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King Sweyn I
1609 - 1626
Second king of the Upper Lands of Excalbia.

After the death of his father, King Alsgood, the Great many barons sought the throne. Without any established rules of succession, it became a matter of gaining the support of the largest number of barons and making the greatest show of force. Using his father's alliances, Sweyn quickly gained the support of a number of barons who were able to field an army large enough to dissuade his challengers from contesting his claim to the throne.

King Sweyn died in battle against the Lowlanders at the age of 35, leaving behind three daughers and a nine-year old son, who was judged too young to ascend the throne. As a result, he the barons chose his cousin, known as Hardecanute, the Long Nose, as his successor.