Olde Delaware

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The Republic of Olde Delaware was founded on January 10th 2003. Olde Delaware was a name spliced together by Eric M. Vanderberg a political simmer and the founder of the nation by combining Olde (Old) and his homestate of Delaware (1st US State to ratify the U.S. Constitution).

Olde Delaware joined the region of USSS, a region created by the members of the Political Sim where he got the link in the first place. The region died out in late March 2003. From April 2003 to May of 2004, Olde Delaware moved to the Rejected Realms where he got the support of Kandarin, the UN Delagate at the time, with his 5 UN endorsements, Olde Delaware wrote 2 UN Resolutions, none gained enough support to go before the entire membership. In September 2004, Olde Delaware moved to the region Delaware and became Regional Delegate until December 2004 before moving back to the Rejected Realms in February 2005. In April 2005, Olde Delaware responded to the recruitment message of the Dominion of Great Britain and Ireland, and joined GBI on April 4th 2005. Since then, he has never left the region.

He was granted citizenship the same day by Home Secretary J&W and was greeted by then Prime Minister Zombie Lagoon. He joined the military the next day, his unit the 21st SAS Regiment was deployed to the then GBI held colony of Palestine. As Commander of the 21st SAS Regiment, Olde Delaware was sent into battles now etched into GBI History such as the Battle of Palestine I and II and the Enfield Defense. Other battles include the invasion of Gothic War World. For his attendance in both battles, Olde Delaware was decorated with the Palestine Medal and the Enfield Defense Service Medal.

On June 2nd 2005, Olde Delaware stood as a candidate for British Imperial Federalist Party in the by-election. But due to some election laws and there already being too many members standing for parliament, Olde Delaware bowed out saying he would return in the General Election. Olde Delaware ran in the General Election as a member of the now defunct Happy Great Smiley People Party and won election to Parliament for the first time on July 8th 2005.

In the General Election of GB&I on September 7th, 2005, Olde Delaware was elected to a second term as an MP. Under the new Government of Stony Stratford, He was given the Cabinet position as Minister of Defence for Great Britain and Ireland becoming the first American in GBI to command the Ministry of Defence.

In his new job, Olde Delaware began the roll call of the military. Within his first week, he had named --Great Britain-- to the job of Commander in Chief of all British Forces in GBI as well as worked closely with the Cabinet. For the first full term, GBI's guns were silent as Olde Delaware successfully commanded the MoD in peace before handing the reigns over J&W after the October General Election.

In the last General Election of GB&I on October 26th 2005, Olde Delaware was elected once again as a member of the British Imperial Federalist Party. Winning re-election into the Sixth Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland, Olde Delaware had the support of outgoing Prime Minister Stony Stratford for Prime Minister, even though Westmorlandia was tapped by the King to form a government, Olde Delaware supports the new PM strongly. On November 1st 2005, Olde Delaware was named by the new Minister of Defense J&W to become the new Commander in Chief of all British Forces in GBI which he has accepted.