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Forum: The YoungWorld Forum
Population: 170 nations
Delegate: The Jersey Empire
Founder: [Analyse]
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

A quiet region with strong feelings toward democracy. Located in the warm Pacific waters, with many miles of beaches and loads of sunshine. We don't take kindly to spammers, so think before you post recruiting messages here.

Pacific is a diverse region containing many different cultures. Although it is not a vast region, it has developed into a very stable environment. It is frequented by many recruiting nations that mistake it for a feeder region, and for the most part this is tolerated, but there have been times when Pacificans have taken affirmative action against spammers and recruiters.

Nations such as Chrytonia, The Jersey Empire, YB, Insectavia and Vertosa either reside or have resided in this region before moving on to pastures new.

UN History


  • The Pacific Advocate of Chrytonia - initial regional delegate (date unknown)

  • The Pacific Advocate of Chrytonia - re-elected: 28th June 2004
  • The State of Vertosa - elected: 31st January 2005

Attitude towards UN proposals

Whilst Pacific boasts a healthy UN membership, the nations in the region have been notoriously negative of the UN. There is a sense of national sovereignty throughout the region, and whilst some see this as a negative point others believe that it compliments the spirit of democracy upon which the region was founded.

The regional vote (cast by the delegate), is always decided by simple majority. Although it is not written in any constitutional form, the delegate is obliged to listen to the voice of the UN membership in the region.

Attitude towards UN endorsements

There is a trend in Pacific for endorsement trading. This is good for regional democracy because it helps consolidate the position of the delegate whilst allowing opposition to exist to hold the delegacy to account. This disadvantage of this trend is that nations are encouraged to endorse nations that may not share the same view of politics and policy in an atempt to secure an endorsement for themselves. This trend has become more apparent sine the resignation of Chrytonia as delegate. Many nations endorsed Chrytonia because they sympathised with the attitude she had towards policy and regional governance. Chrytonia was a nation that was both representative of the region and successful at trading endorsements. Since her resignation the delegacy has been contested by endorsment traders.