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Capital city of the Freestate Gloucterbury. Founded by various British settles, the small settlements grew together in what is now known as Brittenborough. The Dutch and Germans call this city Brittenburg. Same meaning, different pronunction and way of writing. The city itself is a kind of dull industrial place, most buildings were built at the height of the British Empire. These are mostly warehouses, storerooms, factories and other shipping and receiving type of structures.

The city itself is fairly large for the number of citizens (900,000 at last cencus, November 2005) and mostly work on the surrounding countryside. Brittenborough was the largest city of Guffingford from 1790 until 1850 and also the most important trade hub. Most traffic went from Brittenborough to the rest of the nation, since Gloucterbury was the first state to lay an extensive network of rails.