Tumnórëan Mountains

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Tumnórëan Mountains

An enclosed, almost circular mountain range amidst the Great North Range, which is the natural border between Tumnórë and Iluvauromen (see ICEL).

The Tumnórëan Mountains are enclosed within a geographically larger mountain range, but are settled on different ground; the Tumnórëan Mountains are inherantly stabile, with no active geological fault lines - the Great North Range, however, is highly active and prone to dangerous landslides; except on its northern frontier, which is spoken about in greater length elsewhere.

The Tumnórëan Mountains themselves are composed of far larger mountains than those in the Great North Range, and possibly owe their greater high to a period of far greater activity in the distant past. However, geological information is not readily available, and so the true geology of the region remains a mystery to the world at large.

The largest mountain in the range is Mt. Tumnórë, the unusual plateau-peak of which stands at some six point two one five kilometres.

Bizarrely, there is a kingdom that apparently has its capital here here: the Kingdom of Tumnórë, the capital city of which (name unknown) lies almost at the very roof of the world. The Kingdom contains the entirety of the range-and-valley system described here.

Atmospheric conditions at the plateau-peak of this giant mountain are unusual to say the least, with a small 'pocket' of atmosphere around the peak - somehow contained almost at the same barometric pressure expected at sea level.

There are six other major mountains in the range, but these are all mere ant-hills in comparison to the mighty Tumnórë; these mountains are not named in the Iluvauromeni texts from which this information is derived, however, and so there are no known names for these mountains outside of the Tumnórëan Kingdom itself. See also: Tumnórë, Iluvauromen