Personal Account 9

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From the 4th Shock Army

Alexandre crumpled the dispatch up angrily.

"Damn, damn, a thousand times damn!" He paced the common room of the Beldorford tavern that served as his headquarters, while the other members of his staff watched silently. "The Akaeians are marching on Ongro, and we guard their supply lines! Has the news gotten around to the men?"

"It always does, sir," replied a plump major in spectacles, "They're not happy about it; playing nursemaid to the supply wagons while the Akaeians get Ongro all to themselves."

A sergeant at a desk piped up, momentarily forgetting his low rank. "The boys didn't join the army for the pay, that's for sure. The entire army was looking forward to Ongro and getting a share of the plunder."

Alexandre was silent a moment. "Tell Julien that his brigade will hold this town, along with a battalion of... the 11th dragoons."

His aide didn't follow. "Sir?"

The General grinned, taking his hat from a peg on the wall. "We're marching on Ongro."

Those in the room cheered as a rush began for the door.

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