Chairman Neubiant

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Robot Dravoakbot Neubiant 2886745

Affiliated Nation: The Empire of Nurdbotia, The People's Republic of Nurdbotia and the Nurdbotian Union.

Species: Nurdbotian Robot (Siberra /d Design, Soldier Class).

Age of assembly: 1880 Before the Revolution.

Age of destruction: 1977 After the Revolution.

Title: 2nd Chairman of the Nurdbotian Union, Red Army Field Marshal, 1st Head of the Robot Soviet.

Suceeded by: Chairman Hochinski.

Preceded by: Chairman Nurdbot.

Comrade Neubiant was built in the many broken down Imperial Soldier Production Factories in the centre of Saint Nurdysberg, one of the more solid fighting design of combat robots in the time of the Nurdbotian Empire. As soon as his training was programmed into him, he was given the rank of Footsoldier and sent to the southern plains of the Empire to put down the Rebel groups of serbs that were refusing to sell their food for barely nothing.

Private Neubiant was present in the massacare of the village of Rynvich and was one of the robots ordered to shoot anyone who tried to escape the burning huts. He did fire a shot, but at his Commanding Officer instead, hurting the Plutonian Badly.

For this action, he was going to be executed by magnets when the army returned to Saint Nurdysburg. But the shot Officer demanded revenge, so he was joined up with the forlorn hope part of his Company. When the army fought in the Siege of Zygyzis, he was part of the force sent forward to try and infiltrate the fort and test the defences under of darkness. He and the 300 men force never returned, they were assumed dead.

A few days later in daylight, the Imperial Army attacked the Rebel held fort and were defeated horribly by the defenders because the defences had been improved heavily and bolstered by the former Imperial Soldiers led by Neubiant himself. After the Imperial Army was defeated despise the odds and Artillery support, as well as mass desertings, Neubiant took command of his own Army and formed the Freedom Fighters Front in the plains.

In 1909, he met Chairman Nurdbot for the first time and two became old friends seeng as how both were now fighting against the injust Imperial system that built them. They both agreed the suffering for not just robots, but organics around Nurdbotia must stop. They also agreed that the Empire could not support each other and must be fragmented.

Comrade Nurdbot needed men for the Bolshevek support, and Comrade Neubiant agreed to join himself and his own army towards the parties cause. In return, the Bolsheveks sent stolen and smuggled suppies of weapons and food from Nogo-Nogo straight through to the plains using the many members of the party throughout the Empire.

By 1917, It was apparent the Nurdbotian Empire was on it's last knees and by orders of the Secretary of the Bolshevek Party, the armies were to infiltrate the capital and turn all the Military to their side as well as keep order and protect the food being smuggled in by the nation of Zedoljev to support the nation through the time of it's transformation.

Comrade Neubiant led his newly named Army, The 1st Official People's Red Army to Saint Nurdysberg and convinced the Imperial Soldiers who were badly treated to rise up against their Officers murderous orders and join them in protecting the people of the state. In 4 days, he had turned 83% of the Imperial Military stationed in Nurdyberg from Imperial to Red Army soldiers and kept the peace while rounding up the goods of the rich and giving them to the poor to sell for the stocks of Zedoljevian Bread that was being escorted by the Bolshevek commanded Ironclads.

He met Comrade Nurdbot at the Nurdysberg Central Station after his support speech and got him most of the men he needed to storm the Winter Palace and take the Tzar Hostage as well as 2 Armoured Cars. One of which was in bad condition, but luckily one of Nurdbot's friends a former Sailor Robot of the Imperial Navy, Nomarovi Hochinski who was an excellent mechanic patched it up and was rewarded by being one of the men to storm the Palace.

Neubiant was present when Comrade Nurdbot was holding the Tzar at gunpoint to dissolve the Empire and sign the documents that formed the state of Nurdbotia to a People's Republic and give permission of power to the people. After the People's Republic War formed, He was made a Red Army General and was given his first task, to fight the Imperial Resistence with the newly formed Armies of the Independent former Empire States and strike a deal with a nation to take the former Tzar as well as the Upperclass out of the nation.

Under his lead, the Red Army shedded it's Image of the Imperial Splendor and began the march to modernisation. He oversaw the design of the first Nurdbotian Tanks, Machine Guns, grenades and Robot Soldiers for the new People's Republic.

He also took in suggestions from Zedojevian Military Advisors and started the training of the army in modern tactics. He also suggested the Conscript system for the Organic people of the nation to be made much fairer and funded the creation of the Nurdbotian Miltia that kept the peace in Nurdograd and the other Soviet Cities of the nation.

Once Chairman Nurdbot had finished helping create the Government of Soviets in 1919, he made Neubiant the first Head of the Robot Soviet and a senoir Minister of the Bolshevek Party in the Poliburo. General Neubiant was also given the title of Field Marshal after the sucess of the Red Army's Campaign against the Urallians in 1943, along with several other Nurdbotian Red Army Generals.

Despite the busy lives of both Robots, Chairman Nurdbot and Red Army General Neubiant were close friends who always discussed things with each other, Chairman Nurdbot would ask him about Military matters while the General would ask to be kept up to date with the nations of the world and matters of Diplomacy.

After the death of Chairman Nurdbot, his last wish in his will to the people was to let his old friend lead the Nurdbotian Union while the Soviet Government system was still sorting it self out. Chairman Neubiant agreed to this wish and was made the 2nd Chairman of the Nurdbotian Union.

Events that happened while Neubiant led the nation were mainly major economic advances and the slow modernisation of the Nurdbotian Unions Military forces. However, a major social event where the Catgirl population modernised themselves into the Union and crossbread with the humans which was encouraged by the Nurdbotian Government who were destroying the social stigmatas the Nurdbotian Empire had left behind still.

Chairman Neubiant only led the nation for 10 years, his career was cruely cut short while taking part in the first MuDeAl meeting in Nixorbania which was nuked not only killing him, but other international leaders of PEEL.

The Poltiburo decided that the next Chairman of Nurdbotia was to be Chairman Nomarovi Hochinski, another old guard Nurdbotian Robot. A statue of Chairman Neubiant stands in Red Square, alongside the statues of Chairman Nurdbot and Hochinski today. The Nurdbotian 1st Red Army has the faceplate of Neubiant on their Regimental Banner.