Royal Air Force of the Archipelagic Empire

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Revision as of 21:29, 11 January 2006 by Laidir (Talk | contribs)

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Established well before the inventioned of the modern airplane, the RAFAE, or the Nua Wantagh Aeronautical Corps as it was then known, was active in the use of balloons, dirigibles, and airships. The island's unusually flat elevation may have been a blessing to farmers, but it was an even greater blessing to its aviation endeavours.



RAFAE Roundel

The Royal Air Force of the Archipelagic Empire's roundel is based on Laidir's flag. The winged star is also the centerpiece, while the stripes of the flag form the basis for the surrounding circles. Absent are the other stars in the Laidir national flag.



Laidir's modern aircraft is incredibly updated, with the F-117 being the crown jewel of the RAFAE. laidirf117.jpg Its ability to evade radar in addition to its unparalleled accuracy in launching precision-guided missiles make the F-117 "Nighthawk" the most prived possession in the Air Armada.


laidirf16.gif However, there are 2 major setbacks to the F-117. 1) Its stealth ability makes it slower and less flexible in carrying payloads and 2) It cannot defend itself from air-to-air confrontations. This is where the F-16 comes in. Perhaps the most maneuverable jet in the world, the F-16 not only has a flexible capability of delivering payloads, but is highly skilled in air-to-air combat and "dogfighting".


laidirc17.gif However, any military is useless without the ability to resupply itself. The C-17 cargo jet accomplishes this feat and then some. It can carry nearly 100 tons of cargo in 18,000 cubic feet of space. It is the perfect cargo jet for a nation like Laidir, since it is designed to take off from smaller airfields, accomodating Laidir's island-hopping ambitions.