Geography of the Serene Death

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The Vastness of the Serene Death

Throughout the Serene Death, the wonders of the galaxy are seen. Worlds of every shape and size can be found, strange and misterious lifeforms can be seen, and wonderous natural riches are discovered. The terriotry is mainly a mix of gas giants, barren worlds, and habitable worlds, along with all the various objects you find in space. Most settlements outside the Morn sector are small in size, mostly surviving and defending themselves while relying on the random passing patrols for protection from major threats.

Administrative divisions

5 Fortified Metropolitan Planets (FMP(s)), 17 Militant Systems (MS(s)), 6 Coordinated Sectors (CS(s)), and 7 Territorial Sectors (TS(s)).


  • The Free Zone, the Sorvosi regime, and Fallen Earth are not administered, but are still considered Armed Republic territory.
  • All territory on the map within the red border is within the Serene Death's territorial sectors and is claimed by the Serene Death, but is not neccessarily administered by the Serene Death Government.

Fortified Metropolitan Planets

FMPs are planets with a large enough population and a good enough local defense force to be considered an independent entity inside the Serene Republic. The current 5 FMPs are all in the Morn Sector (the so-called "Uncoordinated Sector"), and are in 3 of the 20 systems of this sector. These planets are assumed to represent the views of the rest of their system as well, as their systems do not get any power in the Senete.

It is of note that the planet of Dunwyl has tried several times to become an FMP, but has been shot down each time for one reason or another. Many believe that the main reasons are accutally because of the fact that it is not one of the original 5, nor is it in any of their solar systems. Dunwyl is in the Dynba system in the Territorial sector Taban.

  • Ini (capital); Tinia system
    • The planet of Ini has one metropolis, Ini City, which stretches over the smaller of 3 continents on the planet. The other continents have few inhabited areas. The planet has a large fleet defending it, many defensive satallites and stations, and also dockyards and other civilian stations around the planet and its single moon.
  • Seabreeze; Valm system
    • Seabreeze is so named for the original colony which was settled on the shore between the calm inner sea of the planet's only continent and the cliffs surrounding the sea. Much of the rest of the planet's land mass is made up in archapelagos and solitary islands. Many have small communities or businesses built on them. The planet also has 3 small moons circling it.
  • Lancont; Valm system
    • A planet with strong military culture, it is home to 3 major cities and the major Peacekeeper and PMF Officer Academy. Its moon houses the major Naval and Space Corps Academy. The planet is also home to major military manufacturing sectors.
  • Accretia; Faima system
    • Settled by mostly religious pacifists and their military protectors, it has always been home to a strong pacifist and religious culture. Many small settlements are found all over the planet, as well as in several stations overlooking the pristine world.
  • Ecnoi; Faima system
    • This planet is the home of many financial institutions and business headquarters. This is due to its former mineral rich surface, as well as the mined out moons and its proximity to the asteroid belt. Much of the mineral resources are now gone, but they have allowed a base for one of the richest planets in the entire Serene Death.

Militant Systems

MSs are systems that have a fairly large population and defense force, but no one planet has this independently. All of the militant systems are in the Morn Sector of space. Several times the Kushi sector has asked to be split into Militant systems, but the federal government believes that the poplulation is not large enough to warrent such a change.

  • Andanan
  • Andari
  • Azia
  • Caldar
  • Delaz
  • Durak
  • Gallente
  • Grez
  • Hull
  • Josrad
  • Nicorab
  • Nova
  • Novapax
  • Rimwatch
  • Russkar
  • Toryev
  • Vorinov

Coordinated Sectors

The Coordinated Sectors are areas of little population or regulation. This makes them the prime stomping grounds for corperations. These areas have only limited amounts of law enforcement and are sometimes havens for outlaws, although usually outlaws trying to hide here fall victim to local vigilante justice.

  • Lekgolo
  • Kushi
  • Xou-bian
  • Nyrus
  • Meporu
  • Kuvoki

Territorial Sectors

These sectors are the most lawless of all, and have only the most rudimentary administration and law enforcement. While most systems in Coordinated Sectors have law enforcement stations, there are few in either of the Territorial sectors. These are really lawless sectors, and many outlaws hide here. Most systems have to defend themselves against threats. On the map, they are not inside the territory marked as The Serene Death.

  • Tyril Sector
    • Jamre System
      • Liberty
      • Kusar
      • Hispa
      • Breti
      • Rhenil
    • Largu system
      • XB-457 - planet with a thin oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere; home to small government military base and furthest settlement from the FMPs
  • Taban Sector
    • Dynba system
      • Dunwyl - planet with 6th highest population in the Serene Death; all trade to the Serene Death travels through this system due to the wormhole here which is harnessed to create a portal wider than some planets
    • Narba system
      • Fugazi - mining planet that was attacked by The Republic; wiped clean by the Serene Death government
    • Renbo system
      • Cret - trade planet that gets a regualar stream of trade due to its proximity to Dunwyl and Annoo
      • Annoo - agricultural world; 4th biggest producer of foodstuffs; attacked during the Republic Conflict
    • Sarm system
      • Cadhu - Beautiful & civilized world that is completely self-suficient; join the Republic during its attack, violently suppresed by government after the attack was repulsed
  • Fulka Sector
  • Wahsib Sector
  • Kai'Le Sector
  • Barrier Sector - Sector consisting of systems along the Barrier that is the coreward border of the nation. This sector is home to many industrial operations due to the proximity of the Barrier. It is also home to many military outposts due to the raiders that hide in the Barrier. The sector borders the nation of Fallen Earth.
  • Sali Sector - Sector containing the Sorvosi regime.