Lords Technologist

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The Nine Lords Technologist of [Ventuus]

Ventuus: "The Vigilant Man" Lord Technologist Overseer Tosorus Jaedin Lanivae, High Lord of House Lanivae, Lord Senator, Grand Seer of Ventuus, Master of the Tech-Citadel, Lord Aedile.
Dessar: "The Angel" Lord Technologist Korassae Onadus Jorath, Lord Medical, Lord Fabricator, Pontifex of Dessar.
Skand: "The Dead Man": Lord Technologist Marathi kor'Nodaan, Lord Administrator, Servant of the Senate, Lord Censor of Skand System, High Lord of House Nodaan, Grand Overseer of Firesun Skycity, Manipulator-General of Skand, Militant Overseer of Inner Skand
Losan: "The Golden Man": Lord Technologist Tyranos Voraan, High Servant of the Senate, Lord Aedile of Losan III
Navador: Information to follow
Tynasatar: "The Silver Lady": Lady Technologist Jethaia Massi, High Lady/Lady Consul of Tynastar, Leader of the Massi Clave, High Lady Marshall Militant of Tynasatar.
Porras: Information to follow
Norodrin:Information to follow
Asra:Information to follow

The Origins of the Lords Technologist

The Lords Technologist have been a part of Ventuusi culture since immediately after colonisation, formed originally from the colony ships' engineers and master tradesmen in order to provide a more efficient organisation to serve the fledgeling Republic.

As the Republic and Senate developed, the Combined Craftsmen reformed itself slowly into the body that would eventually become the Technologists of the Citadel and by the time that the system of Ventuus was fully colonised and organised the Tech-Citadel had been completed, and the first Lord Technologist elected.

Originally, there was a Lord Technologist for each function within the Republic, with the aim being to support the overseer of that area in the Senate. Eventually, after the First Crusade, the Citadel re-organised itself and altered the Lords Technologist so that there was one for each system under Ventuusi control, with the Lord Technologist Overseer remaining upon Ventuus itself.

The Lords Technologist remained in this format after the Second Crusade and continue to serve the Senate. Throughout history there have been several Lords Technologist with seats upon the Senate itself or important ranks within the Servants of the Senate, signs of the mutual respect between Senate and Citadel.