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All information at http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=421578. Anyone who wants to transfer it over, feel free. Let me know and I'll maintain it. -Xanthal

The Socialist Republic of Xanthal was founded on Earth in 1960 by the country's figurehead and national hero Ezekiel Zabertini on the values of freedom, equality, and justice. Executing a mass move of the government and population to the Aellis System, which was completed in 2150, Xanthal prospered until the Humankind Empire Abh seized control of the government and moved the Xanthalian home system to their own galaxy in 2603. The seat of Xanthalian power gone, the two remaining Xanthalian star systems, Mirfak and Than, descended into chaos. It wasn’t until the mid thirtieth century that these two systems and Trasnia, another former Xanthalian system that had declared its independence before the Aellis System’s disappearance, reunified under the common name of Xanthal.

Location and layout

Xanthal's borders do not directly contact those of any other nation, but its territory is near many established galactic sectors. Mirfak, Than, and Trasnia are spatially contiguous, but Xanthal claims only the individual systems, not the space between them.

Systems and planets

IGC107-ISC2: Xanthal claims the entire system, contracting private companies to mine its resources.

  • I (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • II (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).

IGC278-ISC18: Xanthal claims the entire system, contracting private companies to mine its resources.

  • I (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • II (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • III (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).

IGC278-ISC21: Xanthal claims the entire system, contracting private companies to mine its resources.

  • I (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).

IGC2184-ISC24: Xanthal claims the entire system, contracting private companies to mine its resources.

  • I (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • II (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • III (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • IV (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • V (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).

Mirfak System: The Mirfak System lies 590 light years from Sol, 10 light years from Than, and 57 light years from Trasnia. Xanthal claims the entire system, which forms the core of its operations and houses its national capital.

  • Mirfak I (uninhabitable, molten).
  • Mirfak II (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).
  • Mirfak III (inhabited, national capital planet, subtropical temperate climates).
    • Capital: Jĭn Rĭn, Jĭn Rĭn, Nibĕl.
    • Continents:
      • Blşĭn
      • Nibĕl
      • Änĭn
  • Mirfak IV (uninhabitable, various rock and metal types).

Than System: The Than System is 584 light years from Sol, 10 light years from Mirfak, and 61 light years from Trasnia. Xanthal claims the entire system.

  • Than I (uninhabitable, molten).
  • Than II (uninhabitable, gas giant).
  • Than III (uninhabitable, barren rock).
  • Than IV (inhabited, system capital planet, tropical rain forest).
  • Than V (uninhabitable, gas giant).
  • Than VI (inhabited, homeworld, warm temperate climates).
    • Capital: Ŧălĭk, Voşnä, Nibĕl.
  • Than VII (uninhabitable, ice planet).

Trasnia System: The Trasnia System is 632 light years from Sol, 57 light years from Mirfak, and 61 light years from Than. Xanthal claims the entire system.

  • Trasnia I (uninhabitable, molten).
  • Trasnia II (uninhabitable, molten).
  • Trasnia III (uninhabitable, gas giant).
  • Trasnia IV (uninhabitable, barren rock).
  • Trasnia V (uninhabitable, barren rock).
  • Trasnia VI (inhabited, system capital planet, warm temperate climates).
    • Capital: Wĕstn, Prĕstn, Norŧ Dĭlĭk


Xanthal is a republic, with a traditional three-branch government. The executive power is vested in three Alphini, the legislative power in five hundred Councilors, and the judicial power in the nine-member panel of the Daiho.


In order of seniority:

  • Yătzĭl Ämsi (PBB)
  • Eko Oeşe (PVZ)
  • Tşärls Lorĕns (PPL)


Party Seats
Pepötälos Varäpötälosäl Zănŧäläl [Xanthalian Socialist Party] 117
Pepötälos Zilo Länyö Yĕnĕkäl [Private Interest Party] 116
Pepötälos Ĭntrnăşonäl [Party Internationale] 83
Pepötälos Varäleötkos Länyöerĕgäl [Democratic Capitalist Party] 43
Pepötälos Bögä Bĕsfräl [Domestic Defense Party] 37
Pepötälos Pötälos Länbĕsfräl [Nationalist Collectivization Party] 34
Länleötkosäle [Independents] 70


The national administrative Ministries are overseen by the Daiho. These Ministries, entrusted with everyday domestic operations of Xanthal's government, are listed below:

  • Ministry of Development
  • Ministry of Economics
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Health and Safety
  • Ministry of Information
  • Ministry of Research and Science
  • Ministry of Security
  • Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Ministry of Transportation

Law and order

Xanthalian territory is policed by the Kusakal Gimesi Bule (National Security Agency), which operates under the Ministry of Security. The KGB is very well funded, and its agents operate across Xanthal. They are employed by the Daiho and funded by the Council. The nation’s justice system focuses on rehabilitating criminals, but those that cannot be rehabilitated are usually executed. Xanthal’s legal code supports diplomatic immunity for minor crimes.



Species %
Human 32
Xanthalian 22
Than 17
Mon calamari 2
Elf 1
Neko 1
Xindi-avian 1
Other 24


Belief %
Areligious 51
Religious 26
Anti-religious 23

Literacy and language

Literacy rate: 81%

Official language: Merfăkan.

Other common languages: Ŧăn, Galactic Standard.

Oral Merfăkan has roots primarily in Abh, English, Japanese, and Spanish. Simplistic, repetitive, and relatively easy to learn, most Xanthalian citizens speak Merfăkan, members of the Thanic species being the primary exception with their lack of suitable vocal cords. Written Merfăkan is almost as minimalist and simplistic as its spoken form. Making use of a phoneticized Roman alphabet to form words, the grammatical structure is a fragmentary form of Galactic Standard. Though a great deal of Merfăkan is implied rather than stated, its stripped-down design and suffix modifiers make it easy to learn. Citizens of Xanthal are required to be able to read and write the Merfăkanlanguage proficiently to be considered literate.

Resources and economy

Link to current Xanthal economic statistics

Economic Statistics

  • Exchange Rate: 1 quinault = $1.7430
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $147,986,255,769,989.00
  • GDP Per Capita: $35,067.83
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.71%
  • Consumption: -$0.02
  • Government Budget: $152,304,460,061,600.03
  • Government Expenditures: $147,735,326,259,752.03
  • Goverment Waste: $4,569,133,801,848.00
  • Exports: $17,509,729,306,936.98
  • Imports: $17,258,799,796,700.00
  • Trade Surplus: $250,929,510,236.98

Government Budget

Department Allocation %
Education $28,069,711,989,352.89 19
Social Equality $25,115,005,464,157.85 17
Defence $19,205,592,413,767.77 13
Law & Order $16,250,885,888,572.72 11
Commerce $14,773,532,625,975.20 10
Social Welfare $11,818,826,100,780.16 8
Healthcare $11,818,826,100,780.16 8
The Environment $10,341,472,838,182.64 7
Public Transport $7,386,766,312,987.60 5
Administration $5,909,413,050,390.08 4
Religion & Spirituality $1,477,353,262,597.52 1

The primary resource of Xanthal is raw materials, mostly metal ores and gases. The Mirfak System supports large domestic and international commercial markets, Than focuses more on industry, and Trasnia balances agriculture, commerce, and industry. Xanthal’s economy is structured around socialism, and essential operations are owned and operated by the government. However, private enterprise is widespread and makes up the bulk of Xanthal’s income, thriving despite high taxes and strict government regulation.

Binding international agreements


Timeline of significant events (dates given in Xanthalian calendar):

114 şoäl: The first colonists move to the continent of Zithal from eastern Asia.

101 şoäl: The first governments form on Zithal.

96 şoäl: Zithal's feudal age begins.

35 şoäl: The feudal state of Shi'in Ra begins expanding as it conquers the other states of Zithal one by one.

22 şoäl: First extraterrestrial contact is made with a rogue alien vessel in Shi'in Ra. A short conflict ends with the death of the aliens and the destruction of their ship.

20 şoäl: Shi'in Ra conquers the last of the Zithalian continent.

3 şoäl: Ezekiel Zabertini becomes Emperor of Shi'in Ra.

0: Ezekiel Zabertini renames the united continent Xanthal and implements a communist policy, naming himself Dictator.

6: A nuclear fusion accident levels an island off Zithal's coast, killing almost five million Xanthalian citizens.

9: Nuclear terrorist threats are falsely attributed to the Xanthalian government. The International Defense Initiative makes a failed attempt to covertly cripple Xanthalian ICBMs.

11: Xanthal sends 10,000 colonists in sleeper ships to the uninhabited Aellis System.

13: Cassandra Wellstone becomes Dictator.

14: Xanthal sends its first deep space vessel on an exploratory mission.

32: Carol Olen becomes Dictator.

46: The first Xanthalian ship capable of faster-than-light speeds is launched.

47: Dustin Amadeus becomes Dictator.

50: The Xanthalian government cooperates with the Aellis colonists to develop Aellis V for Xanthal's entire population.

60: The Xanthalian population completes its transfer to Aellis V. A new Ministry system is instituted under the Dictator to administer to everyday Xanthalian affairs.

61: Gerard Hohki becomes Dictator. The Than System’s failing government surrenders itself to Xanthalian control.

66: Xanthal ends its socialist policies and becomes a commonwealth.

67: Xanthal begins developing Aellis IV as a detention planet and Aellis VI as a secondary homeworld.

79: The commonwealth collapses. The First Xanthalian Civil War begins.

93: The Xanthalian Empire is founded by Empress Fina on Aellis V and conquers the Xanthalian territories. The First Xanthalian Civil War ends. The Trasnia System is established as a protectorate of Xanthal.

94: Aellis VII is established as the headquarters of the Xanthalian armed forces.

95: The Xanthalian Empire adopts an expansionist policy, claiming and capturing the uninhabitable Mirfak System for terraforming and the populated Talmaraan system for its citizens and resources.

97: The Imperial Armada joins a coalition of nations in the Demon War, losing almost a third of its forces before withdrawing from the fight.

101: The Xanthalian Empire falls in a military coup. Thousands of Xanthalian citizens are killed in the military's attempts to restore order. The Second Xanthalian Civil War begins.

102: The Second Xanthalian Civil War ends when the New Xanthalian Empire is founded by the Central Xanthalian Electronic Intelligence. Mirfak III is designated an exile planet after terraforming is completed.

108: Simon Zabertini becomes Emperor.

113: Simon Zabertini ends Xanthalian imperial policy and puts an elected dictatorship in place.

114: Formal socialism is reinstated in Xanthal.

119: Nightshade Carrin is elected Xanthalian Dictator.

126: Over 100,000 Xanthalian citizens die and 400 installations are lost in an accidental explosion that consumes the Dracken Nebula.

134: Nightshade Carrin dies. The Xanthalian government is restructured, placing power with a Council of Ministers and a Senate of citizens.

135: Talmaraan VIII and Than VI declare independence. Xanthal relinquishes its claim on the Talmaraan system. Trasnia declares independence.

136: Talmaraan VIII is conquered by the Trasnians. Than VI attacks Than IV and is occupied by Xanthalian forces.

141: Mirfak III is terraformed and redesignated an outworld.

143: Xanthal withdraws from all but the Aellis and Mirfak systems. Than IV is evacuated when Than VI erupts in revolt against the Xanthalian occupation. The Xanthalian Primary Law is ratified.

146: The Than Prince dies and Xanthal reclaims the Than system.

152: The Xanthalian government is restructured, placing power back with an elected dictator. Zelda Zabertini becomes Dictator.

157: The Talmaraan System is destroyed in a nova bomb test.

165: Xanthal’s territory on Earth is abandoned and sold.

167: The Two Day War between Kecha and Xanthal takes place, ending relations between the former allies.

170: Dictator Zelda Zabertini transfers power to a Triumvirate and Council.

175: Xanthalian nanodefense and biodefense networks are completed.

186: The Tordoran civil war occurs. Xanthal commits forces to assist Tordoran loyalists.

191: Xanthalian offensive forces are dismantled.

196: Xanthal opens relations with the Humankind Empire Abh.

198: Xanthal signs a defense pact with the Abh. The Aellis and Than system defense networks are dismantled.

199: The Xanthalian Department of Justice is created.

202: The Xanthalian government is taken over by the Abh Empress. The Aellis System is transported via the Infinity Gateway to Abh space and the Abh withdraw from the Milky Way.

203: The Mirfakan government dissolves and Mirfak III falls into feudalism.

204: The government of Than VI is taken over in a coup by the royal family and declares independence from Than IV, becoming an authoritarian Principality.

206: Than VI begins an offensive on Than IV. Than IV defends, isolating the system and beginning the Great Thanic War.

266: The War of Reunion is begun on Mirfak III by Qoulek Pallanez.

267: The Mirfak System is reunited as the Republic of Mirfak under a temporary Governing Council.

269: Mirfak signs the Temporal Accord. Petrovich Kolani abolishes the Mirfakan Governing Council and becomes Alphin of Mirfak. Mirfak becomes a Dominion.

270: The Mirfakan Labule and Nahbule are founded.

282: Petrovich Kolani dies. KGB Director Natasha Burkavik becomes Alphin.

290: Natasha Burkavik is assassinated by the KGB. KGB Director Fiquil Alano becomes Alphin.

291: Fiquil Alano begins ethnic cleansing in Mirfak. Coredian, Revenian, and Weyrik occupation forces take control of Mirfak.

292: Revenia sells their occupation territory to Weyr.

293: The Mirfakan occupation ends with signing of the Treaty of Jin Rin. Kevin Ailes becomes Alphin. The Mirfakan Constitution is ratified. Mirfak becomes a three-branch Socialist Republic.

300: The Mirfakan Labule completes a tenfold expantion. Vinessa Burkavik becomes Alphin.

301: Than IV overcomes Than VI’s forces and occupies it, reuniting the system under a single government led by Star of Shining Hope and ending the Great Thanic War.

303: Horatio Reanix becomes Alphin of Mirfak.

307: The Than System becomes a protectorate of Mirfak.

308: The Trasnia System reestablishes relations with Mirfak and Than.

309: The Treaty of Jin Rin expires, ending all Coredian and Weyrik control of Mirfak.

311: The military occupation of Than VI ends when it is declared a stable entity of the Protectorate of Than.

315: The Treaty of Xanthal is signed by the governments of the Mirfak, Than, and Trasnia star systems, reuniting them under the name of Xanthal.

316: Xanthal temporarily adopts the Mirfakan Constitution.

317: Wazuka Isayama becomes Alphin of Xanthal. Xanthalian sugar exports to the nation of Chrysallia are banned under pressure from Wysteria. Planetary warfare functions are transferred to Labule control. The Nahbule is disbanded.

320: Wazuka Isayama resigns. Frederich Dahy becomes Alphin.

321: Xanthal joins the Extra Solar Union of Systems (ESUS). A new Xanthalian Constitution is ratified. Yatzil Omsai and Eiko Oishi become Alphini.

323: Frederich Dahy leaves office. Hail To Glory becomes an Alphin.

324: Domestic terrorist cells attack Xanthalian government targets for several months before being disbanded.

325: The Consortium alliance attacks the ESUS.

326: Hail To Glory leaves office. Charles Lawrence becomes an Alphin.