Juuno-Foxsteni war

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The Juuno-Foxsteni war, called the "War of evil conquest" in Frisbee Freaks and called "Great Anti Imperialist War" in Foxstenikopolis, and Juuno-Foxsteni war in the rest of the world was an attempt made by Juun to conquer Foxstenikopolis. 100,000 Juun's forces moved across the border into Foxstenikopolis, and ran all the way to the capital. Foxstenikopolis' capital fell, because Foxstenikopolis had almost no military. Juun seemed guarenteed a quick victory, but Foxstenikopolis' superior industrial advantage liberated the capital. Foxstenikopolis then invaded Frisbee Freaks. They started 1,000 bomber strikes all over the country and destroyed the freak economy. They then invaded and soon, Juunotorum fell, and Foxstenikopolis asked for Juun's surrender.

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