Alchemy (Tanthan)

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Alchemic symbols are currently besing researched in tanthan to better understand the science of alchemy, the power of using chemcicals and elements to refine them or convert them into an entirely new object. This field of study was introduced into Tanthan from a far west quadrant sector. The science of alchemy is new and just beginning. Using Alchemy an user can transmute new items at will from existing metals or sources.

Alchemy based on the founding prinicipal of Equal Exchange. This founding principal is the same as Quid Pro Quo. Something will be exchanged for something of equal value. This allows Alchemy to be a 100% efficent process of producing items with general ease through a highly educated individual or group without using forging or long term slow processes. Alchemy uses a somewhat magical power of the soul to break the molecular bonds and allow one to reconstruct them to will, provided that two things are achieved.

First the Alchemist that will do the transmuting will need to have the proper skills, this must be researched and have a possible inherited trait to allow such the Alchemist to perform alchemic use and Equivolent Exchange in a successful way to produce results that are desired. A Alchemist of high skill and experience will be better able to complete a simple task then newer Alchemists through their honed abilities to use alchemy effectively.

Second the Alchemist will need to have a through knownledge of what s/he is going to do and have a glyph to make such a thing. Transmuting needs a variety of arrays to complete this process. They have a variety of symbols that are used together to provide a correct array. Then the Alchemist needs to have a complete understanding of what will happen. The Alchemist needs to be able to know the ingredients and exactly what are they to envison how they will break down. This is the step in which all ingredients are broken down into their molecular or atomic state. Now, the Alchemist must be able to envison the bonding and reconstruction of the broken down ingredients into the final product. The product will then be the final result of the ability of the Alchemist performing the transmutation and the skill and preciseness of the alchemic array used to begin the transmutation process.

Alchemists are grouped into several classes based on skill, usually the skill level of most alchemists fall into a low level range. These are only moderately strong Alchemists, but achieve only a small percent of the work of the Alchemists together.

Tanthan's Alchemist Ranking System is an advanced 10 layered system in which Alchemist move along a so called Sephiroth. Only the highest skill Alchemists are able to communicate with 'God' and are able to perform the very best of all Alchemic transmutations.

Novice: This is the very first level of an Alchemist's career. A novice is an alchemist who is still in the process of studying and learning the arrays for Alchemy. These Alchemists are usually under the age of 15. Their knowledge is clearly limited to simple movements, and reconstructing of existing objects. Very rarely does a Novice Alchemist move up to a Rank 1 Alchemist, most of the people do not possess the concentration needed to pass the test, or the will to make Alchemy a true career.

Rank 1: This is the first governmental level of Alchemy. This level is achieved when a previously unknown Alchemist, currently ranked as Novice, goes to the school to take the Alchemic Process Test. The APT is an intense test that goes very heavily into the transmutation circles and arrays that are used in Alchemy. The Rank 1 test also has a incrediblely tough hands-on test section. The test will cause the Alchemist to use a pile of Iron to create an object, such as a sword or shield, even a gun from a lump of Iron. The point of this test varies, the government favors any Alchemist who can actually turn the Iron into steel and produce a strong and sizable work. Some of these tests have gone horribly wrong, in which molten steel spikes or iron balls rain down on the Alchemist, in some cases killing them. Rank 1 is still only the first level of government ranking in Alchemy, but is also one of the easiest to pass.

Rank 2: This is a test that requires at least one year of study as a Rank 1. The complex processes and understanding of the atomic structure makes this test another brutal reality of the applicants. This cause many of the Alchemists to drop out or go mad from stress. Complete understanding of all the Alchemic Arrays are needed and have to be draw out, also in such a way that they are completely understood and can be explained. Then the test becomes a real challenge, a user must develope a personal Alchemic Array. This array will become the section of mastery for the user. These arrays must also be powerful, and efficent. The more complex an array is made, the harder it is to control and understand. The time of simple alchemic arrays is over, no longer the dependance on circle or triangle shaped arrays will be able to provide an Alchemist the control or power needed to perform the real Alchemic transmutation.

Rank 3: This is a relatively easy rank to attain if an Alchemist had passed Rank 2 with flying colors. This is the Alchemist Level where combat is introduced. The Alchemists at this Rank are capable of fighting and defending themselves with speedy creation of alchemic arrays. Many of the alchemists at this stage have their choice array permanently tattooed onto their body. Places like the hands and arms are very key to quick use of Alchemic Arrays. The combat process is a speedy duel that will cause the true nature of the Alchemist to come out. The individual will either hide or become overly defensive in combat or completely unable to act. The military will look for aggressive or overly violent Alchemists. True power and ruthlessness will be the key traits of any Alchemist that is of Rank 3 or higher.

Rank 4: This is the actual miltary Alchemist. All Alchemist are very adapt at Alchemy and know how to fight extremely well. Most of these Alchemists have a second ability tattooed onto their opposite hand. Alchemist's at this point will become deadly hand-to-hand fighters. Capable of ripping apart heavy armor, tanks and shields in seconds. They can also harness the power of elements to destroy things usually within the range of ten meters. They comprise 80% of all military Alchemists. Some Alchemists of this rank are non-combative military recruits. These will be mechanics and medics for troops, the ability of an Alchemist to enhance the power of medicines or efficentcy of machines and do quick repairs is amazing. Alchemist medics are experts of removing limbs and quickly healing the wound by forcing the body to make the healing process speed up or tie it together, this is usually not painful, but can be a discomforting feeling to have your limbs stretched to heal.

Rank 5: This is where dangerous Alchemists begin to show up. Rank 5 Alchemists are no longer tested. They are extremely smart and devoted Alchemists. Comprising 10% of all Alchemists in the military, these are the ones to watch out for. They carry very powerful personal weapons of their choice. These Alchemists are known to enhance the power of weapons to cut through metal and people with intense temperatures or break them with intense cold. Often very cruel Alchemists, these Alchemists take over the job of entire Platoons. These forces are extremely powerful and are almost impossible to beat in close combat.

Rank 6: The start of the Leaders. The elite of all Alchemists! These are extremely cruel leaders of combat. Made of the 6% of all Alchemists, these are extremely powerful. Their entire bodies are covered in Alchemic Arrays. Nearly impossible to kill directly they are capable of instantly blowing apart tanks and vehicles. Incredible strength and power allows them to dominate most of all forces. Approaching complete mastersy of Alchemy they need to take a test to become Majors. All Alchemists Rank 6 have the rank of Major.

Rank 7: Comprised of 2% of all Alchemists. These are given the rank of Colonel in the military. Unbelievable Alchemists. Capable of large-scale alchemic transmutations they create some of the most unusual weapons in Tanthan. Often known to turn the enemies dead into water and fuel these Alchemists are ones not to mess with. Typically cynical and cruel they embody the target of many nations. Known to bring down entire cities in minutes they are not below using civilians to push for completion of a military task.

Rank 8: Comprised of the top 1% of all Alchemists. Extremely rare to find, they have devoted their lives to alchemy and have been rewarded with the rank of General in the military for the masterful control and intelligence of everything military and alchemic. Capable of creating different elements from anything they are usually past even thinking of defenses and attacks. Rarely will a Rank 8 Alchemist need to use their power. When they do these Alchemists have been known to destroy entire military complexes in seconds, known to sink battleships and aircraft carriers of Modern Tech nations these Alchemists are usually unable to be captured. They are approaching the peak of all Alchemy and have few things to stop them. Like Jedi Knights, except more powerful then many.

Rank 9: Comprised of .999994% of all Alchemists. This is a step below achieving the final power of Alchemy. They differ from Rank 8 Alchemists in two key aspects. These Alchemists no longer have the need to use Arrays. They are able to envision the array and create it without needing to use their body or draw it out. They burn the array around the items to be transmuted, leaving a clear mark behind. Capable of using blood alchemy, they can use their own blood to enchant objects and spy on targets with them. A Rank 9 Alchemist has never been forced into a battle, it is rumored that their skill is so high that they can steal the life from their would be killers before they get close.

Rank 10: The .000006% of all Alchemists. Given the title, Godsman, these legendary Alchemists are capable of speaking directly to God. Capable of reading minds and preventing death. Known to bring people back from the dead and put up incredible defenses. These Alchemists can control magnetic fields and electrons to produce what appear to be miracles. Capable of flying, typically they hover and bringing every threat to their knees within their senses they are one's not meant to be messed with. Eternal life is a sign of Godsmen. They are more powerful then any Sith or Jedi easily. Capable of destroying entire space fleets easily, they are not to be messed with.