History of Y Fenni

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Leaving Avatarium

The year is 2048 and King Kroes III has just received word that their Northerly Neighbour of Blendaria, is in danger of collapse. He over-rules the Government and orders that nearly all of Avatarium’s Northern Army, Navy and Air Force should proceed to invade, as a lesson in preaching the wrong religion.
Lord Iorweth Davies and Lord Patric Stuart, both vehemently objected to this plan and resigned from Parliament. Lord Davies went back to his estate near Glasllucheden and plotted his own course of action, it is presumed that Lord Stuart did a similar thing at his extensive estate near Da-t’-forge.
A few weeks later, the massed armies of Northern Avatarium proceeded to cross the border into --PaulM 13:48, 24 October 2005 (GMT)Blendaria, wiping out anything and everything in their path, they met little resistance as the Blendarian Army refused to fight and laid down their weapons.
Lord Davies and his followers convened a meeting and decided that if Avatarium kept throwing all it’s money into a war of no consequence then it would follow Blendaria into economic and social depravation and eventual collapse. They decided to make for the Blendarian capital, Maxtis, having heard that other nations were becoming involved as well, and this seemed like the best proposition for saving their nation’s identity, any attempt to leave Avatarium via any other route would be met with resistance and potential arrest with summary execution to follow. Three days before they left, a message from Lord Stuart informed them that he was leaving Avatarium as fast as possible.
At the proposed date and time, Lord Davies and his followers set off towards Blendaria cross-country. After two days of travelling, they crossed the border.

The Long Journey

After about 50 miles of travelling and seeing nothing but death and destruction, they came up an abandoned temple. Here, came their first taste of what was happening, when they discovered that the Zedoljan National Guard was guarding it. Lord Davies approached the Guards and asked what was happening and where were the Blendarians. The Guards informed that Blendaria’s Government had collapsed and the Royal Family had left the country on their Royal Yacht and that several nations including Zedoljev and New Cyberia had mounted a rescue and preservation mission.
As Avatarium was friendly with Zedoljev, despite religious differences, they were allowed to continue on their journey with some Zedoljan soldiers for protection. After day of travelling, they warily entered Blenton, Blendaria’s second city, and encountered troops from the Federal Republic of Teral, New Cyberia and more Zedoljans. Lord Davies was very glad of his escort, as they provided the necessary paperwork to get them food and drink without any problem. It became apparent that all hell had let loose in the country and that various factions were trying to their own enforce martial law, Blenton was classified as being under Teral Rule. After spending three days, negotiating their way out of Blenton, they set off towards Maxtis, now with a Terallian escort.
On arrival at Maxtis, the Terallian escort left them and headed back to Blenton, they found a capital in chaos, everything seemed to have gone to hell. As they warily walked through the streets, avoiding eye contact with Blendarian where possible, they eventually made it to the docks. After walking into a few bars, they happened upon a Zedoljan Fleet Commander, Iosef Vlanarovich, who when he found out who they were and after a (quite) few beers, believed them, informed Lord Davies that Avatarium had collapsed, after the assassination of King Kroes by parties unknown, and that it would be better if they were evacuated from Blendaria as quick as possible. He offered them places on board several of his ships, as long as they agreed to go to Zendivostok, after a brief meeting, they agreed and followed the Fleet Commander to his ships. The Avatarians were split amongst 3 ships, The Zedoljev, The Baranovich and The Stalski.


Founding To Present

The journey finally finished when King Cadeyrn VIII decided that enough was enough and it was time to settle, (the flowing river and the lowlands on the edge of the mountains may also have been a contributing factor) and it has long been rumoured that he named the new country after a piece of cheese he was eating at the time, although there is no written proof to substantiate this.
After talking with his advisors, a city was designed and it was to be headed by a magnificent castle. In keeping with a long held tradition, it was named Caerllucheden (Lightning Burgh). The city grew in size and eventually the population decided to spread out into the countryside, Betws-Y-Anwylyd was next to be founded about 4 years later. King Cadeyrn VIII died in his bed at Caerllucheden Castle and was succeeded by King Rhydwyn, whose reign was relatively short, after being on the throne for 8 years he suffered a massive heart attack, Queen Gaerwn II became the first female sovereign since Queen Gaerwn I, who preceded King Cadeyrn VIII.


Betws-Y-Anwylyd University has promised to release these details in the near future, although the current "Ancestor Seek" expedition hopes to gain more knowledge if more Avatarians are located within the PEEL Region.

  • Apologies to Sean Blendon, founder of Blendaria for making stuff up about Blendaria.