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The Corettan Embassy Slaughter

After Coretta executed over 70 prisoners for driving-related crimes, Bloopans began to protest outside the Corettan embassy. The protest eventually trned into a riot, briefly igniting a Bloopan offensive against Coretta until Forgottenlord thretened invasion, forcing Bloopa's withdrawal.

This is the main RP thread:

Bloopan Civil War

(During the Great Aberdonian War) Bloopa's Prime Minister Shaw began to "tighten security", police brutality began to rise, protests were shut down, and courtcases against the government suspiciously dropped. (Read about that here: The Civil War soon began between the governemnt and the CRA (Civil Rights Association)(Here:

Timeline: Day 409-CRA founded at EBU

Day 447-Innocent verdict of police conduct in EBU Taser incident, prompts first violence against government oppression (In the name of the CRA)

Day 451-CRA banned by Bloopan Congress

Day 452-Bloopan Civil War begins at a rally in Yonion, the Capitol (weekend fighting ensues)

Day 455-Eramia and the UKTGM support Bloopan Government, Andany supports the CRA

Day 460-Fighting at Burrows War Plant begins, Aioran officially remains neutral while offering the CRA secret aid.

461-UKTGM forces land, Hekloslogravia agrees to aid the CRA

466-CRA forces retreat, Battle for the Burrows War Plant ends.

467-Andany, Aioran, meet with CRA to plan next move. The Bloopan government begins a full length offensive to deplete CRA resources. Raze Avi City (Kill Alley Rache’s family), among others. EE supplies twelve very advanced fighters to the CRA, secretly.

469- The CRA army is on its way to Yonion, the capitol, while fighting all along the border so the government forces won’t be able to fortify th city even more. Lucian Milan (Aioran) meets up with Alley Rache (Bloopan) to destroy the Burrows War Plant and the forces stationed there (to stop them from attacking the advancing CRA army from behind)

479-Luciano and Alley destroy the Plant and get the villagers there to aid the CRA Army (which is under attack from behind.) The Battle for Yonion begins, utilizing the 12 EE planes for air support. Luciano and Alley infiltrate Yonion and the Bloopan Headquarters. Alley bluffs on the CRA’s proximity to victory, kills Prime Minister Shaw, and receives the surrender from the military leaders, which is then broadcast over the radio. The war is over.

Involvement in Wulfez Civil War

A commie takeover. The Bloopan Government, trying to jump start their economy by selling weapons to the Wulfezian Government, ends up being drawn into the War themselves. (Read all about it:

Hespatin Virus

The Charisian Nation of Hespatin is home of the birth of a deadly. contagious virus. Which, obviously, as otherwise it wouldn't be on this page, spread to Bloopa. (RP thread:

Major Characters

Thomas Rucke--First RP'ed Prime Minister of Bloopa. Led during the Corettan Embassy Slaughter Crisis. Impeached.

Henry Shaw--Succeeded Rucke. Led during the negotiations after the Embassy Crisis and during the Civil War. Overthrown by the CRA. Killed by Alley Rache. The last Prime Minister of that line of government.

Alley Rache--Resident of Avi City. Parents and older sister killed in the destruction of Avi City (believes her younger brother was killed too, although he isn't). 16 at the time of the Bloopan Civil War. Becomes the Poster-girl and hero story of the Civil War, inspiring the citizenry to fight the corrupt government, killed PM Shaw, accepted the surrender of the military leaders by bluffing them on the CRA's nonexistent success on the battlefields outside of the capital (Yonion).

The official leader of the Bloopan Forces in Wulfez throughout hostilities.

Description: Pretty, blond, 5'10". Doesn't like being ignored, kind-hearted, pretty darn good with a pistol. Lerning tactics by Serving alongside Lieutenant Jimmy Wilson.