Aníron Danfalas

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Aníron Danfalas
Lord High Chancellor of The Empire of the Eight Little Indias
40,042 - Present
Conservative Party of The Empire of the Eight Little Indias

Member of the Little Indian House of Representatives for The Royal City of Falbrinil - the capital of the Kingdom of Imrathon - from 40,029, elevated to the Senate in 40,039, and elected as Lord High Chancellor in 40,042.

One of the most publicly open Chancellors in Little Indian history, Danfalas was elected to his second Chancelry term in 40,047.

Despite numerous sexual scandals during his tenure and his humiliation following the failure of his proposals to reform the government's economic policy and budget structure, Danfalas has remained one of the most popular Chancellors ever elected.

Recent News

Pana 6, 40,049 [49/1000]

Lord High Chancellor Danfalas has called a shock general election in the Senate today, due to a rift in the Conservative Party of The Empire of the Eight Little Indias, the political party of which he is Chairman.