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Taijan is a small island in the southern area of Dun Eideann


The Emirate of Taijan is a small island in the far southern area of Dun Eideann. It is mostly flat plains within fifty miles of the coast, but farther in it becomes dense jungle. Deep within the jungle is a small, high mountain range. It is believed that the volcano that created the island eventually broke into several pieces, thus creating the mountain range. The mountains are so steep that only the best mountaineers climb them. Taijan is devided into several provinces: Taijan, Roam Island, Western Taijan, Nwoprov, Swoprov and Tefani. Taijan is the most and most densely populated province. It is centered around Kentvasser, its largest city, and Sidmouth, its capital. Much international business happens in this province. The next most populated is Western Taijan which encompasses the most mass of any province behind Roam Island and encompasses the national capital, Windsgrove, the provincial capital, Thomasport, and Wednesburg. Swoprov, short for Southwest province, is the least populated. Nwoprov is the second least populated, and Tefani, the province enclosing the Tefani woods area, is the second most populated. Finally, Roam Island is the third most populated and largest area of all the provinces.


The island of Taijan was uninhabited for many years before some daring Belgian explorers came upon it in their quest for the Holy Frog that was rumoured to be in the nearby land of The Plague of a Frog. Unfortunately, these were incredibly vain explorers and they could not resist the temptation to claim such beautiful land for themselves. So, they chopped down the local timber and built a cozy fort for themselves. Before too long, they were joined by more, equally vain explorers from Belgium and they founded the city of Kentvasser on the island's side.

As time went by, the explorers' city grew bigger and bigger, and in 1685, the first women and children arrived. Now it was no longer an outpost, but a colony, with families and stores and markets and banks. As it expanded, the Belgian crown saw the jewel it had and began using the new colony on this strange new island which had since been named Taijan and began using it as a trading post for ships going between the trading posts on Chai Latte to Europe. Meanwhile the Englishmen noticed this jewel of an island and set out in secret to begin building there. The first English colonists to arrive were seasoned adventurers and immediately began digging for stone from which to build their houses. In so doing, they struck gold: that is, copper. Immediately, huge shipments were sent to England. Unfortunately, a Belgian ship blown slightly off course on its trip to Chai Latte spotted the site and attacked. As the English colony was not expecting attackers, they were unprepared and quickly surrendered, leaving the colony to Belgium. When news of this reached the King of Belgium, he ordered it be placed under the rule of the govenor of Sidmouth.

In the late eighteenth century, inspired by the American revolution, the citizens of Taijan began petitioning for independance. Rather like the Americans before them, just with more success, they began boycotting Belgian goods and put up cannon towers to keep Belgian ships out of their harbor and began raising the price and lowering the exports of their goods, particularly copper from the captured colony at Sidmouth. Finally, the King let his colony become independant.

The nineteenth century held lots of growth and development for Taijan. She began trading copper and luxuries for steel and building ships. She started farming the Coastal Flatlands and yielding all sorts of crops. Taijani farmers were actually among the first to see that certain crops did certain things to the soil and to rotate crops to kill off bugs. They also were the first farmers to actually study the pests that ate their crops and find out what ate them and take those carnivorous bugs and place them into patches of farmland where the pests were a major problem. In this way, farmers used organic pesticides before things like DDT were even invented.

At the turn of the twentieth century, Taijan was slow to take advantage of the technological advances until 1907, when a young American entrepeneur named Douglas James saw Taijan and decided to turn them on to his latest invention: a motorcar powerful enough to replace a mule. The Taijani farmers were skeptical, but they tried it and it worked. Soon enough, the farmers began using these innovations to haul their crops to market, too. By the outbreak of World War One, the only thing farmers still used horses for was fast riding between towns and farms.

In World Wars One and Two, Taijan served as a naval outpost for Allied forces. It also harbored draft dodgers, Jews, deserters and Asians who wanted safe haven. Being that it was an independant country, it could safely do this, and being that it was a minor nation in the world, it could do this without being noticed.

During the Cold War, Taijan became isolationist, trying its best to remain nuetral. It withdrew from the UN and refused to comment on any actions by the Warsaw Pact or NATO. Its government took a "rely on no one" stance towards all other nations. After the USSR broke up, Taijan remained a non-allied state and refused to re-join the UN, although it did re-open its borders to foreign trade.


Taijan has a largely tourist-based economy. Its pristine beaches attract tourists from all over the world. The only industry that rivals tourism would be agriculture, which is actually expanding at an alarming rate.

  • GDP: $271,779,523,973.58
  • GDP per Capita: $16,986.22
  • Exports: $31,820,256,391.08
  • Imports: $33,513,864,187.50
  • Trade Deficit: $1,693,607,796.42
  • Tax Rate: 9%
  • Exchange Rate: 1.2592 dollars = $1


Small coast guard outfitted with a helicopter company, several outdated battleships and a small army outfitted with out-of-date weaponry. All fit males are trained for military service and can be called up if needed.

  • Manpower: 10,000
  • Available manpower: 160,000
  • Branches: Aerial, ground, aquatic