Monetary Control Act of 2005

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The Monetary Control Act of 2005 was ratified on November 29, 2005, giving birth to the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control and the Committee for Economic Enforcement. The following is the complete text of the act.

Monetary Contral Act

Monetary Control Act of 2005 Ratified Supreme Soviet and Political Bureau Legislature Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Effective as of December 10, 2005.

Refered from the Moscow Duma. Accepted into regular session on November 27, 2005.

An act relating to the value, inflation, and abolishment of the Soviet ruble. Giving executive power to the Federative Central Government to regulate the value and necessity of the ruble in par to the estimated value on the international field.

Section 1 The deciding of appropriate value of the Soviet ruble. (A) A bureau will be developed to review the amount of inflation, the internal market, and the external market in order to evaluate the appropriate value level of the Soviet ruble. (Aa) The regulation of the value of the Soviet ruble will be controlled by the Federative Bureau of Monetary Control under the jurisdiction of the Commissariat of Economics. (B) At the end of each economic session (Thirty-five days) the FBMC will evaluate the current economic conditions to decide the value of the Soviet ruble. (Ba) If economic session quotas are met with no economic loss or gain the value of the Soviet ruble will remain stable. (Bb) If the economic session quotas are met and exceeded with economic gain the value of the Soviet ruble will rise by 5% of the previous economic session Soviet ruble value. (Bc) If the economic session quotas are not meet and regressed with economic gain the value of the Soviet ruble will fall by 5% of the previous economic session Soviet ruble value. (C) The average Soviet ruble circulation will change in accordance with the Soviet ruble value. (Ca) If the Soviet ruble value increases circulation of Soviet rubles will decrease. (Cb) If the Soviet ruble value remains stable circulation of Soviet rubles will remain the same. (Cc) If the Soviet ruble value decreases circulation of Soviet rubles will increase in order to compensate.

Section 2 The abolishment of the Soviet ruble. (A) At anytime within any economic session the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control may remove all Soviet rubles from active circulation. (Aa) Active circulation is hereby deemed the Federative Central Government in-acted and authorised use of the Soviet ruble in the market. (B) Upon the abolishment of Soviet rubles the Federative Central Government may place ration bills in place of the Soviet ruble or in-act gift economy status. (Ba) Ration bills are hereby deemed to be alternative payment in order to keep the economy at a complete stability. Ration bills will be given monthly from the Federative Central Government if the members of any household continue labour. The amount of ration bills given to each household is to be determined by the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control. (Bb) Gift economy is hereby deemed as the total abolishment of the monetary system and replacing said system with nothing. The means of production will be transferred from the centralized control to the control of the workers as total public property. Personal property will be given freely and may not be purchased or sold.

Section 3 Enforcement of the appropriate value of the Soviet ruble. (A) A bureau will be created to enforce the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control regulations and appropriations. (Aa) The Committee for Economic Enforcement will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Commissariat of the Interior. (B) Officers of the CEE are hereby deemed with the following writs of management: (Ba) The CEE is ordered to enforce the rulings of the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control and the Economic Committee. (Bb) The CEE is ordered to remain neutral on political standings with other bureaus within the Commissariat of the Interior unless joint enforcement is necessary. (Bc) The CEE is ordered to enforce the Federative Bureau for Monetary Control and Economic Committee by any means necessary as a legal right from the Soviet Supreme Court, Supreme Soviet, and the Political Bureau.

Passed by the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 28, 2005. Passed by the Political Bureau of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 29, 2005. Ratified jointly on November 29, 2005. Effective December 10, 2005.