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Forum: [1]
Population: 57 nations
Delegate: Cognitio
Founder: Llamian
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The Democracy within a sanctuary of peace as it is sometimes called. We are a relatively small region but growing fast, in the past few weeks we have grown by one third. We offer places in our regional government and fun discussions on our RMB daily so that our nations can enjoy a peaceful and happy nationstates life. But for those who are not interested in peace can apply for our military branch of the EAA, an organiation dedicated to fighting region crashers. So move to Peaceian today, and you'll be surprised!

History of Peaceian

Peaceian is a very old and prosperous region, as you may or may not know it has seen many Governments and changes which have influenced how the present Government approaches issues. This is a brief history of our great region, it contains Three Main Ages and an Interim. If you have any queries about Peaceian, please contact either Chin-Chillas or Cognitio, as they are some of the few Ten Founders that remain.

The First Age - The Peaceian Council

After the first creation of Peaceian, the region was run by the founder Chin-Chilla himself, along with the Ten Founding Nations who moved with him from the former Peaceian region, The Land of the Bunnies. Once the region had grown to a sustainable size, and the Founders felt that the region was stable enough to hold a government. Chin-Chilla enacted a regional Act he named 'The First Act of Peaceian', later renamed as 'The Peaceian Council Act', this created a regional council which had the power to govern the region, any nation was permitted to become a member of the council as long as they were a UN member and dedicated to Peaceian alone.

At its height the Peaceian Council had over 20 members in a region of approximately 40 nations. The Council passed many acts which the present Peaceian Government still stand by and uphold to this day, these included Acts such as 'The Constant Democracy Act' which ensures that Peaceian remains a democracy, this is now written in the present Consitution.

As the region became ever more stable the original founder Chin-Chilla, decided that the Peaceian Council needed to be made more complex, he did this by proposing a new Act named 'The Government Expansion Act', this gave the Peaceian Council a whole new Debation arena, this was done by creating a higher Council called the 'Pernament Member Council', this started with the Ten Founding Friends who would debate issues as would the normal council, the Pernament Council members could promote any council members they see fit to the Higher Council.

At this new complexity, it is believed that were many conflicts between the Higher and Lower Councils, most behind closed doors. Exact reasons are unknown, but the Peaceian Council broke down slowly and eventually dissolved. With what few Council member that remained, Chin-Chilla, Llamian, Squangul8 and NimNim passed an Emergency Act which took Peaceian into it's second age.

The Second Age - The Peaceian Administration

The Emergency Act passed by the remaining Peaceian Council members was later named 'The Council Temination Act', this Act abolished the Peaceian Council, and in it's place created a new kind of government which had more of a job specification. Instead of one council to deal with all aspects of Peaceian, the new government was divided into Departments, thse included the Executive Deparment, which headed all the Departments and was Controlled by a Regional President named as the Chairman, this was decided to be Chin-Chilla, until the Government was stable enough to have an election. There were also various other Departments, these were Law and Order, Defence, Recruitment and Foriegn Affairs.

The Peaceian Adminstration only lived through one Chairman election, Chin-Chilla won by a landslide and remained as Chairman for the remainder of the Second Age, whilst in office Chin-Chilla maintained a high standard of activity and communication between the Departments, he was especially interested in Foreign Affairs and worked hard to form alliances, these included alliances with Priory of Sion, The Barrier Reef, Juxtaposition X and the emergency Auxiliary Army, with whom we later joined to become part of a multi-regional army, this secured our stance as Defenders.

Many of those alliances formed by the Peaceian Administration still stand today. These were proved to be very valuable when Chairman Chin-Chilla and both his deputies NimNim, Llamian and Squangul8 were absent for a weekend, the region was attacked by a number of invader regions. The Emergency Auxiliary Army were of course first to react, they called all avaliable Units in to protect the region, Sadly their troops of over 50 in numbers were not enough for the combined efforts of the raiders, Peaceian Allies however were enough to secure Peaceian's delegacy and keep us safe from harm. We were and still are eternally grateful to the armies of the EAA, Juxtaposition X, The Barrier Reef, Priory of Sion and many Defenders from various organisations.

However the region was not left unscathed by this ruthless attack, the region became inactive and the Government ineffective at keeping the region alive, in the Spring of 2004 Chairman Chin-Chilla pronounced the region as Dead and moved on along with the few active nations left, few remained.

The Dark Times - Interim

With the few active nations left sprawled over the many allied regions that Peaceian had, Chin-Chilla in The Worlds Stronghold, NimNim in Juxtaposition X etc..., Peaceian was left, an abadoned region where only the inactive and truly faithful of her re-growth remained. There were many who tried to re-build Peaceian but to no avail, these included Diceman and Eden Isle, both who gave up in despair. There was one however who was seen to leave the region in late August, looking like another who was abadoning Peaceian she left for Allied Regions and returned in Late August 2004, with some unexpected companions.

The Third Age - The Peaceian Central Committee

The Nation was of course Llamian, who had remained faithfully in Peaceian concocting a plan to re-establish Peaceian in Nationstates. Once she was certain of her plans, she firstly went to The Worlds Stronghold, to their Foreign Secretary, to ask that he come back to his old home, and make use of her plans. He was hard to persuade, but eventually Chin-Chilla was convinced to return to Peaceian and begin work. Together Chin-Chilla, Llamian and the former NimNim, now known as Cognitio, re-entered Peaceian with an entire new Government system.

The first thing that these nations did was to eject all nations from Peaceian and let her die, then Llamian re-founded her to become the new Peaceian Founder. Then the Government was set up, we still run by this Government today, and Peaceian continues to cruise throughout her Third Age growing in nations everyday, we hope she has a great future ahead of her.