Fort Mac

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Originally Fort macmurray was a small coastal outpost on the south eastern tip of mopergaea. It was eventually abandoned due to its lack of use as the fort protected nothing of value and was not located anywhere with any strategic significance to anyone at the time.

About sixty years ago a rich tarsands deposit was discovered that prompted several rich oil companys to invest in developing a town in the area to support a mining operation. This town grew in size as the mining operation grew but relied totally on the income from the oil to support it. In addition its location in the middle of a small desert made it an undesirable place for people to live, so rather than move into fortmcmurray with their families many people just got their companys to pay for air or bus fare from fort macmurray to the closest decent city. This caused a lack of concern for the citys well being to develop as lots of people only stayed as long for a month or so before heading back home to spend the money they earned, the city became poor, desitute and crime ridden despite the fact that many of the people who lived there were bringing in a large sum of cash from working at the oil sands.

Eventually the oilsands were mined as much as they could be taken for like every other oil deposit eventually is. Although it was estimated that a few billion dollars worth of oilsand was still left several hundred meters below the surface it was never exploited. Not because of a lack of investment from the companys however as machinery to dig it up had even been built by them in anticipation of mining it, but rather because it was considered dangerous by anyone to go to deep into the undermoperville.

So it was that the city looked to be on the verge of abandonment. Many of the workers were ready to just pack up and leave now that the city lacked oil income. But what they forgot about was their children, who had all grown up in the city and had known for a long time that eventually the oil money would dry up and their home would become abandoned if nothing was done to help the city develop a non oil dependent economy.

Sadly no one ever expressed any interest in actually doing this. At least none of the older generation that is. The youths though, generally in their teens had other ideas when it came time for their familys to pack up. They didnt want to abandon their hometown or lose the freinds they had known all their lives because their parents werent cappable of looking to the future. So when the families began moving out a large percentage of the youth population opted to stay in the city, in the hopes that they could turn it around. If a youths family did not like the idea of leaving them in the city then the youth needed only to seek shelter with the others that had chosen to stay behind until such a time as the oil sands workers had moved on.

Eventually those who had worked at the oil sands did all move on to other citys. Leaving behind a fair population of people between the ages of thirteen and twenty three. One of the oil companys decided to stay, and helped the youths who werent afraid of the dangers inherent in the undermoperville to mine the resources buried farther beneath the desert sands giving fort macmurray a much needed economic back bone.

As the city attempted to develop other industrys as well and actually started the process of forming a legitamite government it began attracting youths from nations all over moperville who desired the chance to be free of their parents influence and actually work for themselves. This in turn attracted several manufacturing industrys to the city who were looking for places within mopargaea that could supply easilly able bodied workers.

One of the biggest industrys the city has devloped thus far though has been its R & D. Eventually the city grew stable enough to form a legitamate government and entirely run its own affairs, at this point it became its own nation instead of just its own city. When this happened a large number of people were attracted there because the dominion of fort macmurray had no real leanings one way or another when it came to various research topics. In addition a large number of the youths(though none of them will admit to it) were escaping charges in their homecountry for computer hacking, these youths could blend in with the population of the dominion flawlessly and either picked up their previous trade again once inside the country or decided to work for one of the numerous computer software companys springing up everywhere in the dominion.

anything beyond this point falls under the heading recent history