Daos oo-Tzavina

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Daos oo-Tzavina
Lord High Chancellor
Political Affiliation
City of Origin

Mayor of Cayaste (Green), Member of k'Tanar Avalyic (Equallity), Chancellor of Welfare (Equallity), Equallity Leader, Opposition Leader (E-SD), Lord High Chancellor (E-SD-M-G)

Born as the son of a merchant in the northern city of Cayaste, Daos proved himself a competent leader through local government. Upon his graduation from the School of Cayaste, Daos went to the University of Tolde where he became an active enemy of the Chancellor of Education Aros oo-Thelar, who was known for his beliefs that the Educational system should be catered to the rich and powerful. Though Aros was soon removed by k'Tanar Avalyic, Daos became known for charisma and organizing power. When he returned home, he became for Mayor of Cayaste under the Green Party, but lost power with the Green Party over his pro-industry policies. When he ran for k'Tanar Avalyic, he switched to the Equallity Party, a new party which had been weak in Cayaste, but had enough power to get five seats at-large in k'Tanar Avalyic

With the rise of the Social Coalition, the Equallity Party became quite powerful. Since the Equallity Party was the third place in the Coalition (after Social Democrats and Green), Daos was appointed as Chancellor of Welfare where he worked for five years. However, with the Moderate/Conservative victories, Daos was ejected from his position, and instead, took his place as the Equallity Leader. This Middle-Conservative Movement, however, popularized the Equallity Party, which was not as Anti-Industry as the Social Democrats or as Pro-Environment as the Green Party. He became the Opposition Leader (E-SD) and soon, with the support of the Green and Moderate Parties, became Lord High Chancellor.

Daos' term as Lord High Chancellor has been very successful. With a four-party coalition (dubbed: Progressive Coalition) under the fairly moderate Equallity Party, his government has had many legislative victories. Opposed by two different coalitions, (Coservative-Religious and Libertarian-Capitalist), his legislation is often passed with the support of neither coalition, but always passes with the support of one. Such was true with the Divine Charter, which gained 2/3 support since the Religious and Conservative Parties had opposed, but had no allies. He is well-known for his forceful, convincing speaches and choice of chacellors, which includes some from opposition parties.

Daos oo-Tzavina has held the office of Lord High Chancellor of Avalya for two years. He has been an advocate for education, transpotation, prospering industry, and civil rights.


Daos visitng an summit in Savay-uv-Rait