novian
you du
he un
she um
it it
we vi
you (pl) du
they de


The number one/1 (ën) is the only Novian word with a form of accent within it. Note that the letter e appears often between joints of large numbers because e simply means and in Novian.

# Word # Word # Word
1 ën 21 tueën 400 firgran
2 to 30 treteën 500 femgran
3 tre 40 firteën 600 siksgran
4 fir 50 femteën 700 sugran
5 fem 60 siksteën 800 eitgran
6 siks 70 sutëen 900 nigran
7 su 80 eiteën 1000 tosen
8 eit 90 nieën 2000 to tosen
9 ni 100 gran 3000 tre tosen
10 ten 101 graneën 4000 fir tosen
11 tenën 102 graneto 5000 fem tosen
12 tento 110 graneten 10 000 ten tosen
13 treten 111 granetenën 100 000 gran tosen
14 firten 200 togran 1 000 000 millon
20 tue 300 tregran 1 000 000 000 billon
1,846,408,109 billon'eitgranefirteënesiks'firgraneeit e graneni