History of Semirhage

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The Two Kingdoms of Rhuska and Merika

  • to be Added

The Most Serene Republic

After the People's Revolution lead to the death of the Two Kingdoms the now ex-Duke Preston Wallace announced the birth of a Republic of Semirhage (the name later changed to the Most Serene Republic of Semirhage) and the town of Shinno which lay on the old borders was declared the capital of the new nation.

The nation was named Semirhage after Preston's wife who had convinced him to take control of the revolutions in both kingdoms because if he didn't the People's Revolution would of died without coherent leadership.

Within the first months of the signing of the Declaration of Republic which has become the basis of all Semirhage law the newly elected Prime Designate Preston Wallace announced the Policy of Neutrality in all world wars (but not all affairs) and the Policy of Pacifism which banned all weapons and dismantled the army, there is a national police force but they are armed with non-lethal weapons and the death penalty is reserved ONLY for a conviction of Treason in a legal court of law. Much to the shock of the world the Policy of Pacifism has proven to be a total success and peace has ruled unbroken in Semirhage for the first time in over 500 years.

Within the second year of the founding of the Republic the major political parties of today were created, the People's Party (Preston's creation), the Declaration Party, the Green Party, the Machine Faction Party, and the Labor Party all emerged (Much later the Communist Party and Semirhage Pride Party were formed). The first Cycle of Elections occured and set the standard for the current powerplayers of Semirhage. The People's Party gained control of the Senate and have held control ever since.

The next 25 years of Semirhage were marked with the progression of minor issues in the Senate and an isolationist attitude to the outside world. The unspoken policy became, "Let's deal with Semirhage first, the world second.". But during Preston Wallace's Fifth campaign for the office of Prime Designate of Semirhage he died of natural causes at the age of 80. His new running mate Sophia Moss was elevated on the party ticket and was elected in a landslide vote.

Within the first weeks of Sophia Moss's rule a strange and unexplainable burst of Republic-fervor erupted in the nation of Semirhage which resulted in the formation of a state faith called the Temple of the Republic which worships the State as Divine. All other religions were banned within Semirhage and the few people within the nation who held any religious beliefs were forced to leave.