Religious Orders of the Ainurlindalë

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A religious order of Tomania, it is only for women and their patron Valar is Yavanna, the Queen of the Earth and Lady of Fruits. This order mainly focuses on the festivals dealing with vegetation and the environment. The women of the Kelementári take a strict oath of celebacy.


  • Priestesses of the Kelementári in the Temple of Yavanna


A religious order in Tomania. This is an order of all men, thier patron Valar are Námo and Irmo. According to legend the brothers Námo and Irmo began the order here on Arda millennia ago. All funerals are done in the Temples of the Fëanturi and all Priests of this order conduct they ceremonies.


A religious order in Tomania. Both men and women can be apart of this order. They mainly deal with love and companionship (companionship is a practice done in Tomania that is any Tomar wishes to have any form of a physical relationship he or she would go to a Temple of Vána and request a companion. It is common practice in Tomania for a mother and father to hire a companion to give their child their first sexual experience when they come of age at sixteen.) All marriages are done in Vánarian temples.

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Members of the Order